How to get rid of whitefly on tomatoes in a greenhouse

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Many farmers lose large amounts of their crops due to pest infestations. Tomatoes are a garden crop that is most often attacked by all kinds of pests. Often the vegetable is grown in greenhouse conditions for sale. A particular danger is the whitefly on tomatoes in the greenhouse. If tough measures are not taken in time to destroy it, the insect can cause irreparable damage to the crop. What are the methods in the fight against "unexpected" guests?

Fighting whitefly on tomatoes in a greenhouse

Fighting whitefly on tomatoes in a greenhouse

How to identify the symptoms of a pest infestation?

Whitefly on tomatoes in a greenhouse is a fairly common occurrence. The insect reproduces quickly in warm, humid conditions, and a greenhouse is an ideal place for this. If measures are not taken in time, it can appear on cucumbers, herbs and other crops growing nearby. The fight against whitefly on tomatoes in a greenhouse is especially difficult due to the high adaptability of adults to various types of treatments. The danger for the normal development and fertility of the plant is carried not only by adults, but also by the larvae and their waste products. Manifestations of damage by a pest:

  • white spotting in the form of dots;
  • atrophy of some parts of the stem, deciduous part, twisting of the leaves;
  • larvae at the bottom of the leaves;
  • mosaic yellow pattern on the edges of the leaves;
  • fetal atrophy.

All these signs indicate that you need to immediately intervene, otherwise the entire crop planted in the greenhouse may die. The waste products of whitefly larvae are fertile ground for the reproduction of all kinds of infections and many strains of the fungus. Any disease in combination with an invasion of pests will be impossible to cure, then you will have to destroy the entire crop.

Biological ways to eliminate moths

Whitefly in a greenhouse on tomatoes feels at ease. Warm, humid conditions favor its rapid reproduction. In order to prevent the complete destruction of the tomato crop, you need to perform the following actions before proceeding with its removal:

  • plants need to be separated from each other so that they are at a distance of 5-10 cm;
  • equip the greenhouse with good ventilation;
  • add all kinds of strengthening agents to the water for watering plants;
  • do not destroy insects such as ladybugs and lacewings - these are inveterate enemies of the whitefly;
  • observe the humidity regime.

Whitefly on tomatoes in a greenhouse is effectively eliminated by a biological method. This method involves the breeding of microorganisms and insects, which are enemies of the whitefly. Initially, the soil should be infested with parasites that do not affect human health and fruit quality, and can effectively fight the pest. In addition to lacewings and ladybugs, these include macrolophus bugs, ecrasia, and parasites.To reduce the number of pests, you should not use manure as fertilizer, because the decay processes contribute to an increase in the temperature in the soil.

Insects, such as the lacewing, lay their eggs directly in the pupae of the harmful moth. When the first hatch, they begin to feed on the whitefly larva. As a result, the offspring of the whitefly dies and all that remains is to get rid of the adult offspring, which will be very simple to do after the death of the pupae.

To prevent the appearance or get rid of pests that have already appeared, you can treat the seedlings with special preparations. It is recommended to put a small amount of chicken droppings in the wells before sowing, this will help strengthen the tomato's immunity. In order for the soil to promote plant growth, and not the reproduction of the whitefly, it must be constantly weeded, rid of weeds and dried.

other methods

Whitefly can be caught with homemade traps

Whitefly can be caught with homemade traps

You can remove the whitefly by catching it with special glue-based traps. Whitefly catching devices can be made yourself from small wooden planks. They should be treated with honey rosin or petroleum jelly. The main thing is to paint the fixtures yellow because insects are attracted to this color. At the top of the bush, you need to pull the twine with a homemade trap. After that, you need to shake the plants, when some of the pests are on the bait, it must be destroyed and a new one must be built.

If the whitefly on tomatoes in the greenhouse has appeared recently, and its number is relatively small, you can collect the moths by hand, then treat the leaves and stems with soapy water to wash off their waste products and prevent infection with infectious diseases. Subsequently, it is recommended to regularly spray with garlic infusion. In the fall, it is recommended to remove all remaining vegetation and disinfect the soil that will be used for planting next year.

The whitefly larva settles in the upper soil layer. After harvesting the tops, you need to set fire to the smoke bombs, and then collect the entire top ball of earth. If all of the above methods of control have not yielded results, you will have to resort to using fungicides. Chemicals will help you get rid of the whitefly for a long time, only they have a lot of disadvantages. The first and foremost of these is the chemical composition.

How and what is fumigating a greenhouse room

The use of smoke bombs should be discussed in more detail. After each harvest, the greenhouse should be treated. Ideally, fumigation should be done twice a year. There are such means for fumigation:

  • smoke bomb;
  • sulfur candle;
  • tobacco checker.

Any varieties of checkers are considered harmless to plants. It is best to fumigate in the spring and early fall. Before carrying out the procedure, the seedlings should be taken out in a separate room or outdoors. If you do not want to do this, you can use fumigation agents with the addition of a special preparation. As a result of such procedures, it is possible to get rid not only of adults, but also of larvae with pupae.

A sulfur candle releases sulfur into the atmosphere, the vapors of which can have a negative effect on plants and humans. Before using it, you need to carefully study the instructions for the drug. After fumigation, after 48 hours, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the greenhouse.

Chemical substances

Chemicals can be used to get rid of insects.

Chemicals can be used to get rid of insects.

To completely destroy and forget about the whitefly on tomatoes and cucumbers for a long time, they use universal insecticidal agents. Many farmers are reluctant to use them because of the chemical composition, but when nothing else helps, and the crop needs to be preserved, people are ready to go to extreme measures.With the correct use of insecticides and compliance with all the safety rules described in the instructions, you can not be afraid for your health.

For many years, mankind has been working on the earth and trying to fight various pests. Progress does not stand still, and today on store shelves you can choose any fungicide for treating plants. The most popular whitefly killing agents are presented below.

  1. Verticillin J.
  2. Confidor.
  3. Actellic.
  4. Pegasus.
  5. Rovikurt.
  6. Fufanon.

In addition to chemicals for treatment during infection, there are many systemic drugs that are used when planting seeds. In order to prevent the appearance of whiteflies on tomatoes and other crops in the greenhouse, the drug Biotlin is used. Spraying is recommended to be carried out at the stage of active vegetation. Another drug with a similar effect, which is also used during the growing season, Warrant.

Aktara is introduced under the root system with drip irrigation. Iskra M is a broad-spectrum drug that helps to quickly get rid of many pests that can settle in a greenhouse. Processing with it should also be carried out during the growing season.

Folk recipes against the moth

Most gardeners prefer to fight whitefly on tomatoes using proven grandfather's recipes. These methods are completely safe and promote plant health. Garlic tincture helps to effectively get rid of whitefly on tomatoes. For 1 liter. water put a couple of peeled heads of garlic and leave for about 10 days. Then spraying is carried out.

Very often, a solution of potassium permanganate is used for watering and processing plants. A long time ago, people began to use methods of treating plants from pests with soapy water. With a small number of insects, this is a sure way to defeat the whitefly. Decoctions from dandelion roots or aloe leaves are often used. Processing should be carried out at least 1 time per month.

The frequency of spraying and watering will be determined by the number of insects, as well as the condition of the plants themselves. It is not recommended to use other insect repellents to control whitefly. The fight against this type of parasite is complicated by their immunity to most chemicals.

In order to prevent

It is easier to prevent the appearance of a whitefly than to deal with it, and especially when you have already encountered this problem once. Immediately after harvesting, you need to clean up all the remaining weeds and tops. The remains of plants must be burned, they should not be buried anywhere on the site. It is advisable to remove the top layer of soil and dig up the ground. The introduction of mineral fertilizers into the soil will not be superfluous, this will help to further strengthen the immunity of plants.

If this year the fight against the whitefly was crowned with success, and you decided to leave the seedlings for the winter indoors, it is better to bring parasites into the ground that scare away the moth and destroy its offspring. Most likely, the moth will not be able to winter indoors anyway, because in winter there are no favorable conditions for its reproduction. It is necessary not to be lazy, but to carry out diagnostic measures more often, and examine the sheets for the presence of larvae. The main thing is always to be guided by the rule, which says that it is easier to prevent a problem than to deal with it.

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