Description of potato variety Black Prince

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The Black Prince potato variety is one of the brightest types of dark vegetables. The variety is amazing for its even shapes and sizes. It has delicious taste and amazing aroma. The variety is not very productive, not whimsical in care and does not get sick. The fruit can be sold, but mostly Black potatoes are grown for home use.

Description of potato variety Black Prince

Description of potato variety Black Prince


Where exactly the Black Potato was bred is not known to anyone. There are several claims that this variety was invented by Dutch or Israeli agronomists. Also, many argue that the Russians also worked on this type of plant. But we can definitely say that Black potatoes have become very popular among gardeners. It is not grown by industrial fields, but only by small farms.

Potatoes Black Prince is considered an exotic variety, so they are not planted with the entire plot, but only part of it. It serves as a complement to regular potatoes. Black Prince is a mid-early, table type of potato. The yield is at an average level, from about 1 hectare it is possible to collect up to 100 centners of high-quality fruits. The root structure is quite strong, 5-7 large tubers are simultaneously formed under one bush, there are practically no trifles. The growing season lasts 80-90 days.

Description of the bush

Description of the type of potato Black Prince:

  1. Bushes are tall, straight.
  2. The stems are lush, the formation of green mass is at an average level.
  3. The leaves are green, not very large, wavy.
  4. During ripening, the plant produces large corollas, blue in color.

Description of fruits

The weight of one fruit is 70-170 g. The shape of the potato is round, slightly elongated. The skin is smooth, dark purple in color, rather thin. There are eyes, not very deep, small. The pulp is beige, maybe pink. Potatoes contain 12-16% starch, therefore, they do not have the ability to boil too much. There are also proteins, vitamins and amino acids.

Black potatoes taste great. A variety of dishes are prepared from it. During cutting, the potatoes do not have the ability to darken. Fruits, balanced, do not contain liquid. The aroma is not lost after boiling, frying and baking. Black potatoes are typical for mashed potatoes, frying in pieces. It will be especially useful to bake potatoes in their skins, as they are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Pros of potatoes

The characteristic of Black potatoes is positive. Gardeners distinguish the following qualities:

  • excellent taste and aroma;
  • good presentation;
  • the ability to store for a long time in the cellar, keeping quality is ideal;
  • the possibility of transportation without damage;
  • black potatoes contain many useful elements;
  • strong immunity, tolerates many diseases;
  • tolerates heat and moisture well.


The Black Prince view has some disadvantages:

  • low productivity;
  • potatoes are not suitable for completely sowing the site, they serve as an exotic addition;
  • can catch black leg disease and late blight.

Landing rules

Tubers need to be prepared for planting

Tubers need to be prepared for planting

Potatoes Black Prince is also called "Long Gypsy". It is not difficult to grow this variety, it is practically not whimsical in care, so even an inexperienced gardener can handle it. The main thing is compliance with all rules and conditions. Also, the gardener must prepare the planting material and soil for planting.

Preparing soil and tubers for planting

Tubers for planting are selected in medium size and black in color. Unhealthy and damaged fruits are not suitable for planting, they are immediately thrown away.

For 2-4 weeks, the fruits are transferred to a sunny place for germination. In addition, the gardener must process the planting material from diseases for preventive purposes.

Planting methods for potatoes

For areas with hot climates, as well as sandy soil, it is recommended to plant tubers using a trench method. The site must be well lit and free of stagnant water.

The potatoes are planted to a depth of 10 cm, the distance between the rows should be 50 cm. If the soil in the garden is rough and moist, then planting should be done using the ridge method.

Care rules

For the type of potato Black Prince, the most important thing is a little attention and fulfillment of all growing conditions. Gardeners highlight the basic rules presented below.

  1. The plant needs timely watering. To do this, you can use the drip irrigation system.
  2. The bushes of the plant are spud from time to time. This process improves the ventilation of the soil, and retains the necessary moisture, which is necessary for the quality formation of tubers.
  3. The first time is spud when the stems grow 20 cm in height.
  4. Be sure to clean the area from weeds.

Potatoes need timely feeding. The first time feeding is applied a few weeks after the appearance of the first shoots. For this, many advise using a little liquid manure. If there is no liquid, then you can dilute it in a bucket of water for 1 tbsp. l. urea.

For each bush of the plant, about 500 ml of fertilizer is spent. The second time they feed the potatoes at the budding stage. To do this, use 3 tbsp. l. wood ash and 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate in a bucket of liquid. The cost of such fertilizer also ranges from 0.5-0.7 liters per 1 plant bush.

Diseases and harmful insects

Black potatoes are resistant to most diseases and parasites. It tolerates potato crayfish, golden nematode and common scab well. When an epidemic of late blight appears, the area with the plant is well watered with medicinal products. Adding wood ash to the ground helps with black leg and root rot.

Dark potatoes are often favored by insects, especially Colorado beetles and wireworms. For such pests, industrial chemicals are used. To drive away the wireworm, as well as for preventive measures, the tubers are pickled before planting in the ground. Also, for prevention, weeds are removed, mulching with straw and sawdust is carried out. To get rid of the Colorado potato beetles, chemical agents are used. For example, you can use such as "Lightning", "Regent", "Commander", "Prestige" and "Taboo".


The black prince is a rather interesting type of potato. He is very fond of many vegetable growers. The fruit contains a lot of vitamins, so it will be beneficial for your health. It has excellent taste and aroma. Delicious and healthy dishes are made from it.

Black potatoes have strong immunity, and practically do not get sick. Unpretentious in care, grows well on any land. Growing potatoes is easy, even an inexperienced gardener can grow it.

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