Characteristics of the Parisian grape

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The Parisian grape belongs to frost-resistant crops. Gardeners prefer to grow it on their site, because it is not exposed to negative environmental factors (frost or excessive sun rays), so it is able to bear fruit in all regions of the country, even the northern ones.

Characteristics of the Parisian grape

Characteristics of the Parisian grape

Characteristics of the variety

The Parisian grape variety was developed at the beginning of the 21st century. It is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. To be grown in all regions of the country.

According to the description, the bush is high, up to 6 m. Flowering is mainly of the female type, but this variety has the property of self-fertility. Gardeners won't have to plant other pollinators next to it. Ripening of shoots is high. They are characterized by the ability to root, which has a positive effect on productivity.

The following features are noted:

  • clusters are large, weighing up to 800 g;
  • pink berry, weight about 20 g;
  • the peel is dense;
  • high yield: from a bush up to 15 kg of products.

Taste and use

The pulp is dense, juicy, slightly watery, inside the fruit contains a few small bones. Due to the content of sugar and ascorbic acid, the taste is sweet and sour, pleasant. The aroma is nutmeg.

The Parisienne grape is versatile in use. Suitable both for fresh consumption and for making juices or desserts. When making wine, it is characterized by a pleasant sweet dessert taste.

Growing recommendations

This culture is not demanding on heat, therefore, planting is carried out in sunny and shaded areas. It is worth choosing a loamy or chernozem soil with a low acid-base balance (no more than 4%). It is important to protect the bushes from excessive wind, because the bunches are massive and often break off when exposed to the wind.

A seedling is planted in the fall, before the onset of frost. It is better to do this in early October, so that the plant can get used to the new place and not be exposed to the upcoming frost. To begin with, dig a hole. Its size should correspond to the size of the root system. Put 3 kg of humus inside. If the groundwater is close to the surface of the earth, then it is worth installing a drainage system at the bottom of the hole.

After that, a purchased healthy grafted seedling is placed inside the pit and sprinkled with earth tightly. At the end, watering is carried out with warm, settled water. Per plant - 20 liters of water. A metal rod is installed nearby, to which a seedling is tied. The distance between the bushes is 4 m.

Care features

Water the plants with warm water only.

Water the plants with warm water only.

The Parisian grape must be watered, depending on the degree of soil drainage. It all depends on the region of growth. In the southern and central regions, watering is carried out much more often than in other regions of the country. Each time the roots of the plant should be watered with 20 liters of warm water. After the first watering, the soil is mulched using straw and humus.Otherwise, after each watering, you will have to loosen the soil and remove weeds on your own.

Top dressing is carried out twice during the growing season.

  1. Before flowering, watering is carried out with a solution of potassium nitrate (40 g per 10 l of water).
  2. A few weeks before the upcoming fruiting, watering is carried out with a solution of ammonium nitrate (20 g per 10 l of water).

At least 25 liters of nutrient solution are poured under each plant. To prepare the variety for frost, a mixture of 2 kg of humus and 1 kg of peat should be added under the root.

It is worth cutting off shoots and dry branches a month after all the leaves have completely fallen from the bush. The antennae and sprouted stepchildren are subject to removal. It is worth leaving only useful and compacted areas, because they tie fruits better. Pruning should be done for 7-8 buds.

Diseases and pests

The main diseases that affect this species are rot, anthracnose and bacteriosis.

  1. A solution of Bordeaux liquid (4 g per 10 liters of water) will help get rid of all types of rot. Spraying is carried out at intervals of 7 days.
  2. A solution of Carbomil (40 g per 10 liters of water) will help against anthracnose.
  3. It is impossible to cure a plant from bacteriosis. We'll have to uproot the whole bush.

Of the pests, grape speck is often found. In the fight against her, Aktara is used. Treatment with a solution (30 g of the drug per 10 l of water) is carried out at intervals of 10 days.


The Parisienne is a popular grape crop. According to the description, the vine is frost-resistant, high-yielding and unpretentious to care for, so growing this variety is easy even for beginners.

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