Processing apple trees with urea

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In order for trees and shrubs in the garden to be beautiful and healthy, they need to be fertilized with special solutions. Urea is a popular fertilizing agent and contains 46% nitrogen. The substance is highly soluble in water and odorless. Treating apple trees with urea will protect them from pests and strengthen them.

Processing apple trees with urea

Processing apple trees with urea

Preparation of the solution

The tool is very useful for apple trees as a top dressing, especially in spring, when used, it does not burn the leaves, kills pests that want to damage the tree, and does not allow the flower to fall off.

The solution can be stored at any temperature.

To prepare a spray at home, it will not take much time and effort.

To do this, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. urea (30 g) and 10 liters of water. Fertilizer should be poured into a bucket of water and mixed thoroughly. It dissolves well, so you can feed (spray) the apple tree immediately after preparing the mixture. 200 ml of solution is poured under the pillar.

If you fertilize a tree with urea, then its yield will increase significantly, and the taste of the fruit will be richer.

Spraying trees

To determine the processing time, you need to inspect the grass in the near-trunk zone: if ants are crawling in the grass, then in the near future you need to spray the tree. Experienced summer residents recommend doing this on a sunny day when there is no wind and precipitation. The posts should be whitewashed and the bad branches cut off.

To carry out the procedure you will need:

  • protective suit;
  • container with a spray bottle for liquid.

Loosen the soil in the near-stem (root) zone. Spraying must be performed in three stages: generously process the apple tree for the first time (5-7 liters of the product, depending on the size of the tree), wait a period of 2-5 minutes. and repeat the procedure twice more. So the effect will be better.

The second time fertilization can be carried out when the tree begins to bloom. The third is after the flowers begin to bloom. The solution is used to treat the crown, trunk and fallen leaves.

If after processing it rains or snows, then the procedure must be repeated, because the water will wash off the entire mixture, and the fungus will be able to infect the apple tree.


Most often, urea feeding of apple trees is carried out in the fall or in the middle of spring.

Spring processing is rather a preventive measure for tree care. They do this to accelerate the growth of the apple tree and protect it from diseases and parasites. A big mistake newbies in the field of gardening make when they spray in early autumn. Due to early processing, the foliage falls off prematurely, and burns form on the trunk.

Therefore, it is best to carry out this procedure in early October - mid November. It is necessary to spray the apple tree in good weather conditions after sunset or in the early morning, at above-zero temperatures.


Processing should be carried out in a protective mask

Processing should be carried out in a protective mask

If you spray the trees in the garden with urea, they are provided with longevity and high-quality fruits. Fertilizer has a positive effect on the apple tree, and negatively on human skin and respiratory tract.To protect yourself from the negative effects of the drug, you will need:

  • protective glasses;
  • rubber gloves - they must be thick so that the liquid does not get on the skin;
  • to ensure the safety of the respiratory organs, a special mask or respirator is put on the face;
  • Experienced gardeners recommend purchasing a specialized suit that will protect the gardener from head to toe from the harmful spray.

Do not neglect the precautionary rules, because they can protect you from a variety of skin diseases.

Disadvantages and advantages of the tool

Urea is one of the most commonly used tree sprayers. But, like other products, it has its pros and cons.

High nitrogen concentration.Reduces soil acidity.
Easily soluble in water.Washed off by the rain.
It acts quickly and disinfects against bacterial viruses.Small shelf life.
Does not penetrate deep into the soil.If you overdo it with proportions, the tree may die.


According to gardeners' reviews, urea for spraying apple trees is a tool that combines relative cheapness and high efficiency. The use of such top dressing as urea allows you to both protect the tree and add strength to it for growth.

Correct and timely processing with such a tool is a guarantee of a good harvest, as well as a guarantee of getting rid of the risk that pests will attack the tree.

Many gardeners use urea as a means of protection against diseases of apple trees in their summer cottages, because they cannot often go there and pay due attention to the garden in spring and summer.

Remember: before you start processing a tree, you need to familiarize yourself with the safety rules, they will protect the health of the gardener. It is important to fertilize the apple tree on time (with the help of spring and autumn treatments). If you carry out the procedure earlier, then its foliage will begin to fall off.

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