Characteristics of Golden apples

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Various varieties of apples are grown in the orchards of Russia. This is justified, among other things, by their high benefits for the human body. Among apple crops, the gardener can choose both summer and winter varieties, which will give high yields. Golden apples are considered to be the most widespread variety.

Characteristics of Golden apples

Characteristics of Golden apples

Chemical composition and calorie content

Apples are considered one of the most dietary foods. Their chemical composition contains all vitamins and minerals necessary for humans, and they are characterized by low calorie content. 100 g of Golden fruit contains only 50 calories.

Considering that one apple weighs on average 170-200 g, the energy value can vary and amount to 80-100 kcal.

Many people, choosing products, pay attention to KBZHU. The nutritional value of Golden apples is characterized by the presence of 50 mg of protein, 20 mg of fat and 105 mg of carbohydrates. Because the level of BJU of this product is low, it can be used to normalize weight.

Given that the glycemic index can vary depending on the sugar level in apples, there is no exact figure that would characterize the fruits of this type. On average, it is 30-40 units. Before using this product, it should be borne in mind that during heat treatment, the glycemic index may increase.

Beneficial features

Apples Gold are popular not only for their pleasant taste, but also for their benefits for humans. Due to the fact that the composition contains a large number of vitamins that enter the body, the use of this fruit can improve health and cure some diseases.

The value of this variety is manifested in the following:

  • used as prevention and treatment of early stages of atherosclerosis;
  • prevents the development of rheumatism and other inflammation in the tissue area;
  • improves the quality of vision;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • helps to reduce weight;
  • if you eat one apple a day, the condition of the skin and nails improves;
  • helps prevent skin diseases.

Golden apples are often used to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. This fruit promotes better absorption of iron and is used as a prophylaxis against cancer.

Because apple seeds contain iodine, this product helps to prevent thyroid diseases. In addition, it protects the body from viral infections and helps purify the blood.

Malic acid improves dental health (it removes plaque and helps prevent tartar formation), so be sure to eat at least one apple a day.

It is recommended to use this product for people who want to get rid of anemia and normalize stools.If you are trying to fight obesity, this type of apple is ideal. They dull the feeling of hunger for a long time, so it will be easier for you to lose excess weight.

This product can be harmful to the body if misused:

  • you cannot eat more than 2 seeds a day - this threatens intoxication of the body (in addition to iodine, they contain poison);
  • it is forbidden to eat apples in case of an allergic reaction;
  • it is not recommended to eat more than 3 apples a day so that the stomach is not overloaded.

Variety characteristic

The variety was bred by accident

The variety was bred by accident

Breeding history indicates that the Golden apple tree was obtained by accidentally crossing the Red Hornet and Resistant varieties. It was carried out back in 1905 in Serbia. Due to the fact that the farmer Mullins was engaged in crossing, at first the Golden variety bore the name of its creator as a name.

In the early 1940s. the farmer sold all rights to this variety to Stark Gardens and is now considered an official producer. It began to be sold as a supplement to the Red Rangers variety. The import of this variety to Russia began at the end of the 40s of the twentieth century.

Description of the tree and fruit

The description of the view indicates the small height of the tree. On average, it is only 2-2.5 m. The crown changes its shape depending on the age of the tree. Apple trees, which are 3-5 years old, are characterized by a columnar shape. Mature trees that are more than 5 years old have a round crown.

The leaves of the Gold apple tree are oval. The surface of the green leaf is smooth, with small notches along the edges.

Fruit characteristics:

  • apples are medium in size - in rare cases, subject to all growing rules, they reach 200 g;
  • the peel is dense, smooth - when the fruits are fully ripe, a fine roughness appears;
  • the shade of the peel on the fruit can be either golden or light yellow, green apples are often found, and when exposed to active sunlight, a red blush appears;
  • to taste, the fruits are sweet with a minimum amount of acid, a bit like Duchess sweets;
  • the pulp is juicy, with a green tint, over time it acquires a creamy shade.

Common subspecies

The Golden variety has several clones. The most striking example of successful cloning is the Rangers. A distinctive feature of the variety is that the clone grows much higher (reaches 3-3.5 m). There are small dark spots on the fruit. The fruits are similar to the "progenitor", but there are no rusty spots on the Rangers.

Another equally popular variety is Golden Vladimirsky. This species was bred in Russia at the end of the 80s of the 20th century. It turned out the Vladimir view as a result of crossing Antonovka and American. A distinctive feature of the variety is scab resistance.

Smith trees, a derivative of Golden, grow in all regions of the country. The fruits of this tree are characterized by a green tint without blush. The Delicious Smoothie variety is the most popular, which is justified by its high yield rates and large fruit sizes (individual fruits reach a weight of 300 g).

The Millennium variety was bred in America as a result of crossing Resistant and Smoot. The description indicates that these trees are characterized by a columnar shape. Ripe fruits look more presentable due to the fact that they are free of spots and dots.

Advantages and disadvantages

The fruits are delicious

The fruits are delicious

The advantages of the Gold apple tree include:

  • frost and drought resistance;
  • fast ripening of fruits;
  • perfect combination of quality and taste;
  • apples are suitable for long-term storage;
  • resistance to bacterial diseases and pests;
  • used to create high-yielding hybrids.

The main disadvantages of this variety include low resistance to powdery mildew. If a large number of fruits are formed on the trees, their size is significantly reduced.A high yield appears periodically. The older the tree, the less fruit it produces.

Yield indicators

During the first 5 years of cultivation of this crop, about 30 kg of high-quality apples are harvested annually. After this period, yield indicators depend on the climate of the region where the crop is grown. The quality of care also affects them.

The Golden variety is not capable of pollinating on its own, so it must be planted next to crops such as Idared and Simirenko.

Winter hardiness

The Golden variety is characterized by high frost resistance. The culture is able to withstand temperature drops from -20 to -30 ° C, so it is suitable for planting in all regions of the country.

To increase the frost resistance of the Golden variety, additional care will be required. To do this, mulch the soil before winter with the help of humus. After that, cover the tree with agrofibre. The most winter-hardy variety is the Golden apple clone - Goldspur, which was bred in Siberia.


Before planting, the gardener must determine how close the groundwater is to the ground. Their optimum depth should be 2.5-3 m. Planting is best done in chernozems in order to obtain a better and more stable harvest.

Planting should be done with a semi-dwarf rootstock. The distance between rows and seedlings should be at least 4 m, otherwise the crowns of neighboring trees will shade each other, which will negatively affect the yield of the variety.

Considering the planting time, the dependence of this on the growing region is noted. If planting is carried out in the southern regions of the country (where the climate is temperate), the seedlings are immersed in the ground in October. If you live in the north of the country, then planting work should be carried out in April - May.

Landing technology:

  • a landing pit with a diameter of 1 m and a depth of 70 cm should be prepared;
  • you need to dig it up 30 days before planting. At the same time, 100 g of superphosphate, 200 g of wood ash and 100 g of potassium are placed in the hole. In a month, the earth will settle, and nutrients will penetrate into the structure of the soil;
  • a peg is placed in the central part of the pit and its lower part is burned. This reduces the risk of wood decay. The support should protrude 40 cm above the ground;
  • a month later, 1 kg of black soil should be poured into the hole. The seedling is placed inside, and the root collar is left above the ground (at least 7 cm) to prevent decay. To keep a young tree in this position, it is tied to a support;
  • after that, about 30 liters of warm water are poured into the hole and sprinkled with earth tightly.


Trees need quality care

Trees need quality care

High-quality care significantly affects the parameters of the development and yield of the variety. It is important to provide the culture with watering, feeding and pruning.

For the normal development of the species in question, it will be necessary to additionally plant a seedling, and an effective fight against pests and diseases will help grow a healthy tree.


The regularity of watering directly affects the development of the Golden variety. So that the tree does not crack the fruit, in the first year after planting, the crop is watered only 3 times per summer. Each tree should have 30 liters of warm water.

Every year, the frequency of watering is gradually increased. In the 5th year of crop growth, it is watered 5 times per summer. After each watering, you need to loosen the topsoil so that a crust does not form, and mulch the soil. For these purposes, humus is used.

Top dressing

In order for the Gold apple trees to be characterized by good development, fertilizers must be applied. To improve growth and good pollination of flowers, you need to make fertilizing from nitrogen. The best remedy is ammonium nitrate (300 g per 1 tree).

If you add 200 g of superphosphate under each apple tree, this can improve the shade of the peel and increase the number of buds on which the fruits are formed.By pouring 20 liters of potassium solution under the tree (300 g of potassium nitrate per 10 liters of water), you will promote the growth of young shoots.

Of organic fertilizers, manure should be preferred. Use it in the fall, before digging up a garden plot. For this, 3 kg of unripe manure is applied under each tree.


Pruning is considered one of the main ways of leaving. It is carried out annually, due to which fruiting occurs much earlier and yields increase. Pruning correctly will increase the life of the tree and protect it from frost.

For optimal development of the Golden variety, you need to alternate pruning times. If in the first year it is carried out in the spring, then the next it should be carried out in the fall. The main thing is to do this before budding on the tree.

The upper shoot is cut off first. This helps the apple tree to stop growing and direct all nutrients to the formation of side shoots. Each year, the grower must remove the growth by shortening it by 1/3. This stimulates the development of the branches on which the fruits are formed.

Every year you need to thin out the crown, removing excess fruits and ovaries. This action will reduce the number of underdeveloped apples, which will be characterized by low flavors. When the ovaries and fruits are formed, you need to remove the middle section. The distance between the beams should be 10 cm.

The higher the load on the tree, the lower the harvest will be next year.

Vaccination rules

It is best to vaccinate in the spring (before bud break) exclusively by the "in the butt" method. Its essence is as follows:

  • collect the same cuttings with stock;
  • about 3 buds should form on the scion;
  • the scion and the stock are divided into 2 parts by an oblique cut, a part of the scion is applied to a part of the stock and wrapped with an elastic tape;
  • the upper part of the scion is cut off and treated with garden pitch, after which it is wrapped in a bag so that the shoots do not dry out;
  • with the appearance of leaves, they remove the bag, put it on only at night.

Disease and pest control

Processing will help keep the tree healthy

Processing will help keep the tree healthy

Despite the disease resistance of the Golden variety, the trees often show signs of powdery mildew and scab. To eliminate the first, it is necessary to spray every month using the drug "Ridomil" (60 g per 4 liters of water). It is advisable to use "Topaz" against scab (50 g per 4 liters of water).

Of the most common pests, aphids, moths and kidney eaters are noted. You need to deal with them using chemicals. Best suited for these purposes is "Oxyhom" (30 g per 5 liters of water) or "Skor" (100 g per 5 liters of water).

Features of ripening and fruiting

The apple variety Golden is characterized by early ripening. The first crop is harvested by farmers already in the 3rd year after planting.

Inflorescences need to be regulated from the first year.

Harvesting and storage

You need to start harvesting in the fall. Depending on the region of cultivation, the fruits are harvested in September or October. First, they pick the apples that are ripe. This will protect them from overripe and rotting.

Storing apples Gold is possible under any conditions, even in the refrigerator. For 8 months, the fruits do not lose their taste, but it is best to store the harvest on the balcony, where the temperature is most optimal for them.

Gardeners reviews

Due to the large number of advantages, gardeners leave positive reviews about Golden apples. Despite the small size of the tree, it brings a good harvest every year. Positive reviews are also explained by the unpretentiousness of the culture in the care. She is able to adapt to changes in weather without losing crops.

The price for 1 seedling is about 120 rubles.

Growing apples of the Gold variety, you can be sure that you will harvest a large number of high-quality fruits in the fall.If you supplement all the advantages of culture with timely care, even beginners in the field of gardening will be able to boast of a good harvest.

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