Characteristics of the cucumber variety Friends-buddies

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Recently, bunch cucumbers have been popular among breeders. They are characterized by a bouquet-setting of ovaries and a high yield. The Friends-Friends cucumber variety deserves special attention.

Characteristics of the cucumber variety Friends-buddies

Characteristics of the cucumber variety Friends-buddies

Description of the variety

According to the description, the Friends-Pals variety is universal:

  • The culture grows well both in unprotected soil and in a greenhouse.
  • The variety is classified as early maturing. It takes only 40 days from the appearance of the first shoots to the first harvest.
  • From 1 sq. m of cucumber beds are harvested from 7 to 13 kg.
  • Friends-buddies lay up to 7 ovaries in one knot.
  • The hybrid variety is classified as a vigorous and highly branched plant.
  • The variety is resistant to temperature extremes.


Zelentsy Friends-buddies have the shape of a green cylinder. In length, each fruit does not stretch more than 10 cm, the weight reaches 100 g. Cucumbers are distinguished by juicy softness and lack of bitterness. Zelentsy do not turn yellow and do not outgrow.

The fruits of the hybrid are distinguished by high keeping rates, they can easily be transported over long distances, they are harmoniously combined with other vegetables in summer fragrant salads. Cucumbers have excellent taste when preserved and salted.

Planting bushes

Before planting the hybrid, seeds are germinated, the seeds are dipped in warm water, left to swell, after which they are caught and laid out on a damp piece of cloth. After a couple of days, the seeds hatch.

Open ground

Planting cucumbers in unprotected soil begins in the second half of May. The soil for cucumber beds is dug up, manure or bird droppings are introduced into it, and weeds are removed.

Tomatoes and potatoes can be the predecessors of cucumbers. Cucumber bushes should not be placed in places where watermelon, melon, zucchini, carrots or beans were grown last year. The beds are laid out in a well-lit area.

The culture is planted in a 70 x 30 cm pattern. This provides unhindered access to plants during weeding, watering, and harvesting.

Seeds are sown until mid-June. Sowing later will prevent the plants from developing normally. Cucumbers do not like long daylight hours: this entails fatigue and weakness of the culture - the bouquets of ovaries will not be able to develop normally.


Strong seedlings will provide a good harvest

Strong seedlings will provide a good harvest

For seedlings, germinated seeds are buried 2 cm in pre-prepared soil. Ready-made mixtures are sold in specialized stores. The soil can be prepared with your own hands. To do this, take 2 parts of humus, 1 part of peat and 1 part of sawdust.

Recommendations for growing seedlings:

  • Plastic cups are ideal as containers for seedlings. Cucumbers Friends-buddies do not tolerate a pick.
  • The temperature in the room with the seedlings is maintained at 20 ° C. Cucumber sprouts are watered and fertilized in moderation.
  • After the appearance of the second true leaf, the seedlings are taken out to a permanent place in the greenhouse.

Cucumber care

Recommendations for caring for cucumbers boil down to the following points:

  • The beds are weeded to saturate the earth with oxygen.
  • Get rid of weeds so that they do not take nutrients from the plant.
  • Friends-buddies water cucumbers no more than once every 2 days. At high temperatures, the interval between watering is shortened or the crop is additionally watered in the morning before the onset of heat. Use only warm, settled water.
  • Top dressing of the culture begins from day 15. Further, fertilization is repeated after 10-14 days, not forgetting to alternate mineral and organic mixtures.
  • Culture feels better tied to trellises. The height of the structure is adjusted independently. The optimum height is 2 m.
  • A cucumber bush is formed into one stem. To do this, the lower 4 knots of the knot, and then to the very top, one bundle of ovaries is left in each sinus. When the plant reaches the top point of support, pinch the main trunk.


Cucumbers are harvested every 2 days. On hotter days, the crop is harvested daily so that the plant continues to bear fruit intensively. If the cucumbers are allowed to overripe, the culture will begin to dry out, the ovaries will cease to form, and the yield will decrease.

It is better not to pluck the greens, but to cut them off so as not to damage the stems of the plant.

Disease prevention

The variety demonstrates a high degree of resistance to powdery mildew, all types of spotting. Cucumbers are resistant to fungal diseases - peronosporiasis and cladosporiasis.

Preventive measures are taken without fail: the hybrid is sprayed with fungicides.

It is also important to treat plants with insecticides to prevent insect pests.

Cucumbers Buddy Friends are popular among vegetable growers. If you organize proper care and follow the rules of agricultural technology, the culture will thank you with a good harvest.

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