Description of potatoes Krepysh

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Potatoes Krepysh appeared on the world market several years ago, but has already earned itself great popularity among specialists in the agricultural field. And all thanks to the fact that it has a lot of advantages in comparison with its other brethren. If you pay attention to the description and characteristics of this potato variety, you can achieve a good harvest.

Description of potatoes Krepysh

Description of potatoes Krepysh

Description of the variety

The potato variety called Krepysh belongs to the early types of root crops. From the moment the first shoots appeared, only 70 days pass until the crop is fully ripe. This type of potato was bred in Russia, and it has already been entered in the country's register. 2005 is considered the year of introduction of this species on the world market. Literally 4 years later, in 2009, it was entered into the register.

It was created specifically for the central regions, because they are enriched with a large number of fertile black soil. Also, this type of potato is actively grown in the former USSR countries. This species has high yield rates. Farmers harvest about 300 kg of ideal root crops from 1 hectare. It has a high taste and is suitable for both home use and industrial purposes. It produces perfect crispy chips with an enriched, pleasant taste.

The characteristics of the variety show that the robust man perfectly tolerates prolonged drought, and can do without watering for a long time. Of course, this then affects the overall yield, but not in the same amount as in other types of root crops. Also, the description says that Strong Man is not subject to diseases, and does not suffer from cancer or fungal diseases. But, in rare cases, he can get late blight, so preventive measures should be taken.

Description of the plant

Bushes of this type of root crops are erect. Their height is average, but the type of development is intermediate. The leaves are also of intermediate type and medium in size. A slight waviness can be observed along the edges of the leaves.

The foliage is predominantly green. But, in some cases, it may turn out to be dark green. But the flowers have a bright purple hue.

Description of the fetus

The description shows that the eyes on the root crop are of moderate size and the skin color is yellow. The shape of the potato itself is oval. It can also be round. When the fruit is cut, you can see that the flesh has a pleasant creamy color. The weight of one root crop, on average, is 120 g. The amount of starch is low, and amounts to no more than 10%.

This type of potato can be used not only for personal consumption. It is not only suitable for regular mashed potatoes or soups. It makes great potato chips and very soft fries.

Advantages and disadvantages

Grows in any conditions

Grows in any conditions

The most common advantages of this variety include the following characteristics:

  • excellent taste that is not similar to other species;
  • good yield, amounting to 3 centners per hectare;
  • resistance to common diseases, the only thing that is subject to late blight;
  • resistance to drought and temperature extremes, well-lit soil should also be used;
  • unpretentiousness to care - the main thing is that the water does not stagnate, and the principle of watering itself is not so important;
  • well tolerates storage and can be transported over long distances.

The disadvantages include the fact that root crops contain a low amount of starch, and dependence on feeds.

Growing rules

Since the seed does not degenerate, you can use last year's crop for planting. It is best to choose medium sized tubers. Before planting, they should be treated with drugs that accelerate growth, and germinated in a cool room. It is recommended to plant a strong man in the ground at the beginning of May. To increase yields, you should adhere to the correct distribution. It should be remembered that a distance of 40 cm should be maintained between the rows.But between the bushes, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 70 cm.

You should choose areas of the soil where a large amount of sunlight falls. This will allow the soil to warm up faster after spring, and the water will not stagnate in the ground. If you decide to plant Krepysh, then the seeds should be buried to a depth of 10 cm. After 14 days, you should loosen the soil and remove all existing weeds.

Before hilling or loosening the areas between the rows, you should feed the plant and the soil. It is recommended to use cow or bird droppings for this. Mineral fertilizers will also be ideal helpers. This variety is not picky about watering. But, it is recommended to intensively water the plant at the moment when flowers begin to form. To achieve high yields, organic and mineral fertilizers should be applied to the soil, which do not contain a high amount of nitrogen. It is better to use medicinal preparations.

Diseases and parasites

Despite the fact that Krepysh is not exposed to common diseases, he can be attacked by late blight. The main indicators of its presence are the appearance of dark spots on the tops and stems. It is believed that this disease begins to manifest itself after the start of germination. The same spots can then form on the fruit.

To prevent this disease, you should use special drugs called fungicides. It is not necessary to use specific drugs. All this group perfectly prevents late blight. They will give a stronger effect if they are used at the moment when roots begin to form. If leaves remain after harvest, they must be immediately brought to the fire. This is done in order to prevent the development of the disease next year.

Due to the fact that the potato called Krepysh has a large number of advantages, it has gained great popularity among amateur gardeners. Due to its good marketability and resistance to transportation, these potatoes can be transported over long distances for the purpose of sale.

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