Characteristics of grapes White Miracle

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It is difficult to grow grapes in not the most traditional conditions for this. However, breeders develop varieties that can withstand adverse weather conditions and have high yields. One of them is the White Miracle grape.

Characteristics of grapes White Miracle

Characteristics of grapes White Miracle

Characteristics of the variety

The White Miracle grape variety is the result of crossing the Original and Vostok species. Created for growing in temperate continental and moderately cold climates, that is, in central Russia, Belarus and most of Ukraine.

According to the description of the White Miracle grape variety, it is a frost-hardy and early species that adapts well to a new place. It ripens by early August, making it the best choice for regions with harsh winters and short summers. The bush begins to bear fruit in the 2nd year from the time of disembarkation. Sometimes this happens after 3 years.

Grapes of the White Miracle variety also have a drawback - well-ripened fruits, due to their thin peel, easily choke with strong shaking, but this applies only to transportation.

Description of the bush

One of the main characteristics of grapes is the vigor of the bush's growth, which affects the fruitfulness. In this variety, it is more often medium - about 2 m. The bush bears fruit almost completely - by 85%. Bunches appear on about 70-75% of all its shoots. The vine is durable, and the fertility rate remains at the level of 1.3-1.6 for many years.

The bush can withstand a lot of stress. The size of the variety's bunches is from 600 g to 1.5 kg.

Description of fruits

Gourmets should like the taste of White Miracle grapes. Juicy greenish-white fruits with a delicate skin seem to melt in your mouth. The fruits are large, oval in shape. The size of the berry reaches 20x24 mm. The average weight is 6-8 grams, but there are much more - up to 15 grams. The fruits are fleshy and juicy. A harmonious ratio of acidity and sugar content is noted - sugar is usually 20-25%, acidity is 5-9 g / l.

Growing varieties

The stalk of a vine of the White Miracle variety propagates easily, and the root system forms in it quickly.


The plant needs sunlight

The plant needs sunlight

Like any other species, the White Miracle grape needs sunlight, so it is better to plant it on the sunny side so that the shadow does not fall on the bush. Of the general and specific rules for the White Miracle grape variety, the following can be noted:

  • planting this medium-growing variety next to strong-growing bushes is not worth it - development may decrease;
  • it is worth planting in soil that is well permeable to air. To do this, they dig and loosen the soil well and deeply;
  • before planting in the hole, wood ash, humus and sand are added in the same proportion. A small mound is made of them, in which a hole is formed, where the seedling is placed. This will be useful for his root system;
  • planting is carried out from mid-April to late May, during the period when warm days become stable;
  • immediately after planting, the soil is watered abundantly.


Due to the high degree of adaptability of White Miracle grapes, caring for them is not burdensome. However, it is necessary to prune dry branches in a timely manner, loosen the ground, tie up long shoots, fertilize and water the bushes. A feature of the variety is that if, for some reason, proper care was not provided, the bush is able to resist unfavorable conditions for a long time - it does not dry out and does not die.


Watering is divided into three stages. The first is carried out in late spring. Further - before and after the flowering of the vine. An adult bush accounts for 4 liters. water with 500 gr. ash. When calculating the load on a grape bush, you need to take into account the optimal values ​​- 30-35 eyes.


It is also desirable to insulate the White Miracle, despite its high frost resistance, which makes it possible to tolerate up to - 25 ° C. Before the onset of frost, the bush is wrapped in polyethylene or something alternative.

Diseases and pests

According to the description, the hybrid grape variety is immune to all sorts of pests and diseases typical of grapes. The variety successfully resists diseases such as oidium, gray rot and mildew. However, as a preventive measure, the bush should be sprayed to protect it from bees, wasps and bedbugs.


Gardeners speak about White Miracle grapes only from the positive side, there are almost no complaints. The variety rarely deviates from its positive characteristics. This grape is very popular and in demand in those regions where other species grow poorly or do not grow at all.

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