Allergy to tangerines

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An allergic reaction manifests itself to many foods, but most often to citrus fruits. In everyday life, it is believed that allergy to tangerines in children and adults is a myth. This opinion is wrong. Mandarin fruits, like all citrus fruits, are a strong allergen.

Allergy to tangerines

Allergy to tangerines

Causes of allergies

There is no exact cause for signs of allergy to tangerines, as the substance causing the symptoms has not been identified. Scientists are inclined to believe that the allergens that provoke the manifestation of reactions are the salicylates that are part of the fruit, as well as the esters inherent in tangerine oil.

There are several more allergens indirectly associated with this citrus:

  • Chemicals. Most often these are fungicides that are used in fruit processing to create an attractive presentation and repel insects.
  • Mold. The fungal disease affects overripe fruits and causes symptoms of malaise in adults and children. Tangerine disease in this particular case occurs after eating rotten fruits.
  • Pollen. It appears on a flowering plant. Tangerine tree disease is associated with other types of pollen allergies. This type of ailment does not differ in special symptoms, but the mechanism of occurrence is different, and therefore the reaction to a house tree may be absent when the fruit is consumed.

Symptoms may turn out to be pseudo-allergies to tangerines. False illness usually manifests as a digestive upset after consuming large amounts of the fruit. In this case, there is an additional increase in temperature and general malaise.

Allergy symptoms

Mandarin allergy looks similar to all types of food poisoning and affects adults and children differently. Among the main symptoms are:

  • rashes on the face and body;
  • upset gastrointestinal tract;
  • nausea, often leading to vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • swelling in the nasopharynx, accompanied by itching and rhinitis;
  • cough that causes bronchospasm;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • severe conjunctivitis;
  • swelling in the eyelids and pronounced tearing.

Allergy to tangerines in children often occurs before the age of 6 years, has the appearance of a rash and redness of the skin on the face, chest, abdomen and buttocks. The affected areas are scaly, causing severe itching. The reason for this is the unstable work of the child's immune system.

In most cases, the course of an allergic condition in children is more pronounced, but if the source of allergens is removed in time, the reaction will gradually decrease until the rash disappears completely.

In 40% of cases, hives develop when citrus fruits are consumed.


Eliminate citrus fruits from your diet

Eliminate citrus fruits from your diet

Allergy to tangerines is manifested by extensive symptoms, so it is worth treating its manifestations in a complex manner. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately stop eating citrus fruits for the near future. If the condition worsens, they immediately consult a doctor, because.allergic reactions to food can cause irreversible consequences, up to and including death.

To treat the manifestations of citrus intolerance in adults, use:

  • sorbents (Polysorb, Smecta, Phosphalugel, activated carbon);
  • antihistamines (Loratadin, Diazolin, Cenarizin, Suprastin, Tavergil);
  • anti-inflammatory ointments of the local spectrum of action;
  • hormonal cream (Prednisolone).

To treat food allergies to tangerines, it is important to follow a dietary diet that excludes foods with a high percentage of allergens: red fruits and vegetables, eggs, honey.


It is impossible to predict the occurrence of allergic reactions in advance, so you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  • Do not introduce citrus fruits into the diet of a baby under 2 years old.
  • When a child first meets this fruit, do not give it in large quantities. It is supposed to start the introduction into the diet with a few slices, or better - with 5 ml of tangerine juice.
  • In the absence of symptoms of the disease for a child from 2 to 6 years old, it is allowed to increase the daily dose to 3 pcs.
  • The daily norm of an adult should not exceed 500 g of citrus, for a child over 6 years old - 250 g.
  • In case of rashes on other citrus fruits, the reaction of the body should be monitored for several days after consumption.

In most cases, avoiding mandarin allergy involves choosing the right fruit. To do this, pay attention to the following:

  • A citrus peel with a distinct shine indicates that it has been treated with chemicals to maintain its presentation.
  • Shriveled, cheap and overripe fruits are often affected by mold.
  • Pale orange or greenish citruses, unripe. They can cause not only fruit intolerance, but also provoke indigestion.

For allergic rashes, tangerine fruits are replaced with less allergenic ones, for example, pomelo and grapefruit. To quench your thirst, it is also permissible to use limes and lemons, which have the least amount of allergens, but fulfill the need for vitamin C.


The fruit of the tangerine tree is tasty and healthy for the human body. But in order to avoid negative consequences, it is worth using them ripe and observing the measure. If you experience symptoms of allergy to tangerines, you should seek the help of qualified specialists in time.

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