Cultivation of an apple tree Lesnaya

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Each of the existing varieties of apple trees appeared due to wild-growing species. The most common "ancestor" is the Forest or Wild apple tree. It is a branchy tree with a height of 8 m or a tall shrub with thorns. The shape of the crown is round, and the fruits can be of different sizes, they also vary in color, the flesh is white or creamy.

Cultivation of an apple tree Lesnaya

Cultivation of an apple tree Lesnaya

The benefits of the wild apple tree

An apple tree of this species is an absolutely amazing tree, which has not only fruits that are unusual in taste, but also valuable flowers and even leaves. All its constituents are important and are often used for medicinal purposes.

There are many ways to use the apple tree in folk medicine. Their description allows you to expand the scope of the plant.

Fruit application

Apples themselves can be eaten raw - this is a real vitamin storehouse, which is used as a strong diuretic, bactericidal and laxative. They strengthen blood circulation, immunity, accelerate the healing process and relieve inflammation.

Apples have a wide variety of substances, which allows them to be used for absolutely different purposes. Juices, preserves, syrups, wine, marmalade, marshmallow, jam and dry jelly are made from wild fruits, the amount of pectin substances allows you to do this without problems.

A decoction of wild apples is considered a powerful remedy. It is useful to drink it to cleanse the kidneys, with urolithiasis or pain in the stomach.

The fruits of the Lesnaya apple tree are widely used not only among the people, but also in professional medicine. Malic acid iron extract can be found in any pharmacy. The drug is often prescribed by doctors for patients with anemia.

This tool is also made at home. The recipe is unusual: you need to stick about 10 small iron nails into the apple, which must be rinsed well and boiled before that. The product is left in this form for a day, and then the nails are removed and the apple is eaten. For health problems, 3 apples a day will be sufficient.

Apple cider vinegar is another common treatment for indigestion, fever, inflammation and frostbite, but many people use it not as a medicine, but as a way to prevent disease. Vinegar can be taken in diluted form or as an addition to salad.

Application of leaves and flowers

The flowering of wild cultivated plants is a special period. Decoctions are made from wild flowers and leaves, they are excellent for diuretic diseases, digestive problems, chronic constipation and gout.

It is very simple to prepare and take the product, just soak 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed leaves or flowers in a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Then strain the drink and take 3 times a day before each meal, 2 tbsp. l.

In addition to the healing infusion, tea is made from the leaves.They contain a high amount of vitamin C, so you can't think of anything better for a cold, but before drinking such a tea, the ingredients must be properly prepared so that they do not lose their most important properties.

When collecting leaves, it is important to pay attention to their condition; only whole, healthy, undamaged leaves are suitable for harvesting. Leaves are not suitable if the tree has been chemically treated.

The raw material is placed in a dry, ventilated place in a thin layer, where it dries completely. This process should take place naturally, then nutrients and vitamins will be preserved. Completely dried workpieces can be stored for no more than a year in glass jars without access to moisture.

Growing from seeds

A wild apple tree can be grown from seed

A wild apple tree can be grown from seed

Cultivation of wild cultivated plants can actually be carried out from seeds, and they will bear fruit well in any garden and will grow to the required height. It is not difficult to cultivate them - you just need to know how to properly prepare these seeds for planting, plant and subsequently care for the tree.

Preparing seeds for germination

The seeds are separated from the apple and washed in running water. This process removes the substance that will prevent them from germinating. The next step is to dry the seeds and soak them in water for 3 days, the water must be changed every 24 hours. The use of any stimulant is appropriate only on the last day.

Next, you need to stratify. This stage involves moving the swollen seeds into wet sand or sawdust, which is left in the refrigerator for 2 months. Sometimes it happens that mold appears on the seeds. To prevent this, powdered activated carbon can be added to the sand.

While the seeds are in the refrigerator, they need to be checked: they may germinate earlier than expected or the sand will dry out, which also will not be of any benefit.

Site preparation for planting

To increase the likelihood of a good tree growth, you need to prepare the soil well:

  • an apple tree is most suitable for loose black soil, which is well moistened. Her natural fertility will be a big plus. An important condition is the groundwater depth, suitable - not lower than 2 m;
  • even the most enriched soil will sooner or later deplete its reserves, so the soil must be systematically fertilized. You can cultivate the soil by adding fertile soil to the planting hole. This process will have to be repeated again in a few years;
  • before planting the apple tree, the soil must be fertilized. This will not only create a certain supply of nutrients, but also increase winter hardiness, which will subsequently affect productivity. Suitable fertilizers include mineral (phosphate, potash) and organic fertilizers such as lime. They need to be evenly distributed throughout the site, and then - to dig up the ground;
  • the area should be well lit and protected from the winds.

Landing technology

After preparing the soil and all the manipulations with the seeds, they can be planted in separate boxes with the ground or immediately on the garden bed. The distance between them should be at least 20 cm, planting depth - 2 cm. If you follow all the rules, the Lesnaya apple tree will definitely shoot.

After germination, the hassle becomes no less: a young apple tree needs to be transplanted often - at least 3 times in the first 4 years of life, if it was first grown in a pot. Then she must visit a long pot, then - in a larger container, and then the seedling is placed in a permanent place in the garden.

Fruiting begins in 10 years, and without frequent transplants it will drag on for another 5 years.

Grafting a tree

Vaccination activities are carried out in the spring

Vaccination activities are carried out in the spring

Grafting Lesnaya apple trees is a fascinating business, it allows you to replenish your garden with the fruits of a new taste. Grafting is best done in the spring, when the first leaves appear.Any varieties of the current year are suitable for this procedure, the main thing is that the necessary shoots are healthy and intact.

Cuttings are prepared since autumn, the branches are cut into a length of 30 cm and stored in a cool place wrapped in a damp towel and placed in a plastic bag.

There is another vaccination method, which is carried out in the summer. It is much easier, everything is done without prepared material. It is enough to take an annual branch with buds, get rid of all the leaves and graft to the desired tree.

Collection and storage of fruits

Apple picking begins at the end of summer, around this time they ripen. Earlier, picking the fruits is not worth it - they have not yet been enriched with all the useful substances. There are several ways to harvest.

The easiest of them is to shake the tree and collect the fallen fruits from the ground. This is very convenient, but apples can be damaged; such specimens are not suitable for long-term storage.

You can also just pick wild apples from the ground that have ripened and fell on their own, but picking the fruit from the branches would be better for storage. The crop can be kept fresh for six months. Keep apples in crates in a cool, well-ventilated area.

Drying apples

Apples can be dried. The technology is very simple, you just need to choose a convenient option for yourself. You can dry the fruits of the Lesnoy apple tree in two ways:

  • in a natural way;
  • artificial.

For the first method, you need to cut the apples into thin slices and remove the core. Then all this is laid out on a baking sheet (not metal) and left in the sun. An important condition is that the air temperature must be high, only summer time is suitable.

The artificial path is a little more complicated and consists of several stages, but it is faster than the first method. This will require a special drying cabinet or a regular kitchen oven.

The slices must first be baked at a temperature of 45-50 °. At this time, liquid evaporates from juicy apples, so it is better not to close the oven door completely. Then they are cooked at a temperature of 70 ° and sterilized at a maximum of 80 °.

Dried fruits prepared with your own hands will not only be an excellent delicacy in the cold season, but also a source of vitamins. Dried apples can be used to create compotes, pies, marmalade.

Any dish with the addition of this ingredient will turn out to be tasty and healthy. Dried fruits can be stored for about 2 years in a dry place.

Diseases and pests

Any disease needs to be treated

Any disease needs to be treated

Like any tree, a wild apple tree cannot grow and bear fruit without the risk of being infected by disease or pests. It is better to familiarize yourself with potential "opponents" and methods of protection against them in advance.

Possible diseases:

  • fungus - it can harm the trunk, branches, leaves and fruits;
  • powdery mildew;
  • scab;
  • brown spotting;
  • rust;
  • black cancer;
  • rot.

If the disease is not treated when its first signs appear, the tree will begin to weaken, lose foliage and will not be able to bear fruit properly, especially if the disease began during the flowering period. The tree will eventually lose its main purpose - it will not yield crops.

Diseases can appear due to an excessively cold winter, drought or lack of vitamins. The soil must be constantly fertilized, and the tree must be well prepared for winter. If the disease does appear, the Lesnaya apple tree must be treated with high-quality drugs: Topaz, Fitosporin, Fitoverm.

It is advisable to use biofungicides as a prophylaxis.

In the process of growth, the crop may encounter pests:

  • insects (butterflies, beetles, ticks, flies);
  • rodents;
  • birds.

More often the sawfly and the apple moth attack the apple tree. Start small - timely canopy pruning, weed management, fertilization and whitewashing will help prevent unwanted guests.

The treatment of the garden with preparations containing imidacloprid has a strong effect.Copper sulfate will also help. The tree will be provided with maximum protection, and the fruits will be able to develop normally. Follow safety precautions so as not to harm your health when exposed to poisons.

Apples after chemical processing can be eaten no earlier than a month later.

The apple tree belongs to the rose family and has contributed to the emergence of many new varieties that are now familiar to any gardener. It grows not very high. Its fruits are distinguished by their unusual taste and a number of medicinal properties.

Compliance with the planting technology will allow any gardener to grow an excellent tree and enjoy the fruits and dishes from them, and the blossoming Forest Apple tree will become a source of materials for the preparation of medicinal products.

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