Description of the best varieties of cucumbers for the Urals

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The Ural is a territory of Russia with a unique climate. Summers are short, winters are long and frosty. This does not mean that local people cannot grow vegetables on their plots, it is just necessary to choose the right seeds. In the modern agronomic industry, there is a huge selection of seedlings designed for a wide variety of environmental conditions. How not to be mistaken with the choice and choose the really best varieties of cucumbers for the Urals?

Description of the best varieties of cucumbers for the Urals

Description of the best varieties of cucumbers for the Urals

Growing features

Cucumbers are a warm and moisture-loving culture, therefore, in winter in the Urals, they are grown exclusively in greenhouse conditions, providing abundant watering and nourishing the soil with useful substances. If the summer is warm, the seedlings are moved to a garden bed on open ground. When selecting a seed, one should take into account the growing season of a particular plant species.

The peculiarity of the seedlings selected for the Ural gardens is endurance. At the same time, it is desirable that they have good productivity and taste.

The Urals are classified as an area with risky farming. Preference should be given to self-pollinating and parthenocapic cucumbers, because there is no need to rely on the help of bees. Late-ripening varieties should be discarded: the cucumbers should ripen before the onset of frost. If the beds with plants freeze, they are immediately covered with a protective plastic film.

Most popular varieties

There are 4 hybrid varieties of cucumbers most loved by Ural farmers. What qualities have they earned such recognition?

  1. Cupid F1. This early cucumber is resistant to temperature changes, not too whimsical. Caring for him consists in regular watering, feeding, weeding, mulching. Ripening period - up to 45 days. Cupid is planted with seeds or seedlings. Suitable for salting.
  2. Arina F1. A fairly high-yielding and frost-resistant variety, which makes it an ideal option for the Ural regions. In addition, Arina is resistant to fungal infections. The fruits are intended for fresh consumption only.
  3. Voyage F1. A fast ripening variety. Resistant to temperature extremes, but it is preferable to grow Voyage in a greenhouse. Does not need pollination for reproduction. Ideal as a salad ingredient.
  4. Moscow evenings F1. An early ripening variety, the advantage of which is resistance to fungus and the ability to grow in the absence of the sun. PM can be grown both outdoors and indoors.

Resistant varieties

To get a good harvest, you need to choose the right variety.

To get a good harvest, you need to choose the right variety.

To get a high-quality harvest of vegetables, you need not only good care, but also the right type of cucumber. There are varieties bred by breeders for breeding in harsh climatic conditions.

  1. Altai. Early and versatile, suitable for open areas and greenhouses. It tolerates various temperatures well, while maintaining elasticity and excellent taste.Altai bears fruitful harvest, it is consumed fresh and canned.
  2. White sugar F1. A relatively recently bred variety with an early maturity, it has an unusual white color. Good for pickling.
  3. Ajax F1. An early Dutch cucumber pollinated by bees. The fruits are quite large, the weight of one reaches an average of 100 g. Ajax firmly endures severe weather conditions.

Harvest varieties

The goal of every farmer is to obtain a harvest of fruits that is rich not only in quality, but also in quantity.

  1. Zozulya F1. Ripens quickly: within 40-42 days after planting, you can harvest the fruits. They are very large in Zozuli, weighing up to 330 g. Cucumber is immune to tobacco mosaic viruses and white rot.
  2. Herman F1. It belongs to the earliest: 30 days are enough for it to ripen. Small fruit, ideal for preservation.
  3. Courage F1. Has the ability to self-pollinate. Ripens for a long time: at least 8 weeks. The average weight of one fruit is 175 g. Courage is able to bring the greatest yield under conditions of cultivation in greenhouse conditions.
  4. Masha F1. An early ripe variety of cucumbers. Among the advantages are a large amount of harvest and immunity against viral diseases. Gherkins are suitable for pickling

Greenhouse varieties

Greenhouses are indispensable helpers for gardeners in growing a thermophilic cucumber. A hybrid specimen with short lateral branches that does not need pinching is suitable as a greenhouse inhabitant. This type usually does not thicken and, accordingly, is not susceptible to fungal diseases. Here is a brief overview of the varieties most suitable for greenhouses:

  1. Emelya F1. Ripens fairly early 1 in less than 40 days. The yield is high, the taste of the fruit is medium-sized, exquisite. Emelya is used fresh and salted.
  2. Dynamite F1. It matures early - in 41-42 days, it is grown all year round. Able to pollinate itself. The fruits are compact.
  3. Hercules F1. One of the most late-ripening species: the fruit takes more than 2 months to ripen. Gives a large yield, has a stable immunity. Needs artificial pollination

In the greenhouses of the Urals, farmers also grow such varieties of cucumbers as Pomegranate, Zarya. These cucumbers are perfect for glass greenhouses. If the greenhouse is poorly lit, it is better to stop the choice on Rykovsky, Domashny, Iva - shade-tolerant and temperature-resistant varieties.

Separately, there are early varieties of cucumbers suitable for the Urals: Suomi, Valaam, Sarov. The Valaam hybrid does an excellent job with bacteria, destroying them in the bud and preventing them from reaching the rhizome. It is valued for its early germination and frost resistance, limited fruit growth and long fruiting period.

A distinctive feature of Sarov is the bouquet type of fruiting: several cucumbers in each bosom. It is early maturing and with short shoots, prized by the Urals for its ability to grow in dark and cold conditions.

Suomi is chosen for its resistance to viruses and insect pests, if the farmer is interested in long and bunch fruiting.

Open ground varieties

As mentioned above, in the Urals, it is possible to grow fruit crops on the street only in warm summer conditions, even then not every variety of vegetables will be able to withstand the difficult climate of this region. What varieties of cucumbers for the Urals are capable of growing in open soil?

  1. Nezhinsky F1. Early maturing, pollinated by bees. The small size of the fruits allows them to be used for conservation and pickling.
  2. Delicious F1. Fruits ripen early and retain freshness for a long time, do not turn yellow. Frost resistant. They require a loose soil rich in useful substances. Delicacy is sown with seeds. It is a salad variety.
  3. Madam. Mid-season gherkins, ripen for about 40 days. The root system has strong immunity.
  4. Salting. Ripens 51-52 days, medium-sized fruits. Resistant to cold temperatures.It is an ideal raw material for preservation and salting.

It is quite possible to choose a suitable option for open ground, which would have a high yield. The main thing is that it is frost-resistant.

These are the best varieties of cucumbers in the harsh Urals. Every summer resident, including the Urals, can grow a rich harvest of cucumbers on his site. The main ingredients for success are the right variety and proper care.

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