Storing tangerines at home

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At home, citrus fruits are stored in the refrigerator, apartment, on the balcony or cellar. The shelf life ranges from one week to a month, depending on the method chosen. The storage of tangerines must be correct. Observing a number of simple requirements, you can keep the fruits whole and tasty for a longer time.

Storing tangerines at home

Storing tangerines at home

Temperature regime

Store tangerines properly at 4 ℃ to 8 ℃. Therefore, a refrigerator shelf, cellar or balcony will do. The humidity level is within 80% to prevent shrinkage. The moisture level is measured with a hygrometer.

How to prepare fruits

To prepare the fruit, select fruits of the same size to fit in one batch and select rotten or damaged citrus fruits.

Simple rules will help keep fruit at home for up to one month. For a longer period, it is recommended to place them in a cellar or freeze them.

Storage methods

In the fridge

It is recommended to store tangerines in the refrigerator on a common shelf. It is better to deep freeze peeled or processed fruits. A few rules:

  1. Do not put fruit in plastic bags: if moisture appears there, citruses will start to deteriorate.
  2. Store in a cardboard box with air holes.
  3. Lay them out in one layer.
  4. Do not place fruits next to other vegetables; this will speed up spoilage.

It would be ideal to set aside a separate shelf or drawer for tangerines. If one fruit is spoiled, check the piece and select the rotten one.

At room temperature

At room temperature, the shelf life of tangerines is reduced by 4 times. In a room with a temperature of about 20 ℃, fruits are stored for a week.

In addition, there is a risk of damage from external factors. Therefore, this method is not recommended for long-term storage of fruits.

On the balcony

Only healthy fruits should be stored.

Only healthy fruits can be stored.

You can store tangerines at home on the glassed-in balcony. In this case, you need to monitor:

  1. Temperature. If the balcony is not insulated, the fruits will freeze.
  2. Humidity. It can be increased or decreased. In the first case, the fruit will rot, in the second, it will dry out.
  3. Cleanliness. In a dirty environment, fungi multiply faster.

The rules for stacking citrus fruits are the same as in the previous methods.

In the cellar

The cellar is specially designed for long-term keeping of fruits and vegetables. It must be equipped according to all the rules, then it is easy to prepare a large volume for wintering.

Features of storing tangerine in the cellar:

  • optimal temperature 2 ℃;
  • they are recommended to be wrapped in tissue paper and put in boxes on pallets;
  • do not store citrus and other fruits in the same drawer.

Under these conditions, citrus fruits will not spoil for 3-4 months. They are also coated with vegetable oil or wax and stored in plastic bags. Grapefruits, lemons, apples are also harvested.

Storing unripe citrus fruits

It is not recommended to store unripe tangerines at home in an apartment.

They need a different temperature regime:

  1. If the green area is less than half of the fruit, it needs 2 to 3 ℃ and 80% moisture.
  2. If the fruit is not even more than half ripe, it is kept in a place with a temperature of 4 ℃ or 8 ℃ and a humidity of 90%.

During storage, the fruits do not ripen. To make them ripe, they are transferred to heat.


You need to store tangerines at home, observing the temperature regime, following the rules for preparing fruit and choosing a place.

They also recommend selecting fruits for storage, placing them correctly so that they last longer. Green citruses are stored in different ways, it depends on how much more ripen they are. For citrus fruits, a temperature of 2 to 8 ℃ is suitable.

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