Carrot harvesting dates in 2019

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Carrots are an easy crop to grow. The main difficulty is choosing the time for harvesting. Failure to meet the deadline leads to rapid spoilage of root crops. Consider what days according to the lunar calendar the harvesting of carrots should take place in 2019.

Carrot harvesting dates in 2019

Carrot harvesting dates in 2019

General rules

A month before the planned date, stop watering and cancel all dressings in order to prevent cracks on the surface of the fruit.

Cleaning is carried out in dry and warm weather. Rain and frost will reduce the shelf life of carrots.

In order not to injure the fruit, use a pitchfork. I dig them in, remove them from the ground, holding them by the tops, then gently clean off the remnants of the earth.

The tops are removed so that moisture does not evaporate through it, and the vegetables do not shrivel.

Before being sent for storage, the crop is kept for 2-3 days under a canopy. The procedure allows the vegetables to ventilate, which will prevent premature decay.

Tops removal technique

If the tops are not removed after harvesting, they continue to grow and suck water out of the root crop. This will lead to rapid drying of the fruit and a decrease in storage time.

How to do it:

  • grab by hand, twist and tear off;
  • cut off completely with a knife or save 2 mm of the tail;
  • cut the greens together with the top of the fruit (2 mm deep).

Signs of fruit ripening

Before removing roots from the garden, you should make sure that they are ripe. Premature harvesting will not allow the fruits to ripen and shorten the shelf life in winter, but an overexposed vegetable loses its taste, and when it gets cold it can be affected by diseases.

Signs for the start of collection are the following signs:

  • yellowness of the lower leaves;
  • fruits along the entire length are covered with white roots;
  • an increase in the middle in diameter up to 1 cm.

What affects the time of digging

Harvesting time depends on a variety of conditions that affect the rate of maturation of the root crop.

The lunar calendar has a great influence. But, regardless of favorable days, it is recommended to take into account the climatic features of the region, the varietal group, and the time that has passed since the sowing work.

Varietal features

Early varieties are not subject to long-term storage

Early varieties are not subject to long-term storage

Seeds of early maturing varieties give a full harvest by mid-July. You can clean up in stages or at the same time. Fill up the resulting voids, otherwise a carrot fly may start in the recesses. Such a crop is not suitable for winter storage, it is eaten or sold.

Fruits of mid- and late-ripening varieties are harvested from the garden in September (northern regions) and October (central, southern regions). Optimal period: end of September – first decade of October.

Late species can be in the soil up to -3 °, but no more than 2-3 days.

Climatic conditions

Focusing on folk signs, the roots are harvested by September 26 (Kornilov day). Having passed this milestone, the roots stop growing and begin to freeze.

But it is worth considering the changes in the weather: with a rainy, cold autumn, you should not delay harvesting carrots.

In warm summer and autumn conditions, the harvest is harvested before the onset of the Cover of the Day (October 14).

In the subsequent period, there may be night frosts, which will have a detrimental effect on the culture. It is recommended to dig up carrots in warm and sunny weather.

Lunar calendar for 2019

Helpful hints

The moon affects the movement of fluid in plants.

  1. It is recommended to harvest from the garden in a diminishing phase: the circulation of the juice is reduced, growth will be stopped, the taste is at a height.
  2. The growing moon awakens sap, which activates the growing process. The harvested crop at the peak of ripening will be spoiled.
  3. It is forbidden to carry out any gardening work in the intermediate periods: during the Full Moon, New Moon or eclipse.

Auspicious days

According to the lunar calendar, the harvesting of root crops in 2019 is allowed from the second summer month.

Suitable days:

  • in July - 23-27;
  • August - 19-25;
  • September - 8.9, 16-21, 25, 26;
  • October - 3-6, 15-19, 22-25.

The Eastern zodiac directly affects the development of plants. The passage of the satellite in Aries and Leo is considered favorable, neutral - in Capricorn, Taurus and Gemini, negative - in Virgo and Pisces.

Harvesting in different regions

Harvesting depends on the weather conditions in the regions

Harvesting depends on the weather conditions in the regions

It is impossible to set an exact date for harvesting root crops in 2019.

There are certain time boundaries that may shift depending on the climatic characteristics of the region.

  1. In the Urals and Siberia, it is harvested from August 16 to mid-September. This is due to the short summer and the fast onset of frost.
  2. The middle zone of Russia and the Moscow region start working in September, the late varieties are dug up from the middle of the month. In these regions, the weather is unstable, which can deteriorate with the onset of October.
  3. In the Kuban and in the southern regions, harvesting begins not earlier than the second month of autumn. The long warm season is suitable for growing late varieties. Harvesting early will lead to rapid decay of root crops.

Storage rules

Before harvesting, it is advisable to choose a storage location. It should be dry, ventilated, with an optimal temperature regime.

  1. Plastic bag. Storage is possible provided oxygen is available, so holes are made in them.
  2. Box. The dried vegetable crop is placed in rows in a container, covered with sand or peat.
  3. Pit. The depth should not exceed 30 cm, the bottom is covered with sand. Carrots are laid in rows, each of which must be sprinkled with sand. The filled hole is covered with foliage, spruce needles, and later with a layer of snow.
  4. Clay crust. Root vegetables are alternately dipped in a clay solution with chopped garlic. The coating protects against rodents and diseases.
  5. Drying and freezing. So the carrots retain their juiciness and taste.

Summing up

If you follow the planting rules, choose the optimal days according to the lunar calendar, you will be able to grow a decent harvest. All that remains is to assemble it correctly and provide high-quality storage conditions in order to enjoy the product for a long time.

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