Galia grape variety

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Frost-resistant grapes Galia are perfect for growing in regions with a cool climate. This variety will delight its owner with high yields and good immunity to diseases and pests.

Galia grape variety

Galia grape variety

Characteristics of the variety

Galia is a hybrid grape variety characterized by an early ripening period, therefore it is often called universal in relation to the growing regions. The progenitors of the hybrid were the grapes Kostya and Delight. Thanks to the work of breeders, a frost-resistant culture was obtained (withstands up to -24 ° C), vigorous, having the best characteristics of its parents.

Such a culture is unpretentious to growing conditions. Galya (as winegrowers often call her) takes root well both in Siberia and in temperate and warm climates.

The berries ripen for 95-100 days. Harvesting occurs in August, in the northern regions - at the beginning of September.

Description of the bush

The description of the plant is similar to the description of the progenitors of the hybrid. The bush has medium to high vigor, spreading, becomes more productive with age. The number of fruitful shoots is surprising. The hybrid has more than 60% of them. The vine ripens at 75% of its length. The cuttings of the hybrid root well and can be combined with rootstocks.

Description of fruits

The fruits of this grape are large in size. The brushes are conical in shape, the berries are large, oval, dark blue. The weight of each berry reaches 13 g. The taste of the berries deserves special attention. They are juicy, fleshy and sweet (sugar contains 17%, acidity 6-8 g / l). The skin is thin, rarely cracks. Ripe bunches often weigh 700 and 1000 grams.

Growing varieties

The cultivation of this hybrid does not differ from the peculiarities of agricultural technology of other varieties with an early ripening period. The culture takes root well in a new place, the main thing is to choose a good planting material. The seedlings must have a healthy root system and free from signs of disease or damage. The bush is planted in the spring, before the start of sap flow, on the soil prepared in the fall. In the fall, 1 bucket of rotted manure is introduced into the future planting site of the seedling.

Planting seedlings

The seedling is planted in the warm ground

The seedling is planted in the warm ground

A favorable time for planting is the end of March or the beginning of April, when the earth has time to warm up to 7 - 10 ° С. Before planting, the roots of the seedling are pruned. The landing itself is done like this:

  1. They dig a hole 50 cm deep and 80 cm wide.
  2. The selected soil is mixed with top dressing. Add 200 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potassium sulfate.
  3. Install the bush by gently spreading its roots.
  4. Sprinkle the young bush with the selected soil.

After planting, the bush is watered. Use 1-2 buckets of warm, settled water.

Planted crop care

Caring for Galia grapes is not very difficult. The hybrid loves moisture, but does not tolerate overflow, needs proper feeding and shaping of bushes. Grapes love light, fertile soil.During the season, it will be necessary to loosen the ground 2-3 times in order to feed the plant's root system with oxygen.

In order for the plant planted on the site to grow and develop, and also give a good harvest, you should:

  1. Use only warm and settled water for irrigation. Cold water has a detrimental effect on the vitality of the plant.
  2. Mulch the soil after watering.
  3. Feed the plant 4-5 times per season. The culture is unpretentious to fertilizers. Both mineral compositions and organic matter are introduced.
  4. Carry out pruning. The maximum load on a bush is 40-45 eyes, on a vine - 8-10 eyes.
  5. Thin the deciduous mass during the ripening period.
  6. Carry out preventive spraying against diseases and pests.

With proper care, the plant gives its first fruits already for 3-4 years.

Diseases and pests

Galia is resistant to all known garden diseases. Powdery mildew, powdery mildew, as well as gray rot do not pose a threat with annually carried out preventive measures with Bordeaux liquid. Spraying is carried out before flowering.

Among pests, wasps cause the greatest harm to culture. But their harmful influence can be avoided if the fruits are not overripe - it is necessary to harvest in a timely manner.


Galia is a grape that is hard to find flaws in. It is versatile for growing in different climatic conditions, has large and heavy clusters, delicious berries. The variety tolerates severe frosts and rarely suffers from diseases.

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