How to use cucumber bread dressing

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Cucumbers, like all vegetable crops, love feeding. For this, chemical plants produce special fertilizers. Along with them, experienced vegetable growers use folk remedies. Bread dressing for cucumbers is popular with gardeners. This fertilizer is easy to prepare and use. Cucumbers gratefully accept it and respond to vegetable growers with a good harvest.

Using bread dressing for cucumbers

Using bread dressing for cucumbers

Fertilizer characteristic

Bread is an excellent source of nutrients for cucumber sprouts. For its preparation, yeast is used, which supplies additional trace elements to the plant.


The yeast contains:

  1. Substances that stimulate growth.
  2. Organic iron.
  3. A certain amount of minerals.
  4. Micronutrients.

Growers value yeast as a fertilizer because it emits carbon dioxide. With a sufficient amount of this gas, the fruiting of cucumbers increases by an average of 20% and the content of nitrates in the fruits decreases.


Using bread sourdough as foliar feeding helps to achieve:

  1. Rapid plant development.
  2. Excellent fruit taste.
  3. The appearance of the root system ahead of schedule.

The use of such a starter culture for fertilizing cucumbers is safe for the garden crop, in contrast to the use of yeast directly.

Trace elements

The zdoba contains a certain amount of phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen. Due to this, feeding cucumbers from rusks increases the plant's resistance to diseases, frequent changes in temperature.

The presence of manganese, sodium and other minerals in bread helps the cucumber sprouts to build up the root system and overgrow with green mass. Flowering and fruit setting is more intense. Top dressing from Khlebushka has a beneficial effect on cucumber seedlings at the time of transplantation. The sprouts will get stronger faster, begin to bloom and bear fruit.

Bread infusion recipes

Feeding cucumbers with butter bread is much safer and more environmentally friendly than using ready-made fertilizers from specialized stores. Vegetable growers choose the components of such fertilizers themselves.

Classic recipe

Feeding their bread is safe

Feeding their bread is safe

To prepare fertilizer for young cucumbers with bread, you need to take stale bread and water. Bread can be either rye or black. This sourdough is prepared according to different recipes. They differ only in the proportions of the ingredients:

  1. Bread crumbs should be 2/3 of the total volume of the container.
  2. Breadcrumbs need to fill 1/3 of the bucket.
  3. The amount of ingredients is used "by eye".

Put the collected crackers into a regular bucket. Now you need to pour water. The liquid should cover the crackers, the crusts will float. This will cause the infusion to sour. This fertilizer will not be usable. To avoid this, it is recommended to put oppression on top.

Next, we leave our bucket of soaked breadcrumbs in a warm place for seven to nine days.After that, homemade bread dressing for young cucumbers is ready to use.

Fertilizer from fresh bread

Cucumber feed can also be made from fresh bread. This fertilizer will take one night to prepare. Mash fresh bread with your hands, pour water over it. Leave the prepared mixture warm, if necessary, you can additionally wrap the container with a blanket. In the morning, it is recommended to add ten milliliters of iodine to the bucket. The resulting mixture is diluted with water. Add 1 liter of the mixture to 10 liters of water. In this form, the cucumber fertilizer is ready for use in cucumber beds.

Application rules

Strain the finished fertilizer from rusks so that a crust from the rusk does not form. Dilute the resulting infusion with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 3. The resulting liquid can be poured over cucumbers. Fertilizer consumption is from 1 cup to 0.5 liters for each cucumber bush. This top dressing is recommended every 5-8 days.

Before applying fertilizer from bread to cucumber beds, the plants are watered. The next day after feeding, the soil in the beds is loosened. This is done to prevent the carbon dioxide from escaping quickly.

Cucumber bushes respond very gratefully to bread feeding. Therefore, gardeners are advised to feed the cucumbers until the fruit appears.

Optimal time

Since the main component of bread is yeast, it is necessary to apply fertilizer based on it for cucumbers in the spring. The temperature of the air and soil rises, and the effect of feeding will be more noticeable. The first treatment of cucumber beds is recommended 10-14 days after the first shoots appear. Further fertilization from stale bread should be repeated no earlier than after 7-10 days.

Focusing on the soil and the state of the cucumber sprouts, each gardener concludes how much to feed the cucumbers with an infusion of stale crackers. In most cases, this process can be carried out until the end of the fruiting of cucumber bushes.

The best time to fertilize bread with cucumbers is evening. Then, overnight, the cucumber sprouts will absorb all the nutrition. Gardeners advise feeding plants on cloudy days.

Bread infusion against weeds

Fertilizer for cucumber rusks is effective against weeds. To clear the beds for cucumbers from them, you need to spray the bread infusion over the area of ​​the proposed plantings one month before the onset of frost. Then cover the area treated in this way with dense polyethylene. The shelter must be airtight and wind-resistant.

Such a simple technique promotes abundant weed growth, which will begin literally immediately after fertilization. And the first frosts will kill the weeds. And in the spring, there will be no excess grass on the cucumber beds.

So fertilizing cucumbers with black, rye or white bread is easy and comprehensively useful. Cucumbers receive all the necessary nutrients and elements. Vegetable growers do not run the risk of harming plants with such treatments. Fertilizer from grain waste strengthens the immunity of the garden crop and is the key to a strong root system, the yield of cucumber beds will exceed the expectations of gardeners.

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