Rules for keeping quails in an apartment

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Not every novice poultry breeder knows that keeping quails in an apartment can not only bore a person, but also harm him. Is it possible to keep quails in an apartment and how to manage them?

Keeping quails in the apartment

Keeping quails in the apartment

Poultry, without proper care, quickly weakens and loses weight, its egg production decreases significantly, and an unpleasant odor emanates from the cells. Before breeding quails in an apartment, a person needs to decide on a place for cages and food for poultry kept in cramped conditions.

Breeding poultry in a house or dwelling

Keeping quails in an apartment is not as easy as it might seem from the outside. Even if small-sized birds create a lot of inconvenience to households, and during epidemics or seasonal diseases, they also threaten the health of adults and children. It is possible to keep quails in the apartment with intelligence and preparation, which will give good results in the future, or by the "eye" method, which will take away only strength and money.

Keeping any domesticated bird is a great responsibility for humans. Birds are entirely dependent on the conditions that the poultry farmer creates, on the feed and the quality of the water in the feeders. It is not difficult to breed a quail if you know how to properly organize a bird's life without harming animals and people. In urban housing conditions, it is more difficult to create all the necessary conditions, because any bird loves space. Under no circumstances should it be possible to make cramped cages for young animals, and even with the help of a small space, the correct keeping of the bird should be arranged.

What can and can not be quails? In a room where birds winter or live all year round, it is necessary to minimize contact between pets and birds. Cats, dogs, quails are carriers of various diseases, the transmission of which should be reduced as much as possible. Keeping birds should not be too expensive for the poultry farmer, otherwise the productivity of the bird will not pay off all the costs throughout the year, especially in winter.

Breeding odorless quails in an apartment, in a cage or in a fenced off place is a paramount task for a person. In the process of life in the bird's cages, droppings are collected, the smell of which is difficult to withstand or remove from the balcony. In the hot season, droppings are an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. Keeping quails should not harm the household, therefore, before breeding birds, you need to prepare for planting a small bird in the cages.

Where does the smell of quails come from in the apartment

Keeping quails in a city apartment is a fascinating and interesting process, but it still does not go without unpleasant moments. This subspecies of birds is difficult not to distinguish among other types of chickens. They are small in size, with dense plumage of beautiful dark and brown color.Keeping quails in a city apartment is not complete without installing additional structures, hoods or enclosures in the room. Quail can be kept in the house, in a room where children or adults often visit, but special attention is required here.

Bird keeping includes caring for birds and constant cleaning of the enclosure. There is little space in poultry rooms, but it can also be properly distributed. A separate issue concerns the smell. It is impossible to keep a quail without protection from odor and droppings in a living room. Breeding poultry at home is an economically profitable business that should not harm.

Why can and should the quail be bred in an urban setting? Even in a small cage, such a bird has good egg production and weight gain.

Quail yolks and whites are useful for maintaining human immunity. You can use the testicles raw or for cooking, but only in those cases when the breeder is confident that all birds are healthy and not sick.

It is more difficult to escape from the smell, without which no master's yard can do. You can try to constantly ventilate the room, but it is very difficult to organize natural ventilation during the cold season. It will not be possible to clean up the aviary every day either. You can listen to experienced poultry farmers who have kept quails for many years.

Keeping birds at home without unpleasant odor

How to keep quails in your apartment? Keeping quails in a city in a house and eliminating the stench will work even for beginners. In the land of the rising sun, there are many beliefs that keeping quails in the house is a great success and happiness. Breeding quails in a city apartment is not only convenient for obtaining useful products all year round, but also interesting. Breeding birds for decorative purposes is not a novelty for city dwellers for a long time.

There will be no problems with quails in the apartment, given the basic conditions in which the bird feels good:

  1. Cage requirements. The birds live in a cage, which is installed on the flooring. The shape of the fence must be rectangular, and a lock must be installed in the cage. Allowing a bird to the whole house is wrong, otherwise you will not get rid of the stinking droppings. For insulation, the walls of the cage are upholstered with special plywood. For proper air circulation in the constructed aviary, only one open front part of the cage is used. Purchased or homemade aviaries are equally good for keeping quails at home.
  2. The number of domesticated birds. For the arrangement of large cages, aviaries with a built-in battery are used. It will not be possible to heat all the livestock in another way. Cell batteries are only suitable for bulky cells.
  3. Temperature and humidity. The optimal place for arranging an aviary is a balcony, where it is easy to ventilate the air and clean the cells. The temperature regime on the balcony or open loggia must be at least 18 ° C at any time of the year. In winter, this temperature can be achieved with the help of special lamps and heaters for poultry. Daily airing of the aviary excludes drafts that only harm the bird.
  4. Light mode. Quail are sensitive to light, and their cages cannot be exposed to the sun. Bird hypersensitivity should be considered before installing aviaries in the house or on the balcony. For hens, bright sunlight is stressful. The decrease in the egg production of females is explained by the wrong light regime.

If you keep the birds in the right conditions on a ventilated balcony, then it will be much easier to avoid unpleasant odors. Breeding quails in an apartment with human comfort is constant airing of the cages, which are in the shade on the balcony.

Chicken droppings for home breeding of quails are cleaned according to all the recommendations of experienced poultry breeders. Poultry waste must not be disposed of in a public pipeline or through a toilet flush. Poultry waste contains germs, bacteria and pathogens that can threaten all households. The smell is not removed with air fresheners.

Managing litter at home

The fight against the smell from the cage from quails for an apartment begins from the first days of the life of the young, as soon as a person brings in birds.

Quail chicks in the apartment do not emit the characteristic stench during the first weeks of life. Home breeding of quails is not complete without constant ventilation, which reduces the odors accumulated in the area of ​​the aviary. For quails in the apartment, only a balcony or a vestibule is allocated, which has windows. Other premises should not be equipped for young animals.

Excess garbage is removed from the balcony and flooring is done. Such a bedding protects against quail odors in a city apartment. Choose water-repellent rugs or hay that is periodically cleaned and replaced. From the quail feeders and drinkers in the apartment, a characteristic smell of spoiled food appears. Stagnant food and water begin to rot under the cage. Leftover food that has spoiled is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria that harm the young.

During the period of frequent illnesses in young animals, the main symptoms of which are loose stools, the change of litter occurs 2 times more often.

In the house, the best place to place a quail enclosure is a balcony, but it must also be kept clean. Raising birds is the organization of nutrition and proper life of the bird. For novice poultry farmers, it is better to watch a video (video tutorials) on how to grow birds in apartments or inside a house. The quail, which provides eggs and meat, needs constant care, especially for the place of residence. The work of the bird's body and the smell of its fecal masses depend on the quality of the feed. The unpleasant smell comes only from birds that live in dirty enclosures and eat poor-quality food.

Proper care is the only condition under which an unpleasant odor does not come from the bird. Breeding birds in the house is a feasible task. The efforts made to equip the aviary will pay off for a person only with useful products and the absence of stench from the balcony.

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