Grape variety Black Grand

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The Black Grand grape was developed by crossing two other species of this crop. The large fruits of the hybrid have an exotic taste.

Grape variety Black Grand

Grape variety Black Grand

Characteristics of the variety

The Black Grand grape variety is the most frost-resistant of all types, it is able to withstand frosts from -25 ° C to -27 ° C. Even the extreme temperature mark will not affect fruiting. Black Grand grapes tie large berries, and the bunch turns out to be massive. Bisexual flowers, self-pollinated variety

Description of the bush

The bush, according to the description, is vigorous, the vines are powerful, the foliage of the plant is large, dark green in color.

Description of fruits

The berries are dark blue. The fruit grows up to 40-50 cm, while the bunch reaches 800 g - 2 kg. The pulp is sweet, juicy, with a plum flavor. The peel leaves a tart aftertaste.

Growing varieties

The Black Grand grape variety has a peculiarity - underdeveloped roots. It is impossible to grow it by cuttings, since they will not take root. Sprouts are planted in open ground with a strengthened root system. So that there are no problems with growing, the quality of the seedlings is checked even upon purchase:

  1. There should be no stains on the foliage.
  2. The bush should not be dry.
  3. Mechanical damage is unacceptable.


For planting, a place is chosen where the bush can receive a lot of sunlight and was protected from drafts. But direct sunlight can also harm the fruit. There is no need to place this variety in the shade, but in order to save the culture from burns, they choose a place with more gentle sunlight. Also, a planting pit is prepared in advance so that the soil is filled with useful elements. A hole is dug, the nutrient mixture is covered with layers:

  • humus;
  • superphosphate;
  • ash.

After planting, you need to tamp the earth and pour warm water over the Black Grand grapes.


Regular feeding improves the taste of the berries

Regular feeding improves the taste of the berries

First of all, it is important to follow the watering rules. At the beginning of development, the bushes are often watered, once every 1-2 days. Over time, when the root system develops more and more, then watering is reduced to 1-2 times a week. After 3 years from the moment of planting, when the plant will already bear fruit, it is watered about 3 times a season. During flowering, the bush is not watered. One watering of the Black Grand variety takes a bucket of water.

It is also important to feed the bushes. Timely feeding can prevent plant diseases and improve the quality of the fruit. For fertilization, potash salt, superphosphates and manure are used.

Diseases and pests

According to the description, Black Grand is disease resistant. Also, Black Grand grapes are immune to insect attacks. However, some fungal diseases that affect foliage and fruits are dangerous to the plant if it is not properly cared for.

Fight disease

To cure the plant and prevent the consequences of diseases, it is treated with chemicals, the soil is fertilized, and all damaged areas are removed.To combat diseases, drugs such as Anthrakal, Cuprosat and Bordeaux mixture are used.

Some diseases are caused by problems with the soil, as too wet soil causes rot. And if there is a lack of nutrients in the soil, then the plant stops bearing fruit.

Pest control

Special chemicals that can be purchased in stores will help save the plant from pests. These include insecticides such as Bi-58, Vertimek and Thanos. However, some gardeners prefer to use folk remedies. Most often, the vine is treated with mullein and manganese for several weeks.


For prevention, the bushes are treated with fungicides or chemicals. They constantly monitor the condition of the soil and root zone. The slightest spots on leaves or fruits are signals of the appearance of diseases or pests.


Black Grand variety is one of the most demanded in viticulture. Due to its unpretentiousness to weather conditions and large fruits, it is a profitable acquisition for any gardener.

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