Popular varieties of carrots

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Modern carrot varieties are very diverse. Many of them are hybrids. Several hundred varieties of this useful vegetable have been bred, new ones are constantly appearing. They differ in appearance, ripening time, yield, content of nutrients, taste.

Popular varieties of carrots

Popular varieties of carrots

What are the varieties

Carrots are an annual, biennial or perennial plant, one of the most popular vegetables on our table. It is eaten fresh, added to soups, salads, main courses, pickles and pickles, dried and even juices are made. The vegetable has been grown in Europe for several millennia. Modern breeders have developed hundreds of varieties. There is not only the usual orange carrots, but also multi-colored ones.

The characteristics of all varieties of carrots have several criteria:

  • Ripening terms
  • Yield
  • The shape and size of the root crop
  • Vegetable color

Ripening classification

In accordance with the ripening period, vegetables are divided into:

  • Superearly
  • Early ripening
  • Mid-season
  • Late ripening

Classification by shape

By shape, the roots are divided into several serotypes:

  • Nantes (elongated cylindrical shape with a blunt tip)
  • Geranda (short, tapered with a tapered tip)
  • Carotel (round and round-oval shape)
  • Valeria (large spindle-like)

The weight of one root crop varies widely, from 20 to 300 g, and the length is from 10 cm to 30 cm.

Color classification

Here's what a colored carrot is:

  • Red-orange
  • Orange
  • Yellow-orange
  • Yellow
  • White
  • Purple
  • Blue
  • Black

The lighter the color of the vegetable, the less carotene it contains. White and light yellow varieties are grown in China, Japan and Uzbekistan and are well suited for pilaf. The white Daikon variety looks more like parsley than carrots. The purple or blue carrot is a traditional European species that originally grew in this region. It has been supplanted by the Middle Eastern orange. It is sweeter, but has a lower yield.

The most common classification of carrot varieties is by ripening time. We will take it as the basis for a more detailed description.

Very early and early ripening varieties

The sweetest and juiciest carrot

The sweetest and juiciest carrot

Early varieties of carrots have a ripening period of 85-100 days. Super early or ultra early - 65-70 days. They are juicy and crunchy and are good to eat raw. They become soft in soups and main courses. The yield is average, the products are not stored for long. But carrots will become one of the first fresh vegetables on your table in late spring or early summer, especially when planted under a film or in a greenhouse. The fruits are always sweet and juicy.

The most productive and popular early carrot varieties with the names:

  • Amsterdam or Amsterdam. The variety was bred by Polish breeders. The crop is harvested 90 days after planting, 4.6-6.7 kg of products are obtained from 1m². The root crop has a cylindrical shape, weight about 160 g, length 14-20 cm. The pulp is juicy, sweet, the vegetable does not crack with excess moisture in the soil.
  • Honey.The ripening period of early carrots is 70-100 days. The weight of the root crops is 140-250 g, the length is 16-18 cm, they are cylindrical, smooth, with blunt ends. The pulp is juicy and sweet, suitable for juices and purees, fresh consumption. The vegetable is well stored until the very beginning of winter.
  • Montana. An early Dutch hybrid matures in 90-110 days, with a shelf life of about 7-8 months. Medium-sized root crop, low tops. The pulp is juicy, orange. Vegetables are harvested both by hand and using agricultural machinery.
  • Nel or Nelly f1. An early hybrid named after its creator. Ripens 80-90 days, the leaves are low, erect or spreading. The heads are cylindrical, 18-20 cm long and weighing 110 g. The pulp is orange, juicy, sweet, does not crack, vegetables have a good presentation.
  • A princess. A medium-sized carrot that ripens for 85-90 days. The shape is cylindrical, with a blunt tip. The chemical composition is rich, the pulp contains a lot of carotene and sugar. Therefore, the variety is often used for the preparation of baby food. The vegetables are kept in the basement until the end of winter.
  • Barbara Krasa. Combines early ripening (90-95 days), good yield and keeping quality. The root has a cylindrical shape with a narrowed tip, weight - 140-150 g. The pulp is orange, juicy and sweet, does not crack at high humidity.
  • Holiday. Hybrid with medium early ripening (90-110 days). The heads are conical in shape, with narrow tips, deep orange in color. The pulp contains a lot of carotene and sugar, sweet and juicy on the palate. The core is tricolor, with yellow, red and orange tints.
  • News f1. A hybrid with a vegetation period of 100 days, stored for 4-6 months. Fruits are cylindrical, bright orange in color, weight - 100-230 g. Sugar content is relatively low - 5.6-6.2%, carotene - 13.3-14.8 mg / 100 g. Carrots do not crack, have good marketable quality.
  • Nantes or Nantes. Mid-early carrots for open ground with a ripening period of 100-110 days. Fruits are relatively small, up to 18 cm long, weighing 100-120 g. The pulp is orange, sweet and juicy; it can be stored for several months.
  • Fairy. An early variety, harvesting begins 95-100 days after germination. The mass and dimensions are average, the shape is cylindrical, the color is orange-red, the core is red. Contains a lot of sugar, sweet on the Taste, smooth fruits, have a good presentation.
  • Alenka. The crop is harvested 85 days after planting has been completed. Fruits are small, up to 80-100 g in weight and 14-16 cm long, have the shape of a cylinder. Productivity depends on the fertility of the soil, the variety loves loose, well-fertilized soil.
  • Tito. A mid-early variety of carrots with a growing season of 90-100 days. Root vegetables are medium in size, in the form of a cylinder with a pointed tip. The taste and yield are good. The variety is specially designed for growing in heavy soils and in difficult climatic conditions. For this carrot, for example, the Ural region is suitable.
  • Baby, Baby, Baby or Baby. Sweet carrot with early ripening. It contains 10-16% sugar and 28 mg / 100 g of carotene (above the daily dose). Therefore, it is considered a healthy treat for children. Suitable for consumption raw and boiled, it is often used for making fresh juices. Productivity is high, stored until late autumn.
  • Samantha. An early variety of carrots, with a mass of 100-200 g and a length of 15-20 cm. The shape is cylindrical, with a blunt spout. It tastes sweet, juicy, high yield, average keeping quality.
  • Monanta. Harvesting of this variety begins as early as 90-100 days after germination. The root is medium in size, bright orange in color, cylindrical, with a rounded end. The taste is sweet, the harvest is stored for 4-6 months, it is harvested both manually and mechanically.
  • Bangor. An early hybrid, the weight reaches 200 g, the taste is average, the sugar content is low. Presentation and yield are good, universal use. Suitable for long-term storage.
  • Cordoba F1.Ultra-early hybrid with a vegetation period of 75-85 days. The shape is conical, the color of the carrot is deep orange, the size is medium. The hybrid is resistant to heat and drought, does not bloom in the first year. The taste is satisfactory.
  • Super Muscat. An ultra-early variety, which is harvested for bunches already 50-65 days after germination. Root crops are uniform, weighing 100-160 g, smooth, orange in color. The pulp is juicy, moderately sweet, with a small heart. The plant is sown not only in spring, but also for the winter.
  • Kuroda. Early carrot of Japanese origin. They begin to collect it already 55-60 days after germination. The root is conical, dense, terracotta in color, with a rich taste and aroma. grows about 20 cm, weighs 0.25 kg.
  • Polar cranberry. The ultra-early ripening variety is ready for use as early as 65 days after planting. The carrot is perfectly round, hence its unusual name. It contains a lot of sugar and carotene, the taste is sweet. The variety is suitable for fresh consumption and for preserving whole fruits.
  • Refined sugar. Early carrot with medium roots. Their shape is conical, with a blunt nose. The color of the pulp is bright orange, the taste is good. The variety has good keeping quality.
  • Napoli F1. An ultra-early variety that ripens within 80-90 days after sowing the seeds. Fruits are cylindrical, bright orange in color, small pith. They are the same size and yield bountiful harvests. More suitable for the south and black earth regions.
  • Chocolate bunny. This is a hybrid of ultra-early early carrots, which reaches its condition in 65-70 days. Its pulp is lilac or purple, like beets, the core is orange, the shape is elongated, conical. Has an original sweet taste and aroma, suitable for salads, juices, purees.
  • Dunyasha. Super early carrots, which are harvested within 60-75 days after planting. it was brought out by domestic breeders. The rosette of leaves is powerful, stands straight. Equal shape, conical, root length 14-16 cm. The pulp is orange, sweet, juicy and crunchy. Has a stable harvest, presentable presentation.
  • Minicore. An early miniature carrot with a growing season of 80-90 days. The length of the cylindrical roots is only 13-15 cm, and the diameter is 1.5 cm. The flesh is crispy, with a delicate taste, suitable for own consumption and sale on the market. The mini-carrot Zaykino happiness or Zaykina joy has similar characteristics.
  • Lydia. An early hybrid with elongated, tapered roots and pointed tips. The heads are even and smooth, the tops are lush and strong. The pulp is orange, juicy, with a good taste. It is recommended to grow in high beds with loose soil.
  • Gummies or Gummies. Ripens 80-90 days, if sown for the winter, the harvest is easy to get by the beginning of June. Fruits are cylinders with a length of 15-20 cm, weighing 0.2 kg, orange hue. It contains a lot of carotene, it lies for a long time as for an early variety.
  • Marlinka. Medium early variety with good taste. The fruit is a truncated cone with a blunt nose, weighs 90-150 g. It gives a stable yield, long and well stored, suitable for self-harvesting of seeds.
  • Royal Rex. The variety is classified as medium early, but it is removed for bunch production as early as 60 days after germination. Carrots have the shape of a cylinder, weigh about 100-120 g and a length of 18-20 cm. The core is absent, the pulp is rich orange. The variety is high-yielding, has good keeping quality.
  • Resistafly nantik. An early variety with a growing season of 90-95 runoff. The crown is erect, dense, with lush foliage. Fruits are cylindrical, medium in size, approximately equal in weight and length. It is not stored for long, up to 5 months.
  • Yellowstone or Yellow Stone. Early yellow carrot, which is harvested within 70 runoff after germination. The length of the root is 18 cm, the pulp is juicy and soft, with a lemon-yellow hue that remains during cooking. Resistant to adverse conditions, spicy in taste.
  • Pharaoh. This carrot is early maturing, it ripens for 70-85 days.The heads are cylindrical, weighing 100-140 g, the same size with a flat surface. Good taste, shelf life for several months, suitable for fresh consumption and for culinary processing.
  • Emperor. Emperor carrots are classified as early and medium varieties. The growing season is 95-100 days. Root crops are cylindrical, 23-25 ​​cm long. The pulp is red, juicy, with a high content of nutrients. The products tolerate transportation and storage well.

Early carrots are often used for bunch production, they are sweet and juicy. The main disadvantage is the short shelf life, it lasts a maximum until late autumn or early winter.

Mid-season varieties

Seeds do not germinate quickly

Seeds do not germinate quickly

The growing season of mid-season varieties is 105-120 days. Seeds germinate late. Vegetables need constant weeding, as the emergence of seedlings coincides with the intensive growth of weeds. The hybrids are fruitful, mature, suitable for raw consumption and any culinary processing.

The most popular varieties:

  • Carrots are children's sweetness. Variety of mid-early carrots Children's sweetness ripens for 120-130 days. The head has an intense orange hue, weighs 160-180 g. The incomparable sweet carrot has a juicy crunchy flesh, with a small core inside. The yield is high, it can be stored for a long time, it is resistant to diseases.
  • Chantone Royal. A high-yielding medium early variety with a ripening period of 98-110 days. Well stored, suitable for harvesting for the winter. Weight 100-250 g, conical shape with a blunt tip. Resistant to cracking, the pulp is juicy, rich in carotene, juices and baby purees are made from it.
  • Royal Forto. Suitable for industrial cultivation and machine harvesting, can be stored well. Ripens 110 days after planting. The tops are lush, high, the root crop is cylindrical, weight 90-110 g, length - 18-20 cm. Suitable for all types of culinary processing, canning.
  • Berlikum Royal. Belongs to a medium late variety, ripening period 110-130 days. The root is conical, its length is 20-23 cm, weight is about 190 g. The pulp contains about 9% sugar and 21% carotene, juicy and tasty, bright orange in color.
  • Altai gourmet or Altai Sweet Tooth. Mid-season carrot variety, vegetation period 90-110 days. Resistant to any weather conditions, gives a good harvest. It is colored in a rich orange color, due to the high content of carotene. Weight is about 200 g, and dimensions are 20-25 cm.
  • Peasant woman. This is the name of an ordinary carrot, which is often grown in summer cottages. The crop is harvested 110-115 days after sowing. The pulp is juicy, sweet, with a thin heart, bright shade. Weight reaches 130-200 g, conical shape, with a pointed tip. Well suited for growing in the middle lane.
  • Leander. Harvesting begins 117-130 days after sowing seeds, yield up to 9 k / 1m². The shape of the carrot is cylindrical, the root crop is elongated, weighing about 170 g. The vegetable is resistant to cracking, well stored, suitable for growing in northern regions, universal use.
  • Nigel f1. A Dutch hybrid that grows to condition in 110 days. Cylindrical shape, weight 80-190 g. High sugar and carotene content, fruitful hybrid, disease-resistant, 85-90% of seeds sprout, suitable for winter planting.
  • Carrot grade Olympian. A hybrid high in sugar and carotene. The growing season is 108-115 days. Tops with strongly dissected leaves and strong stalks. The root is in the form of a cylinder with a blunt end. The weight of the fruits is 110-130, the length is up to 20-23 cm. The dimensions of the core are average, the pulp is juicy, it can be stored for 6-7 months. The hybrid is suitable for clay soils.
  • Sirkana F1. Medium late hybrid, the crop is harvested 120-130 days after sowing the seeds. Root vegetables of medium length, in the form of a cylinder with a blunt end, rich orange, small core. Shelf life - 7-8 months, suitable for any soil.
  • Flaccoro. The growing season is 110-130 days, the fruits are large, up to 30 cm in length.A distinctive feature of the carrot variety is its poor absorption of nitrates. Therefore, Flaccoro is often used to prepare baby food. In addition, it has a high keeping quality and is stored until spring.
  • Chanson. Carrot with small fruits, ripens 110 days. The shape is conical, with a sharp end. The pulp is rich orange, with a small pith. Differs in good keeping quality, about 98% of the harvest is preserved until spring.
  • Karotel Punisher or Karotelka. The growing season is 110 days. The root has a conical shape, the nose is blunt. Fruit weight - 80-160 g, length 9-15 cm. The variety is resistant to shooting, flowering and a number of diseases.
  • Bolero. French hybrid with medium ripening (110-120 days from germination). The tops are erect, lush, the roots are smooth, in the form of a cylinder, 18-20 cm long. The pulp is juicy, sweet, with a rich orange hue. It is used for long-term storage, freezing, making juices, mashed potatoes and other purposes.
  • Sweetheart. Ripens 120-130 days, the yield is above average. Medium in size, sweet and juicy. The roots do not crack even with a lot of rainfall and wet soil. The variety is resistant to many diseases.
  • Squirrel. Ural hybrid of carrots, which is harvested in late July or August. Fruit length up to 19 cm, deep orange shade, conical shape. Differs in sweet taste, resistance to cold, does not crack.
  • Maestro. A hybrid with a growing season of 120-130 days, regular cylindrical roots. It has powerful tops, does not break, therefore it is suitable for mechanical cultivation and harvesting.
  • Sentyabrina. A variety of Siberian carrots with medium ripening periods. Fruit weight - 90-190 g, length - 17 cm. Crohn of saturated green color, half-extended rosette. The vegetable is eaten fresh, frozen, used in various culinary dishes.
  • Romos. Medium late Dutch hybrid with good yields. Weight up to 200 g, length - 20-25 cm. Fruits and core are red-orange, taste sweet, juicy, versatile in use, well stored in winter.
  • Caramel or Caramel. Harvesting begins 120-130 days after germination. The root crop is smooth, of medium length, weighs up to 0.2 kg. High content of carotene, which accumulates during storage. It tastes sweet and juicy, both spring and autumn planting is possible.
  • Dayana. High-yielding mid-season variety. On the 120th day, 6.3-9.2 kg of finished products are collected from 1 m² of the garden. The root is in the form of a cylinder, slightly narrowed at the bottom, weight - 100-170 g. It contains a lot of sugar and carotene, sown both in spring and autumn.
  • Autumn king. Mid-season species with a ripening period of 110-115 days. The fruit is conical, 20-25 cm long, weighing up to 0.2 kg, the pulp is bright orange juicy. The yield is high, the variety is suitable for long-term storage.
  • Bolivar. Plant with powerful and strong tops, medium heads (length about 20 cm). The shape is conical with a blunt end, the surface is smooth, without a peephole, the color is bright orange. Ripens even when planted late.
  • Cascade. A hybrid with a growing season of 110-120 days. Root crops are shortened, cylindrical, with blunt noses. Gives good giving birth, sweet, no bitterness, resistant to cracking.
  • Boltex. The variety reaches its condition in 120-125 days. It has a conical shape, roots are short and thick. The yield is high and stable, the fruits are resistant to cracking. It is stored for a long time and retains its taste well.
  • Rogneda. The growing season is 118-120 days, the yield is 6-9 kg / m², the similarity of seeds is high, 90% of the sprouts give full-value products. The tops are erect, dense and strong, the fruit with a large pith, which takes up about half of its diameter. The variety is resistant to root rot, cold and drought. Suitable for growing in Siberia, the Leningrad region, the Urals.
  • Champion. The growing season of the hybrid is 4 months. The root is cylindrical, with a blunt spout. The pulp is juicy, high in carotene. Stored for about 7 months.Suitable for heavy, clayey soil. Disease resistant.
  • Katay beauty. The growing season is 110-115 days. The fruit is cylindrical, elongated, of medium thickness. The sugar and carotene content of Chinese beauties is high. Harvesting carrots is easy using machinery and is suitable for industrial cultivation.
  • Callisto F1. Mid-season hybrid with good taste. Regular cylindrical shape with a smooth surface, length 18-29 cm. There is a lot of carotene in the heads, the core is almost absent. Suitable for long-term storage, baby food, recommended for people with low vision.
  • Mirzoi is yellow. Uzbek variety of carrots with yellow or light yellow flesh. Ripens 110-115 days. Root crops are small, wide, cylindrical. Suitable for making soups, pilaf, juices, it is often used for animal feed.
  • Neirobi or Nairobi. Israeli mid-ripening carrots that reach condition in 4 months. The heads are of medium size, weigh up to 0.2 kg, their length is 18-20 cm. The pulp is bright orange, does not break or crack, suitable for machine harvesting.
  • Nebula. A hybrid with a growing season of 120-130 days. The size is 20-25 cm, the shape is a cone close to the cylinder, the pulp is bright, juicy. The products are homogeneous, resistant to cracking, stored for 6-7 months.
  • Nerak. A hybrid that ripens for 4 months. Suitable for industrial cultivation and machine harvesting.
  • Sugar dream. A mid-season hybrid with a high yield, up to 8 kg per m² is harvested from the garden. Contains a lot of sugar and carotene. Products do not deteriorate until March.
  • Rustic. A variety with an average growing season. The root crop is about 0.2 m in length and weighs up to 0.2 kg. It has a high content of carotene and sugar, good keeping quality. Even unprocessed products are stored until spring.
  • Carbet F1. The growing season of the hybrid is 120-130 days. The tops are high, straight, powerful. The sizes are medium, the color is dark orange. The harvest has a chance to lie until March.
  • Abledo F1. Mid-late ripening hybrid, harvesting takes place from late August to September. About 5 kg of products are obtained from 1 m². Carrots are dark orange, conical, weighing up to 0.2 kg. Universal use, products do not deteriorate until spring.
  • Delicacy. Mid-season carrots with a high content of carotene and sugar. Weight 100-160 g. The pulp is juicy and sweet, with a rich original taste.

Hybrids and varieties of different origins with medium ripening times are among the most common. They ripen in the second half of summer and are stored for a long time, have an excellent taste.

Late varieties

Late varieties keep well

Late varieties keep well

Vegetation of late-ripening varieties lasts 130-150 days. Their yield is high. Late varieties of carrots are advantageous to grow for winter storage. They are resistant to storage and withering; they retain their useful qualities almost all winter. Most hybrids have a large root that contains a lot of carotene.

Rating of popular late varieties with names:

  • Red giant carrot or Rote Riesen. Late ripening carrot with high yield. From 1m² of a garden to 4 kg of vegetables. Weight about 150 g, cone-shaped, with a blunt tip. Length - 25 cm, diameter - 6 cm. In conditions of central Russia, it ripens in late August or early September.
  • Dolyanka. Suitable for home gardens and industrial cultivation. Productivity - 8 kg per 1m², has a good presentation, root crops are of the correct conical shape, even. The carotene content is high, therefore late-ripening carrots of this variety are used for baby food.
  • Vita longa. When planted in May, ripening ends in the second half of September. Fruits are conical in shape with blunt ends, weight from 100 g to 170 g, length 25-35 cm, and diameter - about 3 cm. The pulp is moderately juicy and sweet. The Vita Long carrot variety is suitable for winter storage.
  • Flakke. An autumn high-yielding variety of table carrots, bred in Italy. The root crop is conical, weighs about 200 g, and has a length of 24-30 cm.Vegetables are stored until spring, delicious, suitable for use in any form. There is an early variety of this variety called Karina or Karini, it differs only in the growing season.
  • Scarla. Late-ripening French carrots. Differs in high productivity, heads are large, cylindrical, with blunt ends. The color is deep orange. This variety is suitable for making Korean carrots, salads, and other cooking methods.
  • Caroline. Late variety carrots for winter storage. Ripens for 140-150 days, has a high yield. The roots are cylindrical, small, weighing about 65-75 g and up to 17-18 cm long. Resistant to many fungal diseases, tasty, versatile in use.
  • Karlena. Late variety of carrots with a growing season of 150 days. Harvesting takes place at the end of September, if the seeds are sown in May. Fruits are small, conical, orange in color. Average yield, sweet taste, juicy pulp, good keeping quality.
  • Narbonne. Dutch hybrid with late ripening (135 days). The fruits are large, weighing about 200-250 g, cylindrical, with blunt noses. The color is rich orange, the pulp is rich in carotene. Designed for long-term storage, does not break during harvesting, therefore it is permissible to use equipment in the fields.
  • Kupar. Dutch hybrid carrot with a growing season of about 130 days. The weight category is medium, conical in shape, with a blunt nose. It tastes sweet and juicy, does not crack. Productivity - 5 kg / m².
  • Natalia. Russian hybrid, bred in the middle of the last century. Reaches the condition in 135 days, the yield is average. The root crop has the shape of a cylinder with a blunt end, a length of 20-23 cm.
  • Yaroslavna. The growing season for the variety is 125-135 days, the yield is 3.7 kg / m². The pulp is red-orange, with an exquisite taste. The root is a cylinder with a blunt nose. Grows well on clay and loam with organic fertilizers.
  • Cardinal. The growing season of a late-ripening carrot variety is 140-150 days. The heads are conical, with a blunt end. Length - 18-20 cm, weight 90-150 g, color - dark orange. Suitable for processing into juices, baby purees, can be stored for a long time.
  • Anastasia. The growing season of the hybrid is 130-135 days. Fruits are 20-25 cm long and up to 160 g in weight, cylindrical. They are considered the best in taste among all European hybrids. Products are stored for 8 months.
  • Canterbury F1. The growing season of this carrot is 137-140 days. Fruit weight reaches 0.3 and even 0.7 kg, they have a cone shape and average length. The pulp is orange with a small one-color center. It lasts a long time, to increase the shelf life, it is recommended to treat the plants with thiram forte or another fungicide.
  • Strong guy. A cone-shaped carrot with a thick head. Fruits are large, firm, well stored. The original variety was smaller, but it was crossed to create a large yielding hybrid.
  • Karotan. A hybrid with a ripening period of 140-160 days. It has a conical shape with a pointed tip. Contains a lot of carotene, because it has a red-orange color, high taste. Suitable for harvesting for the winter.

Technological fodder carrots are sometimes found among late varieties. It is large, fruitful, but tasteless. Be sure to clarify this detail when buying.


To date, it is realistic to choose the best varieties of carrots. For a rich harvest, consider the following guidelines:

  • Large-fruited species with a long root grow well on loose, granular soil.
  • If the garden soil is clay, it is better to plant a carrot with a short head.
  • The round-headed varieties are tasty and interesting, but their yield is low.
  • Imported varieties are more productive than domestic ones; it is profitable to grow them for sale.
  • Homemade varieties have better taste and higher carotene content.
  • Take into account the peculiarities of the climate, some varieties are suitable for the south, for example, for the Krasnodar Territory, others for the north or northwest.
  • Choose a manufacturer with good reviews. Firms Aelita, Beijo, etc. have proven themselves quite well. The map of producing countries is wide, the seeds are produced in Holland, France, Germany, USA, Finland, Russia, Ukraine.
  • Weed regularly, apply fertilizer in granules or solutions, the cultivation technology only partially depends on the variety.
  • If you are preparing the seed yourself, be sure to pelletize them before planting. Productivity with pelleted seeds is always higher.
  • It is also recommended to use a tape planting technique for a more uniform emergence of shoots.
  • Check the purchased seeds carefully so that you do not get low-quality seeds.
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