Ways to increase egg production in quails

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Quail farming is one of the lucrative and exciting pursuits today. The reason for this is the egg production of quails: from 200 to 300 eggs throughout the year. To keep these birds, there is no need to build special rooms or chicken coops, you can grow crumbs at home, but this requires a cage.

Egg production of quails

Egg production of quails

Quail eggs are a very valuable product that contains many minerals, vitamins and non-fatty acids, so a high level of egg production is one of the priorities for poultry farmers. In order to increase this indicator, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of laying eggs in quails.

Egg production indicators

Quails are birds that grow very quickly and, accordingly, begin to rush in a month. Depending on the breed, the quail can lay 8 eggs during this period.

The period of active carrying lasts for 8, and sometimes 9 months. At the age of 9-10 months, the productivity of the laying hen decreases, but she continues to lay until the age of three.

Laying periods, factors influencing productivity

Quail egg production periods:

  • after 13 o'clock;
  • late evening.

The exception is the Japanese quail breed, its egg production begins immediately after feeding.

A feature of these birds is also the frequency of egg production. The quail lays 1 egg once a day for 5-6 days, after which there is a break for 1-2 days. Productivity depends on the following factors:

  • anatomical features of the bird, its breed and age;
  • maintenance and food supply.

Knowing these features of influencing factors, a person at home can significantly increase the productivity of the bird and the quality of eggs.

How can you quickly increase the egg production of these birds? You need to know the peculiarities of age and monitor the nutrition of birds.

Ways to increase egg production in layers through keeping conditions

How to increase the egg production of quails? First of all, it is necessary to improve the living environment, its microclimate. For this purpose, it is important to consider the following indicators:

  • thermal conditions;
  • humidity level;
  • room lighting;
  • soundproofing;
  • cleanliness;
  • effective ventilation.

Quails need a comfortable, warm environment.

At room temperatures below 20 or above 25 ° C, quails do not rush well, therefore the most optimal conditions for productive egg production are 20-22 ° C.

In poultry houses, humidity should be kept between 50% and 70%. At a low level of humidity, the quail consumes a lot of liquid and does not eat feed well, as a result, productivity significantly deteriorates.

Quails are carried only in the light.

Poultry productivity can be stimulated by additional lighting in places of detention. For it is recommended to install artificial lighting.It is important to remember that the best use of additional light is to turn off every 12 hours to avoid wasting hens. Also, the lighting should not be very bright.

When breeding quails, it is necessary to minimize the occurrence of noise near their habitat. This is due to the fact that extra sounds adversely affect egg production. Also, the surrounding noise can frighten the quail, as a result, the bird may stop rushing altogether.

These birds need proper care and the house should be cleaned once every 2 days. With a large accumulation of droppings in the room where the poultry is kept, ammonia fumes are released. This smell negatively affects productivity, egg production significantly decreases.

To increase egg production, ensure good ventilation in the room. It is important to ensure that there are no drafts: this is one of the reasons for the poor performance of birds.

Ways to increase the production of quail eggs through the feed base

The egg production of birds depends on feeding, it is influenced by:

  • kind of feed;
  • composition;
  • periods and regime features of feeding.

How to increase the egg production of quails through the feed base? To do this, the birds must be fed with special flour, which contains a large amount of protein substances and amino acids. You can also add a little chalk, ground shellfish flour to the feed. These ingredients contain minerals that make the eggshell hard.

Keeping birds at home, you should adhere to the correct diet. Between feedings it is necessary to remove the feed from the feeders: this will enable the bird to "work up" the appetite before the next feeding. It is not recommended to overfeed hens, as this leads to excess weight, productivity decreases. It is contraindicated to abruptly switch to another type of feed, this should be done gradually, mixing a little new feed and the old one. Egg-bearing domestic quails do not tolerate any changes very badly, which negatively affects their productivity.

Feed should always be the freshest as premixes from feed evaporate over time. They are one of the main components of compound feed. It is not recommended to purchase food in a large package if there are not very many birds. Food that is left open for a long time can become moldy and unsuitable for feeding Experts recommend adding oils to the food:

  • soy;
  • sunflower;
  • cotton;
  • rapeseed;
  • corn.

The oil contains saturated acids, fats and phospholipids, which stimulate the growth of young birds and accelerate their maturation. Such substrates of plant origin are similar to animal protein components and have a positive effect on the productivity of poultry in domestic conditions.

It is possible to increase the egg production of domestic quails quite quickly, but in such a matter, the rules and laws of caring for young animals cannot be neglected. The onset of egg production may be stingy, but levels will rise over time.

Experiment Using Protein

Protein is a stimulant to the productivity of such a bird. Farmers in Voronezh wanted to test in practice whether protein supplements to feed have an effect on improving egg production. They created two groups of birds: experimental and control. The first group ate food supplemented with protein supplements, namely soybeans (20%) and peas (80%). The second group of birds was fed only with ready-made commercial compound feed.

Farmers-practitioners came to the conclusion that, thanks to the addition of protein components, the feed of the birds of the experimental group was nutritious, healthy and balanced. As a result, layers of this group began to lay eggs after 42 days, and birds in the second group - after 47 days.

Based on the results of the experiment, the following conclusions can be drawn. Manifested:

  • high rates of fertility;
  • the quality of the eggs has improved significantly;
  • the number of large eggs increased by 2 times, and the number of small eggs decreased by 3 times;
  • the egg weight of a bird from the experimental group is 14% higher than that of a representative from the control group.

Increasing the egg production of quails is not an easy task. First of all, you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the features of keeping birds, the conditions of a suitable microclimate, and also study well the rules and recommendations for their feeding. By properly organizing the diet, as well as adding plant-based additives and proteins to the feed, you can achieve high productivity and maximum fertility results for these birds.

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