Characteristics of Marzipan eggplant

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Eggplant Marzipan F1 is a healthy vegetable that contains vitamins and minerals. The characteristics of eggplants Marzipan will allow you to study their characteristics, the rules of growing and care, this will bring a vegetable harvest.

Characteristics of Marzipan eggplant

Characteristics of Marzipan eggplant

Characteristics of the variety

Eggplant Marzipan is a mid-season hybrid. This is a thermophilic culture, planted in the southern regions. According to the description, the production time for ripe vegetables is 120-127 days. 2-3 vegetables are obtained from one bush.

The advantages of the variety:

  • endurance in relation to bad weather conditions;
  • the shape of the fruit and their taste;
  • harvest from a bush is about 1.5-2 kg.

The stem of Marzipan is stable, it reaches 1 m in height. It is tied up so that the bush does not break. The flowers of the vegetable are single or collected in inflorescences.

Fleshy fruits, weight 600 g. Creamy flesh with few seeds.


Marzipan eggplants are grown in compliance with all their characteristics.

Planting seeds

Eggplant Marzipan is a hybrid variety, so the seeds are not used for planting next season.

The seeds are sown at the end of March, they require preparation: they are heated for 4 hours at a temperature of 24-26-2С, after which they are kept for about 40 minutes at 40˚С. For disinfection, they are soaked for 20 mi in a solution of potassium permanganate.

To increase germination, the seeds are kept for 12 hours in a Zircon solution, after which they are wrapped in a wet cloth and transferred to a warm place.

The soil for seedlings is prepared independently: they mix humus with turf (2: 1) and disinfect in the oven.

Description of the features of planting seeds of Marzipan F1:

  1. The planting containers are filled with soil by 2/3 and moistened. In the central part of the container, a recess is made, in which the germinated seed is placed, covered with a small layer of soil. The containers are covered with foil.
  2. If the seeds are planted in a large box, furrows are made on top of the soil at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. The box is covered with glass or foil and sent to a warm place with a temperature of 25-28˚С.
  3. Seedlings are expected after 7 days, after which the cover must be removed and the seedlings are placed in a bright place.
  4. To avoid stretching the seedlings, the temperature is reduced to 19-20˚ С.
  5. Seedlings are watered in the morning with warm water, do it carefully, without eroding the soil.

Sprout care

Before planting, the seedlings need to be hardened.

Before planting, the seedlings need to be hardened.

Seedlings are transplanted in a container of 10 * 10 cm, after the appearance of 2 leaves.

Preparation of containers for transplantation: holes are created at the bottom, a thin layer of drainage from expanded clay, pebbles, and broken brick is filled.

Seedlings need to be watered 2 hours before transplanting. Then they carefully move to a new place, sprinkle with moistened soil until the cotyledon leaves. After transplantation, a slowdown in growth is observed, this is due to the formation of a powerful root system. The plant is protected from sunlight.

Marzipan F1 variety is watered 5-6 days after picking. A month before planting on the site, the seedlings begin to harden.Containers with plants are taken out into the air, gradually increasing the time they are in the air. For this, containers with plants are taken out into fresh air.


Marzipan seedlings are planted on the site when 8-12 leaves grow.

Eggplants are a culture that loves warmth; they are transplanted into the greenhouse after May 14-15, in open ground - at the beginning of June.

When the bush reaches 30 cm, the first garter is made, after the appearance of lateral shoots, they are tied to a support. 2-3 strong shoots are left on the bush, the rest are removed. On the main stem of the Marzipan F1 eggplant, all the leaves that grow below the fork are torn off. Above the fork, shoots without fruit are removed. To get rid of a strong density on the bushes near the tops of the stems, a couple of leaves are removed.

For good lighting and to reduce the risk of damage by gray mold, foliage is cut off. Secondary shoots are removed without fail.

It is important to remove dry and damaged leaves, at the end of the season to pinch the tops of the stems and leave up to 7 ovaries, they will have time to ripen before frost. During this period, flowers are also cut off.


Fertilization procedure:

  • after the appearance of the first leaves, a mixture of fertilizers is applied - 5 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate, 10 g of sulphate potassium are added to 10 liters of water;
  • 10 days before planting the seedlings, a solution is introduced into the soil on the site, based on the dilution of 60-70 g of superphosphate and 20-25 g of potassium salt in 10 liters of water.

You need to fertilize eggplants during flowering and fruiting:

  • during flowering, a fertilizer mixture is prepared: 5 g of urea, potassium sulfate, 20 g of superphosphate are dissolved in 10 liters of water;
  • during the fruiting period, a solution is used: 10 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium salt in 10 liters of water.


Water the vegetables carefully, keeping the soil undiluted. The best watering option would be a drip system. Eggplant variety Marzipan F1 is sensitive to temperature, the optimal water for irrigation will be 25-28-2С.

Watering the plant is required in the morning; to maintain moisture in the soil, loosening and mulching are carried out.

The frequency of watering depends on the climatic conditions: before flowering, once every 7 days (a bucket of water per m²). If the weather is hot, watering is increased up to 3-4 times a week. During the flowering period: 2 times a week, in August, watering is reduced.

Diseases and pests

The black leg affects Marzipan. The fungus affects the darkening of the root neck, after which the plant withers. Before planting seeds, the ground is watered with boiling water and ignited on a baking sheet for disinfection.

The Colorado potato beetle also has an effect. The attack occurs after the tops of the potatoes dry up. Fruits ripen on the bushes during this period, therefore, chemical preparations are not used. It will be possible to prevent the beetle from attacking by establishing a fine mesh up to a meter high.


Eggplant Marzipan is easy to grow. Studying its features and following simple rules for growing and caring for a plant will allow you to get a large vegetable harvest at the end of the season.

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