The most common pumpkin varieties

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Pumpkin is an annual or perennial plant, the first mention of which dates back to the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e. Translated from Old Church Slavonic, this word means "plump fruit". Currently, thanks to the efforts of agronomists, there are different varieties of pumpkin, which differ from each other in appearance, taste and areas of use.

The most common pumpkin varieties

The most common pumpkin varieties

Brief characteristics of pumpkin

Pumpkin is a genus of herbaceous annuals or perennials in the pumpkin family. Usually, this word means certain species of the genus: ordinary (or thick-haired), nutmeg and large-fruited.

They belong to annual herbaceous crops grown in a vegetable garden or garden plot for livestock (forage varieties) or for consumption (table species).

General description of the plant:

  • the bush has a developed tap root system that can reach 8 m in length;
  • stems are powerful, fibrous, covered with hard hairs;
  • leaves are large, dark green in color, up to 25 cm in diameter. They are also covered with hard hairs;
  • the culture grows, creeping along the ground and clinging to the soil with branchy tendrils;
  • it is a monoecious plant;
  • flowers are arranged singly or in bunches. Their color ranges from white to orange. The calyx and corolla are bell-shaped;
  • the size of the vegetable, the characteristics of its appearance and taste vary depending on the variety. It is usually a round or pear-shaped fruit that has a hard skin and a large number of flattened seeds in the pulp.

At the moment, there are more than 20 different plant species that belong to the genus pumpkin. Among them there are both wild and cultivated by agronomists varieties.


Currently, pumpkin is actively cultivated as a fodder and table plant. This vegetable is most widespread in China (over 28% of the total market volume), then in India (20%), Russia, Ukraine and the USA (4.5% each).

In the Nordic countries and in the UK, due to the long ripening period and unsuitable climatic conditions, the plant is practically not cultivated.

Thanks to this popularity of the vegetable, a large number of agricultural communities have been created over the past few years, which specialize in breeding new varieties of pumpkins and growing existing ones.

The most popular of them are the English-speaking Stardew Valley community and the Russian-speaking Batatovye Kushchi community. Also known are Agrosite and Semko, which are based on the Internet.


The characteristic feature of these varieties is not the size of the fruit, but the thick and rough skin. It is in it (as well as in the seeds) that a large proportion of useful microelements is contained.In addition, the thick peel allows the plant to be planted in early spring, which allows harvesting as early as late August or early September.

The most popular hardwood varieties are 5 varieties.

  1. Barn. It is a medium early variety with a semi-bushy growth type. The fruits, even after ripening, have a green skin and a small amount of gray veins. The average weight of a vegetable is 3-4 kg. The barn is bred by planting seeds in greenhouses or by seedling. A unique feature of this variety is that it does not accumulate heavy metals and nitrates, and its pulp also contains a high level of beta-carotene.
  2. Bambino. This is a mid-early versatile variety with creeping shoots. Its fruits are round in shape and, when ripe, acquire a rich yellow color. Their average weight is 6-8 kg. The pulp of the vegetable is tasty, sweet, juicy, contains a large amount of vitamins A and C. Bambino is stored throughout the winter.
  3. Cinderella. This is a mid-early table variety that is planted directly into open ground. Thanks to its large foliage and well-developed bush, this hardy pumpkin is not afraid of frost. The fruit weighs more than 9 kg and is round in shape. When ripe, the pumpkin takes on a golden yellow color, sometimes with an orange tint. The value of the Cinderella variety is not only in the pulp, but also in the seeds. So, the latter are eaten both fresh and lightly fried to improve vision, restore hair and nails.
  4. Red Baroness. A mid-season variety that ripens 100 days after the first shoots appear. The fruit is large (up to 10 kg), rounded, clearly defined segments. The pulp is tasty, juicy and rich in vitamins. It is consumed both fresh and baked.
  5. Marble toad. This variety got its name due to the dark green color of the peel with white streaks and stains. It is a heat-loving vegetable with a medium ripening period. The first fruits appear 4 months after planting in open ground. The species is intended for cultivation only in warm regions of Russia. Pumpkin weight varies from 6 to 12 kg. The fruits are used in cooking: they are baked in slices, porridge and mashed potatoes are boiled. In a cellar or other dark, cool place, vegetables retain their taste and presentation throughout the whole year.

Also, the seeds of the hard-bore pumpkin varieties have a unique chemical composition and taste.


No less tasty and juicy pumpkins

No less tasty and juicy pumpkins

These species are distinguished not only by the large size of the fruits, but also by the unique taste characteristics of their pulp. So, after the pumpkin is fully ripe, the amount of sugar in most varieties can exceed 15%, which is even more than that of a ripe watermelon.

There are 10 of the most common large-fruited varieties.

Atlantic giant

You can even distinguish this variety of pumpkin from others by the size of the seeds. Atlantic is a record variety both in pumpkin size and in the volume of the bush and the amount necessary for growing this type of soil.

The average weight of this giant pumpkin is 45 kg. With careful care, vegetables weighing up to 250 kg can be obtained.

The Atlantic giant is a mid-early variety, the first harvest of which ripens 125 days after the seeds germinate. It is thermophilic and requires regular watering. If these conditions are not met, the bush can throw off the ovary or get sick.

Big Max

This is another giant variety with fruits weighing up to 50 kg. It is considered to be mid-season and thermophilic. Beautiful oval or round vegetables after ripening acquire a rich orange hue.

The main advantage of the Big Max variety is its good resistance to common diseases of melons and gourds.

Big Moon

It is a mid-late variety characterized by large fruits. The average weight of one pumpkin is 25 kg, but a case was recorded when a "giant" weighing more than 90 kg was grown.The bush of the plant is powerful and well developed: the whips reach 3 m in length.

Pumpkins are round, smooth, poor segmentation. The variety is valued for its size and long shelf life. Provided the necessary conditions are provided, the harvest “lies” for a whole year. Also Big Moon has resistance to most diseases of melons.


This is a unique large-fruited variety. It does not differ in high yield, but it has excellent taste. The species is resistant to most diseases of melons and gourds. Ripening occurs 3.5-4 months after seed germination.

The color of the pumpkin is gray-green with small splashes of orange. The shape of the fruit is round. Weak ribbing. The pulp of the Zorka variety is sweet, but not juicy. It contains a small amount of seeds. The average weight is 6-8 kg.


A versatile mid-season type of pumpkin. This is the most popular variety of this plant. It is she who is used in most of the recipes by the famous chef Ilya Lazerson.

Pumpkin Kapitoshka is small (about 1-2 kg), the number of ovaries on one shoot is 6-7. The fruit is round and orange in color. The vegetable has a crispy and velvety flesh with an average level of sweetness. In some, especially foreign sources, there is a hybrid version of this pumpkin, which is called Orange Summer.

Parisian gold

This is an annual French gourd that has been gaining in popularity lately. This is due to its amazing taste and a large amount of vitamins that are contained in its pulp.

The rich yellow color of the peel is the reason for the name of the variety. The Parisian Golden Gourd is a mid-early variety. Bred by the agronomists of Paris, it tolerates sharp drops in temperature. Fruits are strongly flattened, with pronounced segments. Their weight varies from 8 to 12 kg.

Stopudovaya (Titanium)

This is a mid-ripening large-fruited pumpkin for universal use. The huge fruits of the Stopud variety are suitable for both eating and feeding livestock. Thanks to its large foliage, powerful bush and well-developed root system, Titan can withstand sudden drops in temperature without harming the ovary.

To achieve a maximum fruit weight of 50 kg, you must leave one pumpkin per brush.


It is a mid-season variety that ripens in 110-120 days. The fruit is large (weighing up to 40 kg), bright orange. The pulp is up to 10 cm thick, tasty and aromatic. The Tolstushka variety is distinguished by high productivity, disease resistance and versatility of use.

Princess Frog

This is a medium-late large-fruited pumpkin, which differs from others in its unusual appearance. This beauty has a dark green peel, covered with bumps and growths on top, which resembles toad skin. Because of this, the pumpkin got its name. The bush looks like a squash bush. 15-20 kg of fruits are harvested from one plant.

Also, due to the increased sugar content, the fruits of the Princess frog variety are well stored and do not lose their presentation for a long time, even when in a warm room.


These varieties are considered the most delicious and healthy. However, at the same time, they are quite demanding on weather conditions and difficult to grow. The best option for breeding nutmeg varieties would be to use a greenhouse or film shelter.

  1. Pineapple. This is a mid-season hybrid. The pumpkin is characterized by the shape of a pear. Its pulp is thick, dense, sweet, with a pronounced nutmeg aroma. The fruits reach a weight of 1.5-2.5 kg. This is one of the sweetest and most delicious pumpkin varieties.
  2. Arabat. Table type of pumpkin, which belongs to the late-ripening varieties. The first harvest ripens 130-135 days after the seeds germinate. The average fruit weight is 6 kg.
  3. Grand slam. Delicious table pumpkin. Medium late variety - harvest is formed on 120 days. The plant resembles a squash bush.Each of them ripens 3-5 ovaries with an average weight of 4-5 kg. The rind is orange-brown, waxy. The pulp is fibrous with a small amount of seeds. The fruits are stored for up to six months. The uniqueness of the Grand Slam pumpkin is its aroma. Once ripe, the scent of the fig leaves can be picked up.
  4. Prikubanskaya. It is a medium late variety with a long history of breeding. A small pumpkin weighs up to 2 kg. The Prikubansky variety is characterized by an elongated pear-shaped fruit. The color of the peel is orange-brown. The pulp of the vegetable is tender, sweet and juicy. It is from the pumpkins of the Prikubansky variety that various treats are often prepared.
  5. Candied. Due to the high sugar content in the pulp, the fruits of the Candied Pumpkin are widely used in cooking - they are often dried and dried. Because of this, the variety received such a name. This is a mid-late culture. The first harvest ripens in 4-5 months from the moment of seed germination. Fruits are light brown, round-flattened. The pulp is velvety, bright orange in color, with a high sugar content. The average weight of one fruit is 5 kg. One bush has 3-4 ovaries. The crop tolerates transportation well and is stored for a long time even in an apartment.

In the central and southern regions of Russia, such varieties of nutmeg pumpkins are grown as Miracle Yudo, Japanese Black, Trombone.

A unique feature of nutmeg varieties is the ability to ripen them outside melons. When the weather conditions deteriorate, the fruits are collected from the beds and placed in a dark, dry place, where they gradually ripen.

For Moscow region

Pumpkins are not very picky about growing.

Pumpkins are not very picky about growing.

The Moscow region is characterized by strong temperature drops throughout the summer. Also, the earth warms up there for a long time in spring and early frosts in autumn are not uncommon. These factors make the Moscow region a poorly suitable area for growing melons and gourds. However, there are several types of pumpkins that are successfully bred in the country in this region.


This is a gymnospermous pumpkin that was bred by a Polish breeder. The plant has a bushy structure, without long lashes and large green mass. Grown pumpkin for delicious seeds. The pulp is yellowish and has a neutral taste.

Gribovskaya bush 189

This early ripening pumpkin is appreciated for its compactness: the plant looks like a squash bush. The fruits are oblong. After ripening, their green color changes to bright yellow with a small amount of green blotches. The average weight is 2 kg. Gribovskaya bush 189 is valued for its unpretentiousness: the bush does not require the removal of excess shoots and antennae.


Mid-season pumpkin of a round shape. The weight of one fruit is over 20 kg. Vegetables can be stored in a cool, dark place for a long time and can be transported well.


This is a unique variety that is grown almost throughout Russia due to its frost resistance.

Many gardeners point out that you can let the bushes creep along the ground or tie them up on trellises. Early ripening pumpkins of the Russkaya variety ripen in 3 months. In shape, they resemble a whirligig: round, but slightly pointed near the stalk and inflorescence.

The pulp is moderately sweet and juicy. The weight of the fetus does not exceed 4 kg, but up to 6 ovaries are formed on one lash. The vegetable is canned, and also juice and puree are prepared from it. On an industrial scale, mashed potatoes from this variety are added when canning tomatoes and creating tomato juice. The main disadvantage of the Russian variety is the very short shelf life of the crop.


In accordance with the name Healing or Healing pumpkin is actively used in pharmacy, folk medicine and cosmetology. This is facilitated by the high content of carotene and the low sugar level in the pulp of the vegetable.

Early ripening fruits ripen within 3 months after seed germination. The color of the peel after ripening of the pumpkin is gray with small white veins. The medicinal variety is distinguished not only by its chemical composition, but also by its disc-shaped form.She has pronounced segments.

The flesh is crispy, juicy and moderately sweet. Fruits are small - about 3-4 kg. In a dark, cool room, the crop is stored for up to six months.


This variety is called so in honor of its unusual aroma, which vaguely resembles the smell of almonds.

It is an ultra-early maturing, hard bark variety that is sensitive to weather conditions and watering. The shape of the fruit is round, the segmentation is pronounced, the color after ripening is deep orange. The pumpkin weighs about 5 kg. The number of ovaries depends on the weather and the quality of the soil.

The vegetable is used in cooking and to be added raw to food for animals. The main disadvantage of the variety is that the bushes are prone to infection with powdery mildew. Plus - the plants tolerate cold well.

Less common in the Moscow region are the varieties Matreshka, Kolobok, Bessemyanka Michurinskaya and Melnaya.

All of these pumpkin varieties are early ripening and frost resistant. They are bred by seedlings. They are also suitable for cultivation in the Leningrad region and the central regions of the country.

For Siberia and the Urals

Pumpkin is a thermophilic plant with a long ripening period. Growing it in regions with cold and arid climates is very problematic. However, breeders were able to cope with this by creating new types of vegetables. They are characterized by a short ripening period, thick skin and small fruit volumes.

In Siberia and the Urals, it is better to grow the following varieties:

  • Benincasa. This is the so-called wax or winter gourd. In Russia, it is not yet well known, but gardeners have already noted its good frost resistance. This allows you to grow Benincasa pumpkin in Siberia and the Urals. The fruit is elongated, light green in color. In appearance, it resembles a zucchini or an unripe melon;
  • Baby. An ultra-ripe pumpkin that begins to bear fruit within 80 days from the moment the seeds germinate. The plant is compact (has 4-5 ovaries on one shoot). The weight of the fruits depends on the composition of the soil and the care of the crop;
  • Print. Mid-season variety. Sprawling bush with long lashes. Fruits weighing up to 15 kg, bright orange, flattened. For good fruiting, the plant needs the formation of a bush and systematic watering;
  • Freckle. This is an ultra-early ripening pumpkin, which is distinguished by its small bush size, small leaves and short shoots. A relatively small area is required to breed a crop. Fruits weigh 2 kg on average. They have a round shape and a green skin with a small network of white veins. The pulp is not very sweet and not very juicy, it has a pear flavor. Basically, the fruits are used for feeding livestock.

The varieties Adagio, Olga and Premiera are also grown in these territories.

In the Urals and in the Far North, only frost-resistant and early maturing varieties are bred. You can also cultivate pumpkins that can ripen outside the melons.


Pumpkins are very diverse in appearance and taste.

Pumpkins are very diverse in appearance and taste.

Hybrid varieties are especially popular among gardeners. Like all other f1 vegetables, these pumpkins can be grown outdoors in almost any region. Only in some areas is it necessary to cover them with foil or keep them in greenhouses for the first few months.

The most common varieties marked with F1 include:

  • Atlas. This is a pear-shaped early pumpkin with large fruits and delicate tasty pulp;
  • Matilda. This is a Dutch hybrid pumpkin with a high yield. On one shoot, up to 9 ovaries ripen at the same time. Matilda F1 is a graceful pumpkin that is pear-shaped and crispy sweet flesh. The weight of elongated fruits does not exceed 2-3 kg. Due to the small amount of seeds in the pulp, the vegetable is used for stuffing and whole-fruit baking;
  • Potimaron (Red Sun). This is a mid-late table pumpkin with small, 2-3 kg, red fruits. They resemble an inverted blob in shape.They are used for canning and cooking various dishes. Potimaron is stored very well. In a dark, cool, dry place, it retains its taste and presentation for a whole year;
  • Crumpet. This is one of the latest varieties that is harvested after the first frost. The fruits have a thin gray-green rind, sweet and crunchy flesh. The average weight of a pumpkin reaches 7 kg. The variety Butter crumpet can be stored for a long time. At the same time, the taste of vegetables will only improve over time;
  • Chengzhou. Although the pumpkin is native to the countries of East Asia, it currently grows well in garden beds almost throughout Russia. This is a wax gourd. Chenzhou fully complies with the declared characteristics: it is frost-resistant, elongated, the pulp is milky green. In suitable conditions, the crop can be stored for 2 years.

Among other varieties of the F1 category, Yustinka, Pluto, Barbara are also popular.

Modern hybrids successfully combine good taste, high yield, resistance to sudden changes in temperature and immunity to disease. All this influences the popularity of f1 pumpkins and contributes to the breeding of new species.


Separately, it is worth highlighting the varieties that have sweet and juicy pulp and rich aroma.

  1. Apricot. Medium early grade. The fruit is round, slightly flattened, slightly ribbed. Ripe striped pumpkin. Its main skin color is orange and the stripes are dark green. The pulp is slightly fibrous, very juicy. The seeds have no peel. They are consumed both raw and lightly fried.
  2. Caramel. Despite its name, this variety is characterized by a high content of vitamin C in its pulp and an average level of sweetness. Early ripening fruits are clearly segmented, rounded and have a red-orange peel. The average weight is 1.5-2 kg, however, up to 6-8 ovaries are tied on one shoot. The pulp of the vegetable is juicy, velvety. The vegetable is eaten raw and used to prepare various dishes.
  3. Muscat de Provence. This is a French pumpkin, which was able to take root in vegetable gardens in Russia, like its "countrywoman" - Parisian gold. It is bred in seedlings. In the northern regions of Russia, it is recommended to plant it in a greenhouse or under a film. She is mid-season. The first fruits ripen 100-110 days after planting the seedlings in the soil. The shape of the fruit is round, strongly flattened. Strong segmentation. After ripening, the peel takes on a deep orange color. Average weight - no more than 4 kg. The peculiarity of the variety is that the crop can be harvested before it is fully ripe - the pumpkin ripens well outside the melon.
  4. The pink fairy. Early ripe table variety. The plant is climbing. Up to 6 ovaries are formed on one shoot. Fruits are unusual - light pink, glossy, weighing 2-3 kg. The pulp is juicy and crispy.
  5. Winter sweet (Winter sweet). This is a late-ripening pumpkin, which has a powerful bush: its lashes can reach 6 m in length. Even after ripening, the fruit retains its dark gray color. Their shape is oval, strongly flattened and clearly segmented. The rind is thick and bumpy. The average weight of the fetus is 5-7 kg. The variety is picky about weather conditions. It needs constant warmth, but it easily tolerates drought. The harvest is mainly used by manufacturers of juices and baby food.

Also common are the sweet varieties of Augustine, Shabby and Sweet chamomile.

Most of them belong to the nutmeg type of pumpkin, but there are also large-fruited. Their peculiarity is the high sugar level in the pulp. They even surpass some watermelons in sweetness.


Currently, pumpkin is not only actively used for food and feed purposes, but is also grown specifically for interior decoration. This is facilitated by the breeding of new species that have unique external characteristics.

The most popular decorative varieties:

  • Fungus;
  • Chinese bitter Karelian;
  • Kelp;
  • Mandarin duck;
  • Turkish turban;
  • Hanka.

When describing decorative pumpkins, much attention is paid to their appearance, and then to other characteristics. After all, it is because of him that these vegetables have such names.

Unfortunately, most ornamental pumpkins are considered unsuitable for human consumption. Their taste characteristics are mediocre.

Some specimens even pose a serious threat to human health. So, the decorative pumpkin Chinese bitter Karelian raw is poisonous. Before use, it must be soaked in a saline solution for a while.

When choosing a specific variety, you need to have a clear idea of ​​the further use of the fruit. It is also necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of the region and the availability of the necessary agricultural technology.

The varietal variety of pumpkin allows you to choose the best option for each area, depending on the preferences of the gardener.

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