Frumoasa alba grape

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Table grape varieties are distinguished by a variety of flavors. Frumoasa Albe grape is a hybrid variety characterized by disease resistance and unpretentiousness.

Frumoasa alba grape

Frumoasa alba grape

Characteristics of grapes

Frumoasa Albe was bred by crossing the varieties Saiv Villar and Guzal.

Translated, the name of the grape means "White Beauty". Its growing season is 130-145 days. In the southern regions, the ripening of the brushes is observed at the end of summer. The vine retains the fruits until frost, while the taste is not lost. In the northern regions, Albe is grown under cover. In the middle lane, the bunches ripen for a long time, especially in rainy weather.

According to the description, the grapes are frost-resistant: the plant can withstand temperatures down to -22 ° C-25 ° C.

The Frumoasa Albэ grape variety is propagated by cuttings.

Description of the bush

Frumoasa Albă grape bushes are characterized by medium growth, five-lobed wavy foliage of medium size. The leaf veins are pubescent, the flowers are of different sexes, this helps the pollination of the plant. The yield of the bush is on average 16 kg.

Description of fruits

Bunches of grapes are cylindrical, loose density, grow up to 19 cm in length, 10-13 cm in width. The weight of the bunches is 300-700 g, the maximum weight of the brush is 1 kg.

According to the description, the shape of the berries is round, less often - oval, the fruits are yellow-green, their size is 24 * 22 mm, weight is 5-8 g. The skin is covered with a bloom of wax, dots. The grape pulp is juicy, fleshy, with a nutmeg smell. The fruits contain 3-6 seeds. The sugar content of the berries is 17%, the acidity is 7.5 g / l. The aroma of the fruit is so strong that it is felt 2 m from the vine.

The grape fruits endure hot weather and sunlight. Ripening is uniform.

Depending on the age of the grape bushes, the berries differ in taste, the older the plant, the richer it is.

Growing grapes

It will be possible to grow Albe grapes if you create favorable conditions for it:

  • grapes prefer to grow in sunny areas;
  • it is important to provide him with adequate care.

Landing in the soil

The plant is best planted in spring.

The plant is best planted in spring.

The planting is carried out on the south side at a distance of 1.5 m from the walls, on neutral soils. The best time for disembarkation is spring, but it is permissible to do this in the fall.

Description of the principles of planting Albe:

  • the distance between the bushes is at least 2 m;
  • planting depth of seedlings - 25-35 cm;
  • the seedling is placed in the hole at an angle to the northern part;
  • after falling asleep with soil, it is watered, mulched around;
  • the cutting is planted 15 cm deeper than the container in which it grew.

At home

The grapes are planted in pots, installed on loggias, balconies. For this:

  • cultivation in tubs;
  • provide room ventilation;
  • carry out organic and mineral fertilizing of the vines;
  • carry out prophylaxis against diseases only with approved drugs.

Plant care

Proper care helps to grow large grapes and get a quality harvest.


Frumoasa Albe grapes require moderate and constant watering, while the seedlings take root better. Old bushes are watered abundantly during drought in spring and summer. Plants must be watered during flowering and ovary formation. Root dressing is accompanied by watering the grapes.


Vine bushes will yield better yields if you apply the necessary fertilizers:

  • Albe roots absorb fertilizers dissolved in water;
  • during the period of bud formation, potash and nitrogen fertilizing is applied, 50 g for each bush;
  • in the phase of peas, a complex of fertilizers is applied;
  • the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers is carried out according to the instructions.


Frumoasa grapes have a negative attitude to crop overload, otherwise the berries grow small and without the desired taste. To unload the vines, they are removed from it by the inflorescence, leaving the best brush. Removal time occurs after the berries have grown to the size of a pea.


The load on the grape bush should be up to 35 eyes. Pruning is carried out in the autumn period up to 8 eyes or 2-3 buds.

Preparing for winter

In the first year of growth, the plant leaves only 1 shoot. At the end of autumn, a bush with lower eyes is covered with soil, mulched up to 30 cm. Mulch serves as protection against freezing of the root system of grape bushes. Older vines are tilted to the soil, sprinkled with foliage, sawdust, after falling snow is poured onto the trunk.

Diseases and pests

Albe's grapes are not dangerous for diseases and pests; it has developed resistance against them.

For prophylaxis in the fall, spraying with iron sulfate is used.

In the spring, the grape bushes are lifted on supports and treated with Bordeaux liquid. The grapes are treated with fungicides at the bud stage after the formation of ovaries and again after 30 days. These preventive measures help protect plants from diseases and pests.


Frumoasa Albe has a unique composition of vitamins and minerals that benefits the human body. Growing a rich harvest and enjoying the taste of the fruit will turn out after taking proper care of the plants.

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