Planting dates for carrots in 2019

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To get an excellent harvest, planting carrots in 2019 must be carried out on time. It is better to plant on suitable dates of the lunar calendar, you need to take into account the type of carrot and the climatic conditions in which it will grow.

Carrot planting dates in 2019

Planting dates for carrots in 2019

Lunar calendar for 2019

Carrots are not particularly whimsical in cultivation and care. But its quality and the amount of nutrients in the composition depends on whether it was planted in a good period or not.

According to the lunar calendar, auspicious days in 2019 are:

  • March - from 6 to 24, can only be planted under the film;
  • April - from 7 to 10 or from 15 to 27;
  • May - 4, 7, 9, 25 and 30;
  • June - 2, 3 and 8, 10, 11, 15, this period is the latest (critical).

Plant all root crops on the waning moon, then the vegetable will grow downward (to the root).

Planting depending on the variety

Like many other vegetables and fruits, carrot varieties are divided into: early, medium, late.

Choose the timing of planting depending on the variety: early and middle - in mid-October, late - even in the 1st of November.


These include: Dragon, Parmex, Prague Karotel, Finkor, Amsterdam.

These varieties mature in 70-90 days. They are not stored for long - 2-3 months.

They are planted at the end of April, 23-30, but you need to take into account the weather and air temperature.

If the soil is still cold, then the seeds may not sprout at all or will give a poor harvest later. If you do this in greenhouses, sowing dates may start earlier (from the end of March).


These include: Forto (the most productive variety), Vitaminnaya 6, Losinoostrovskaya (it is better to sow in peat soil), Rote-Riesen, Moscow Winter.

Ripen in 100-110 days. During this time, the fruit is gaining a maximum of useful elements, sugar and juice.

It is necessary to plant in open ground at the end of April.


Late varieties are sown in April

Late varieties are sown in April

These include: Yellowstone, Osobaya, Vita Longa (has the highest carotene content), The Queen of Autumn, Red Giant (they are large and have good shelf life).

Ripening period 115-120 days. Late varieties have a little less juice and sugar, but they are stored until summer.

The varieties are sown in April, May and early June: harvesting takes place at the very end of October, then it has time to ripen.

Winter disembarkation

Carrots can be sown for the winter. It is resistant to cold and diseases, the harvest will ripen 20-25 days faster. This is a good indicator for those who grow vegetables for sale, but there are a number of nuances:

  • you need to choose seeds not hybrid, but varietal;
  • selected varieties are much more expensive than ordinary ones;
  • usually sown at the end of October (2-30 numbers);
  • the air temperature should not exceed 2-3 °: if the weather is warm and rainy, then the vegetable can germinate even before the onset of frost, then the whole process will go smark;
  • sow denser for the winter (seed consumption will be approximately 30% more, because some of them will die during high frosts): sowing depth - up to 4 cm, width between rows - up to 30 cm;
  • Dig deep into the soil (so that the root crop develops well) and apply fertilizers: 25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salt per m²;

The best winter varieties: Samson, Nantes 4, Touchon, Flakke.

Landing depending on the region

  1. In the north. Early sowing - from April 15 to May 1. Average terms are from May 1 to May 10. You cannot plant later - the crop will not have time to ripen.
  2. On South. Early sowing - from March 15 to 30, late - from April 20 to May 1. Later dates are not recommended because the soil is too dry. The crop is harvested in September.
  3. In the middle lane, it is better to sow from early to mid-May. At this time, the air temperature is about 10-14 °, and the soil warms up to a depth of 10 cm. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure later.

How to get a good harvest

  1. Carrots love abundant watering, especially in the southern regions. Do not use cold water.
  2. Do not forget to thin out the plants, otherwise the fruits will grow small and thin.
  3. In the process of sowing, the seeds are recommended to be mixed with sand (for 1 bag 100-150 g of sand).
  4. It is important to prepare the seeds. To do this, before planting, they are placed in a damp cloth for a couple of days to swell.
  5. The vegetable is sensitive to the weather, so it simply won't grow in cold ground. It can be planted in open ground in late April – early May (depending on outdoor temperature and climate).
  6. For good growth of a vegetable, it needs fertilizing (organic and mineral). Fertilizers should be only in liquid form (all powders and granules are diluted with water). When using complex commercial fertilizers, choose those that have a high content of sulfur, boron and sodium. The first feeding should be done 15-20 days after germination.
  7. Spray plants with special agents to prevent diseases and pests (white rot, cercospora, powdery mildew, carrot flies, etc.). Suitable for this: Prestige, Reglon, Matador, Nuprid. Loosen the soil periodically between the rows and remove the weeds.
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