Description of tomatoes Volgograd early ripening 323

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Among the large number of varieties, the Volgograd early ripening tomato has a number of advantages. This crop is easy to grow and has a stable yield, therefore it is suitable for both experienced gardeners and beginners.

Description of tomatoes Volgograd early ripening 323

Description of tomatoes Volgograd early ripening 323

High taste at minimal cost make this type of tomato the leader in sales on the market. According to many farmers, the Volgograd tomato feels great in different climatic conditions, which compares favorably with more fragile species.

General characteristics of the variety

To get the most out of your garden plot, you should choose the right crop variety. Among the large number of different types of tomatoes, the Volgogradsky 323 tomato has many positive qualities in its description that will attract both a novice and an experienced farmer. The variety is beneficial for its early maturity - the fruit of the Volgograd tomato ripens within three months after planting.

Growing this type of tomato does not require special skills, and the plant itself is unpretentious in care. Volgograd early ripening tomato is distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • undersized bushes with medium-sized foliage;
  • the fruits are round in shape and rich red, there is a slight ribbing around the perimeter;
  • the weight of the fetus reaches one hundred grams;
  • tomatoes are characterized by juiciness and sweet aftertaste;
  • the harvest from one square meter of land reaches seven kilograms.

The plant is resistant to many diseases and tolerates temperature fluctuations in comparison with other species. The yield of the variety is stable, and care does not require large material investments. Thanks to these qualities, Volgograd tomatoes are widespread in many countries and are not inferior to foreign varieties. Photos of this culture can be found in European and Asian atlases on agriculture.

The Volgograd variety tolerates transportation well and does not deteriorate during long transportation. For this quality, the variety is often grown for sale. Despite the general ease of growing this crop, there are still certain rules that should be followed.

Preparing the soil and growing seedlings

Volgograd early ripening tomato 323, according to gardeners' reviews, belongs to unpretentious varieties and even beginners in agriculture can grow a good harvest at home. Also, compared to other types of tomatoes, this variety does not require constant maintenance and is suitable for planting in a suburban area.

Volgograd tomato 323 grows in any soil, however, loamy or sandy soil is suitable for higher yields. Growing this variety will be easier if root crops or legumes were growing on the site a year earlier.

The soil should be prepared in November before the first frost. To do this, you need to dig up the soil and add mineral components to the ground. After that, the soil is left in a loosened state for the whole winter.In the spring, as soon as the snow melted, the soil must be treated with alkali and buried.

Volgograd tomato 323 has characteristics that allow it to be grown both in a greenhouse and in an open area. However, in open planting, the fruits come out more juicy, since the tomato ripens in direct sunlight.

According to experienced farmers, it is better to use wooden boxes for seedlings. The most important part of the sprouts of early ripening Volgograd tomato 323 is the root system. When planting shoots, you need to act very carefully so as not to injure this part of the plant.

Seedlings are planted during the period when the temperature at night ceases to fall below zero. Volgograd early-ripening tomato 323 does not tolerate cold well, and frosts can cause low fruit yields. At the time of planting, the shoots should not be less than fifteen centimeters, and have at least nine leaves on the stem and a couple of ovaries. Before planting, experienced gardeners recommend watching photos and videos from master classes in order to avoid injuries to the stem and roots.

Planting and caring for tomatoes

The variety does not need additional support

The variety does not need additional support

Volgograd early ripening tomatoes are planted in deep holes. The bush must be set in the middle of the hole, and covered up to the first leaves on the trunk. The planting site should not be completely buried; a small ditch should be left for high-quality irrigation.

Tomatoes are not a moisture-loving crop; frequent watering can lead to rotting of the root system. The bushes are watered immediately after planting, after which, depending on the weather, the soil should be watered once every ten to fifteen days. After the first two waterings, the wells can be dripped completely. Avoid drying out the soil and cracks in the soil. On hot days, the plant should be watered once a week.

The early-ripening Volgograd tomato variety is a low-growing crop, so the bushes do not need additional fixation.

Seedlings, which have reached more than twenty centimeters, are planted one shoot per hole with a sprout to the north. After a couple of days, the tomatoes will align themselves with the sun.

The foliage of a tomato variety Volgogradskiy 323 does not react well to direct ultraviolet light, and in hot weather the plant can get burned. To avoid injury to the bushes, you should install sun protection. You can arrange a shade for tomatoes in different ways:

  1. Leaves of grass. If the shoots have not yet reached twenty centimeters, then they can be covered with leaves of large weeds. Make sure that no harmful crop seeds get into the ground.
  2. Special materials. For sheltering tomatoes, a material such as agrotex is most often used. It can be purchased at any specialty store. Agrotex is stretched over the beds and fixed in the ground with fasteners or stakes.
  3. Improvised devices. You can also create a shade over the seedlings with a cloth or make a temporary canopy.

Such care should be provided in the first two weeks of tomato growth. During this period, the plants are extremely vulnerable, but in the following weeks the tomatoes grow quickly and do not need additional protection from the sun.

Shrub pruning and fertilization

Tomato Volgograd early ripening 323 is a stunted crop, but this species is characterized by a large number of extra shoots.

Such stepsons should be cut in order, otherwise the plant will begin to grow on the ground. Shoots are cut or broken off in the morning, so that during the day the sun dries up the broken spots. Otherwise, the bush may start to rot. The shoots are not cut flush with the trunk, otherwise after a while the shoot will grow back. It is recommended to view step-by-step photos of such a procedure so as not to injure the stem.

Artificial saturation of the soil with minerals is extremely necessary when growing tomatoes. The lack of nutrients in the ground can have the following consequences for tomatoes:

  • discoloration of leaves and death of bushes;
  • low taste of tomatoes;
  • inconsistency of tomatoes with the standard size of the variety;
  • poor productivity.

Some farmers use stepchildren to feed the bushes. To do this, the cut shoots are folded into an iron container, filled with water and covered with cling film. The fermentation process takes two weeks. After that, the mixture should be drained and diluted with water. Fertilizer is added to watering to enrich the soil with nitrogen.

If there are too few ovaries on the bush, then the soil should be treated with boric acid diluted in urea. Organic fertilizers such as animal manure and compost can also be used as top dressing.


According to the description, the Volgograd early ripening tomato has many positive qualities that distinguish it from other varieties.

Unpretentious care and high taste value will allow you to grow this culture at home for personal consumption or for sale. Volgograd early ripening tomatoes are very popular, as indicated by the positive feedback from the owners of garden plots.

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