Health benefits and harms of tangerines

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Bright tangerines help to create a festive mood, delight with exquisite taste and perfectly quench thirst. These are some of the most popular fruits on earth. They are good for humans, but not in all cases. The health benefits and harms of tangerine depend on the sense of proportion, the method of application, the characteristics of the organism and compliance with contraindications.

Health benefits and harms of tangerines

Health benefits and harms of tangerines


The beneficial properties of mandarin are based on its composition, which is rich in vitamins and trace elements. The calorie content of this fruit is low - from 30 to 40 kcal per 100 g, depending on the variety.

Tangerines contain a large amount of vitamin C we need, which strengthens the immune system, helps to restore the body and eliminate free radicals. It is enough to eat only 2 fruits to replenish the daily norm of the body in this vitamin.

Other vitamins

Also, tangerines have a high content of vitamins A, D, K, B, R. Thanks to vitamin A, citrus fruit is good for eyesight. Vitamin K is necessary for the elasticity of blood vessels, and vitamin P for their strength. Vitamins of group D are indispensable for the body, since they help to absorb calcium and phosphorus. B vitamins play an important role in metabolic processes, promote tissue regeneration and normal functioning of the nervous system.

Useful material

Mandarins contain calcium, which is responsible for bone strength and dental health, and iron, which is essential for improving skin condition and preventing fatigue and drowsiness. The fruit contains magnesium, which contributes to metabolism, normal functioning of the heart, respiratory and circulatory systems. The fruits of these citrus fruits contain potassium, phosphorus, as well as useful essential oils, mineral salts and important organic compounds.

Beneficial features

The benefits of tangerines for the body are especially great in the cold season: in autumn and winter. During this period, the diet is devoid of fresh fruits and herbs, and the human immune system needs additional strength. Citrus fruits provide excellent prevention of colds and help fight infection. Regular consumption of these fruits reduces the level of bad cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, prevents heart disease and atherosclerosis, increases the chances of curing gout and hemorrhoids.

Doctors and nutritionists recommend using tangerines in the treatment of dysbiosis: citrus pulp has a beneficial effect on the intestines. In moderate quantities, fruits are used for edema and constipation: they have a diuretic effect and weaken the intestines.

The benefits of tangerines as natural antidepressants are known: they strengthen the nervous system, improve mood and resistance to stress. Removing free radicals from the body, these fruits slow down aging, and due to the content of phosphorus, zinc and a complex of vitamins, they have a beneficial effect on the sexual function of both women and men).

Application in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of mandarin are successfully used in cosmetology. Essential oils contained in the peel, pulp and leaves have the ability to soothe and nourish the skin, tone it, and restore cells. Cosmetics based on tangerine oils are used to care for the skin of the face and neck, treat stretch marks, and improve hair growth and condition. Masks, tonics and balms from the pulp or zest of this fruit are easy to make at home.

Masks and tonics are made on the basis of the fruit

Masks and tonics are made on the basis of the fruit

In combination with honey and sour cream, tangerine pulp evens out the complexion and tightens the skin, in combination with yoghurt - tightens the pores of oily skin. The pulp of the fruit in combination with ground oatmeal has a scrub effect, and the crushed zest moisturizes, nourishes and tones the skin. Citrus juice mixed with mustard serves as an excellent mask for oily hair: it reduces the "greasy effect" and gets rid of dandruff.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the benefits of mandarin peel, it is dangerous to eat it today. To control pests, increase the shelf life and speed of ripening of fruits, manufacturers often use chemical preparations with which the skin is treated. Because of this, tangerine peels and unwashed fruits can be poisoned.

This type of citrus fruit can cause allergies in humans, especially in young children. Contraindications to use concern people suffering from diabetes mellitus, obesity, kidney disease (fruits contain a lot of sugar, which should be controlled in diabetes and overweight).

Care should be taken with citrus fruits for cystitis. If you eat them, then in moderate doses, giving preference to ripe and sweet fruits. With increased acidity, ulcers and other diseases of the stomach, the use of these fruits for food is contraindicated. The harm of tangerines often results from abuse: in excessive quantities, citrus fruits can cause digestive disorders, diarrhea, allergic reactions, and hypervitaminosis.

Useful Tips

  1. The benefits of tangerines for women during pregnancy are based on their ability to replenish the lack of vitamin C, reduce the manifestations of toxicosis and improve well-being. Many foods strengthen the stomach, while citrus fruits help to cope with constipation and swelling. However, you should be careful and eat no more than 1-2 fruits per day.
  2. Young children are given the juice of this fruit only after the turn of one year, at first diluting the drink with water (1: 1). If the baby is prone to allergies, you should not give him citrus fruits until 3 years old. But even if there is no tendency to allergies, children under 3 years of age are advised to eat no more than one fruit per day.
  3. The process of losing weight will be greatly accelerated by observing fasting days on tangerines (once a week). Due to the rich composition of this fruit, a fasting day will not affect your health and will not affect your ability to work (magnesium, which is contained in citrus fruits, strengthens the nervous system, and iron promotes mental activity). With its mood-enhancing and anti-depression properties, citrus fruits can help overcome the discomfort of weight loss restrictions.
  4. This type of citrus helps to diversify and facilitate a long-term diet, if you use fruits instead of the sweets we are used to (sweets, pastries, etc.). Do not eat them at night due to their high sugar content. In a quiet time of the day, the body will not have time to waste energy from the breakdown of sugar, and the process of losing weight will slow down.
  5. It is better not to eat the bones of this fruit. They contain many valuable substances, but the presence of the amygladin glycoside significantly reduces their usefulness. Once in the stomach, it promotes the release of hydrocyanic acid, which provokes an ulcer. Under the coarse skin of the seed is a seed, which contains a lot of essential oils.These grains are useful for making homemade scrubs and skin masks.
  6. In cooking, citrus peel is widely used as a flavoring additive. Powder from dried and ground crusts is added to drinks, baked goods, meat and vegetable dishes for flavor. It is important not to overdo it with this seasoning, otherwise the dishes will acquire a bitter taste.
  7. Like the pulp, mandarin peels have medicinal properties. It is advised to add tincture on the crusts to tea to remove toxins from the body and improve metabolic processes. Also, tangerine peels are used in medicinal broths to normalize digestion, improve appetite after illness, improve the heart, blood vessels and the whole body.


Due to a significant reserve of vitamins, minerals and organic compounds, tangerines are useful for our health, well-being, ability to work, and mood. At the same time, one fruit contains very few calories, which allows you to moderately consume citrus fruits when dieting. With the abuse of fruits and non-observance of contraindications, they can harm the body: provoke allergies, lead to kidney and digestive diseases.

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