Opening grapes in spring

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Grapes are a capricious plant that requires increased attention. You need to know exactly how to care for the seedlings, how to water and prune them. Opening the grapes in spring is a mandatory procedure, which depends on the climate and weather conditions.

Opening grapes in spring

Opening grapes in spring

Features of opening grapes in spring

Grape care procedures vary by variety. Hilling, semi-covering, partial covering or complete covering of the bush is carried out.

Vineyard care is an individual matter for different latitudes and their inherent weather conditions. Both preparation for winter and spring opening are completely dependent on the climate in which the berries are grown.

Where there are no severe winter frosts, vineyards need not be covered at all. In the central regions of Russia, they are in no hurry to open grapes until the end of April or the beginning of May. In the northern parts, the vine is taken out of the shelter even later, since the winter in these places is long and there is a danger of recurrent frosts.

How to open grapes

Grape bushes wintering under a layer of insulation are not afraid of frost. They are able to easily withstand temperatures of -4-5 ° C even when open. This is because the buds of the plant are sleeping at this moment. Slight temperature drops are not terrible for them.

In March, the area around the grapes is cleared of the remaining snow. With the onset of a stable temperature in spring, the material used for the shelter is removed. It is used as:

  • polyethylene;
  • insulating mats;
  • roofing material;
  • slate;
  • wooden board, flooring;
  • earthen shelter;
  • sawdust bags.

If you used an earthen shelter (hilling), the vine is cleared of the remnants of the earth in order to start the growing season in time.

You need to be careful with an already awake vine. A plant that has sprouted its first spring buds can freeze even at the smallest sub-zero temperature.

Disclosure in the northern region

In the northern regions, it is recommended to open grapes gradually in spring. For this, several holes are made in the shelter: this way the plant will naturally temper and breathe.

Wait for the first green cones to appear. As soon as the buds hatch, the insulation is removed completely. So the vine will not freeze, and will begin to develop in the most comfortable conditions for it. It is useful for the plant to ventilate, dry out and gradually get used to the temperature. In spring, grape vines need to be opened no earlier than early April.

Danger of untimely opening of vines

Do not delay opening grapes

Do not delay opening grapes

Overheating negatively affects yield. The vines are reprimanded due to the greenhouse effect that forms under the shelter, so you need to open the grapes in spring on time. The leaves that appear there are discolored, but quickly regain their natural color in the sun.

In order to avoid decay of the shoots, it is necessary to open the plant during the daytime.Direct sunlight dries out the bark and triggers natural metabolic processes. In the evening, when the temperature drops again, the vines are covered.

Differences in opening young vines

A mature vine can withstand a slight drop in temperature. Its bark is denser, and the shoot itself is thicker. At 4-5 in spring, it practically does not need partial opening, if there is no extremely cold weather. You can open a mature vine a week earlier.

Young cuttings that have wintered for the first time can be severely affected. They tend to rot under cover more often than others, and can also dry out or rot. In the spring, when the nights are cold, they are guided by these shoots and cover the vine in the evening.

If the young plant still suffered from frost, this can affect its yield and destroy the vine. After the thermometer stops dropping below 5 ° C at night, there is no need to worry about grapes.

Taking care of the grapes after opening

From the moment the shelter is removed, the plant starts vegetative development. Spring care of the grape vine is necessary, since it affects the quality and quantity of the harvest.

In the spring, the following works are carried out:

  • Insulation from plants is opened. Fasteners and studs are removed from the vine for fixation.
  • They give the grapes some time to straighten the vine, because during the winter the plant got used to this position. You cannot immediately bend or twist the plant: you can easily damage the bush.
  • After drying, the grapes are pruned. Especially bushes that have not been cut in the fall. Cuts are made with sharp garden shears along the vine knot.
  • Preventive spraying of the plant against diseases and insect pests is carried out. In the spring, mineral fertilizers are applied for a good start in growth.
  • Be sure to tie the vine to the prepared structures, rods, wires. The garter is carried out in an inclined or upright position.

The most dangerous thing for the vine is the icing of young shoots with buds. Ice provokes the formation of microcracks in the bark. After that, pathogens can penetrate into them.



Regardless of the grape variety, opening the grape vines in spring should be done carefully and gradually. A sharp temperature drop will lead to the death of the plant or a decrease in its yield.

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