Description of tomato Alyosha Popovich

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Tomato Alyosha Popovich is a mid-season tall (height 1.8 - 2 m) variety of tomatoes. The culture of this variety is grown in film greenhouses, but in the southern regions it manages to bear fruit in open beds.

Description of tomato Alyosha Popovich

Description of tomato Alyosha Popovich

Variety characteristic

The characteristic of the variety says that the fruits appear in 125 - 140 days from the sowing of the seeds. The variety is distinguished by its ability to bear fruit, in fact, before frost. A characteristic feature of Alyosha Popovich's tomato is the increased need for lighting.

Description of the fetus

The Alyosha Popovich cultivar has medium-sized pink-red fleshy fruits weighing about 200 grams. They have a rounded shape, slightly sinuous at the base. The size and weight of the fruit is relatively small, given that the variety is called the younger brother from the Three Heroes series.

Alyosha Popovich tomatoes are characterized by a good rich taste. Due to this, they are most often consumed raw, or for preparing salads. Less often - for processing into juices, pastes or adjika.

Description of the bush

A tall bush needs a garter to support it. You will get the best results when the plant is formed into one or two stems. It is necessary to cut the stepchildren from the bush.

In addition, in order for the bush to develop normally, it is necessary that the distance between the shoots be quite large. This is necessary, first of all, in order to provide it with a sufficient amount of light. Since the plant is very light-loving, experienced gardeners often resort to removing leaves from bushes for better fruit ripening.


The advantages include:

  • resistance to many dangerous diseases (tobacco mosaic, fusarium);
  • high yield with the ability to collect about 15 kg of tomatoes from each square meter;
  • fruiting for a long period.


Gardeners note the following negative points:

  • the variety is very photophilous, therefore artificial lighting is used for growing seedlings;
  • good yield only if all conditions are met (otherwise, the variety will not show even half of its capabilities).

Preparing to disembark

Keep a distance when planting

Keep a distance when planting

The initial stage of cultivation is the preparation and sowing of seeds. First, the seed is soaked in a manganese solution in order to protect the plant from diseases and pests. Sowing of seeds takes place at about the end of May in a container with moistened soil, which must be periodically sprinkled with dry soil. Seeds, covered with a film, germinate in a warm room.

After the seedlings appear, the seedlings are moved to where there is enough sunlight. If necessary, use artificial lighting.

The soil is periodically loosened and, if necessary, fed with fertilizers. Seedlings enter the open ground a couple of months after the first gatherings. The optimal landing system is considered to be sixty by seventy centimeters.It provides the ability to freely approach the plant and provides it with enough space for normal growth and fruiting.


Alyosha Popovich tomatoes are quite demanding. Their main drawback is excessive light-requiring. In order to get a good harvest, it is necessary to create all the conditions: to provide sandy loam or loamy soil, which periodically needs to be loosened, fertilized and hilled. Watering should be constant but moderate.

Bushes need to be pinned so that the plant can develop and bear fruit normally. Among the necessary fertilizers, one can single out manure, humus and others containing nitrogen or potassium. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no weeds in the garden.

Possible diseases

Tomato variety Alyosha Popovich is characterized by a fairly high immunity. But some pests and diseases can harm and even destroy plants. Preventive measures remain imperative if you want to get a good harvest. The biggest danger is:

  • a pest known to all - the Colorado potato beetle;
  • aphid;
  • whitefly;
  • late blight.

To combat late blight and prevent other fungi, solutions are used that treat not only the upper part, but also, first of all, the roots. Tobacco dust is a protection against aphids and whiteflies, but Colorado beetles must be removed manually. Their larvae are harvested along with the leaves.


Reviews about the tomato Alyosha Popovich are rather ambiguous. On the one hand, the description of the tomato variety Alyosha Popovich speaks of disease resistance, high yield and excellent taste. Some gardeners write about the variety's demands for constant lighting, fertilization and good soil.

It can be argued that the Alyosha Popovich variety is suitable for more experienced gardeners and those who have enough time and desire to work with him. Those who want to get a result with a minimum of effort should not choose this variety.

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