Description of the Souvenir grape variety

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The Souvenir grape is a hybrid that is distinguished by high yield rates and resistance to sudden changes in temperature. The popular variety is transported over long distances and does not lose its presentation. Delicious bunches are eaten raw and used to make fortified juices. Other names of the variety are Vaskovsky's Souvenir or Russian.

Description of the Souvenir grape variety

Description of the Souvenir grape variety

Characteristics of the variety

The Odessa Souvenir grape owes its advantages to the Moldavian black hybrid.

It belongs to late ripening varieties - the first harvest is harvested no earlier than 140-145 days. The preferred climate for the bush is warm with moderate rainfall. This grape variety loves warmth and requires a lot of light. It is difficult for the vine to tolerate frosts, especially long-term ones - in such cases, special shelters are installed to protect the culture. This type of grape is resistant to most of the diseases that horticultural crops suffer from.

Description of the bush

According to the description, the bush is medium-sized. The color of annual shoots is dark brown or burgundy. The leaves are elongated, ovoid: they cover the vine densely and evenly. The first sheet is brick red. The pubescence is cobweb and moderately dense. Younger leaves have a bronze tint. The leaf plate is smooth, light green saturated color.

Sheet characteristic:

  • the leaf has five separated parts and a noticeable dissection;
  • the edges of the foliage are bent upward;
  • the lower incision with a closed mouth, and the upper one with a medium-deep mouth;
  • teeth are located along the edges of the foliage.

Description of the bush: the crop is formed in the form of conical bunches on two-year-old branches. The shoot of the bush ripens well. The vine grows quickly on the sides and needs additional support.

Description of fruits

The Odessa Souvenir grape variety is characterized by delicious fruits. They are juicy and moderately fleshy. General description of fruits:

  • the weight of one berry is up to 5-6 g;
  • the shape of the berry is round, slightly elongated from top to bottom;
  • the bunch is stretched down, its average weight is up to 300 g;
  • the pulp is dense;
  • bones are small and hard;
  • the berries are covered with a thick skin that does not crack even with excess moisture;
  • the taste of the fruit is sweet, but unobtrusive.
  • the aroma of berries is musky;
  • sugar content per 100 ml of berries is 15-16 g.

Odessa Souvenir is an early ripening grape used for making juices - they are thick with a rich taste. The dense pulp contains useful substances.

Cultivation of culture

Seat selection

The plant needs sunlight

The plant needs sunlight

The grape bush is planted in an open, lighted area. It is better to choose the south side, where there is no shadow and drafts. The bushes grow quickly, so a spacious land plot is being prepared for the rhizome.

Landing in open ground

According to the description of the Souvenir grape variety, the depth of the dug hole should be at least 80 cm, which will allow the vine to grow and develop rapidly.A young processed seedling is immersed, soaked in water for 5-6 hours, to the level of the root collar. Before planting, the cutting is examined for signs of damage or rot.

After planting, the seedling is watered abundantly - at least 10 liters of water are poured in. A support is installed for the young vine, which will ensure the correct growth of the grapes. Bushes are planted at a distance of 1 m from each other. Additionally, lashes are trimmed, which does not allow young shoots to rot. The variety quickly takes root during the first weeks and does not need additional soil fertilization.

Plant care

The Odessa Souvenir grape harvest is held in early September. All summer, the vine needs watering, fertilizing the soil and trimming excess lashes. Immediately after disembarkation, the Odessa Souvenir is fertilized with mineral fertilizers.

Compulsory care includes:

  • loosening of the upper layers of the soil;
  • weed cleaning;
  • regular watering;
  • disease prevention.

A prerequisite for the proper growth of the vine is pruning the lashes. Such work is carried out in the spring before the formation of fruits. Irregular pruning is carried out in cases where the bush is sick - damaged shoots are cut off, and the cut site is treated with a disinfectant solution. For the winter, watering of the crop stops and resumes in early spring, when the upper layers of the soil warm up. To make the Odessa Souvenir variety grow faster, organic fertilizer is applied every 2 years. In the summer, watering is carried out as the soil dries up.

Diseases and pests

For horticultural crops, the main danger is birds, which destroy crops. Insects and wasps also harm the bunches, which quickly wither or rot from their invasion. Special nets are used to protect the bush. Insect nests that are located nearby are destroyed.

Souvenir grapes are susceptible to the following diseases:

  • oidium;
  • powdery mildew;
  • bacterial cancer.

Viral diseases cannot be detected until they cause visible damage to the crop. Infected branches are immediately removed to stop the disease. Additionally, the branches of the bush are treated with a fungicide, which prevents the spread of infection. To combat powdery mildew, the drug Karatan or sulfuric solution is used. Bushes are sprayed once a week. The vine and leaves are carefully sprayed during extreme heat so as not to harm the green foliage (burns may appear). Prevention will help prevent diseases such as bacterial cancer. To do this, you need to ventilate the bushes, and completely destroy diseased cultures.


The Souvenir grape is a popular, easy-to-care variety. If timely prevention is carried out, a medium-sized garden culture rarely gets sick.

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