Cucumber growing temperature

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A bountiful harvest is the merit of an attentive farmer. Knowing what vegetables are afraid of and what is necessary for their germination, you can get the most out of even the most budget variety. what is the temperature for growing cucumbers? Let's analyze the most optimal conditions for the development of popular culture.

Cucumber growing temperature

Cucumber growing temperature

The subtleties of the temperature regime

Cucumber is a thermophilic plant, for the healthy formation of roots and fruits, it needs the right microclimate. The culture develops at a temperature:

  • during the day - from 24 ° С to 30 ° С;
  • at night - from 16 ° С to 18 ° С.

A capricious vegetable has a demanding attitude to the thermal regime from the moment of sowing seeds in the ground until harvesting. When it drops to 10 ° C, the bushes do not grow and hibernate. The roots stop absorbing water and nutrients, leading to starvation. If cucumbers are kept at an air temperature of 3 ° C for three days, irreversible tissue changes occur, after which the culture dies.

Heat above 35 ° C is just as dangerous for development as cold. In the heat, the leaves die off, and the pollen near the ovaries becomes sterile. In a greenhouse, stagnant humid air is created, which leads to a weakening of the bushes, the activation of diseases.

Seedling mode

To get an early harvest, domestic farmers practice the cultivation of a popular vegetable in a seedling way. In this case, it is possible not only to accelerate the development of plants, but also to completely control the microclimate. Knowing the basic requirements of a capricious bush, you can avoid problems.


The optimum temperature for the growth of cucumber fruits is 20 ° C. In order for the seeds to wake up, they are wrapped in a damp cloth, placed in polyethylene and left in a warm place for two days. The seeds are planted in the ground after pecking.

Simultaneous shoots are obtained in the range from 24 to 28 ° C. With a decrease in heat to 14 ° C, the material wakes up hard, and the seeds cannot tolerate a decrease to 12 ° C.

Often, gardeners grow seedlings on the windowsill, not paying attention to drafts and low temperatures. Young cucumbers react painfully to changes, so it is recommended to put foam under the containers and seal the cracks in the frames.


After pecking the seeds, the boxes are placed in a warm, sunny place. Experienced farmers regularly take measurements with a thermometer in different parts of the "plantation": near the glass and near the battery. Often the first rows of seedlings are cold, while the rest suffer from the dry air of heating devices.

The optimal mode for growing seedlings is from 20 ° C to 23 ° C, while the minimum air temperature for seedlings of cucumbers should not drop to 16 ° C. With a lack of light, the culture stretches.

Before planting in a permanent place of growth, cucumbers are tempered. Every day, containers are taken out to the balcony, gently reducing the degree and increasing the time spent in the cold. In the last two days, vegetables are left to spend the night outside the house.

Open field mode

Cold soil prevents roots from developing

Cold soil prevents roots from developing

Seedlings are planted on the garden bed when the soil warms up to 18 ° C. Many novice farmers make the common mistake of choosing the wrong time. The best period for work is the end of May and the beginning of June, while the daytime temperature does not drop below 20 ° C. In cold soil, the roots do not develop, so tissue dying off and the death of bushes begins.

If the air does not warm up to 18 ° C at night, the soil will remain cold. Prolonged exposure to inappropriate conditions inhibits the growth of vegetables. To avoid frost, seedlings are advised to be hidden under a covering material. Sharp changes of 7 ° C are also dangerous for seedlings.

When cultivating plants directly in open ground, it is necessary to wait for the earth to warm up to 13-15 ° C. For measurements, use an ordinary outdoor thermometer, which is left in the holes. Experienced farmers carry out several stages of sowing at intervals of a week. If frost destroys early plantings, late bushes will bring the harvest.

Under controlled conditions, friendly shoots appear in 2-3 days after sowing, in field conditions - in a week in good weather.

Greenhouse mode

The temperature for growing greenhouse cucumbers must be stable. Abundant moisture, day and night fluctuations in heat and cold will be an excellent environment for the onset of ailments. In an unheated greenhouse, the degree often falls below the recommended minimum. A characteristic sign of a violation of the regime is wilting of foliage in the sun and the appearance of white spots in the morning.

When cultivating vegetables in indoor structures, it is necessary to carefully regulate the temperature in different parts of the room. To protect against daytime overheating, it is necessary to open the doors and ventilate during the daytime. The degree of soil cannot be lowered below 14 ° C, in the extreme it is allowed to cover the greenhouse with non-woven material.


If you know the requirement of the crop, growing cucumbers will not be a burden. It is forbidden to irrigate a thermophilic plant with cold water. Getting on the stems and roots, the liquid shocks the bushes, after which they recover for a long time. Under unfavorable conditions (frost, prolonged cloudy days), vegetables die.

The irrigation procedure is carried out with water heated under the sun up to 20 ° C. As a last resort, add a couple of liters of boiling water to the watering can. The critical point is below 10 ° C.

In the heat, irrigation is carried out in the evening or early in the morning. The requirements for the liquid are the same, so you must not forget to heat it. At noon, when the sun is burning, you cannot water: drops on the foliage will create the effect of small lenses and the plates will get burned. Slight drying of the soil negatively affects the taste of zelents.

Things to remember

To get a bountiful harvest, you need to know at what temperature conditions the plant dies. If you plant seedlings in open ground without hardening, even the strongest varieties do not withstand the coolness of the night. The difference of 3-4 ° does not allow the bushes to adapt, which leads to death.

Before planting on a permanent place of growth, the wells are advised to pour boiling water, and then cover with a film or agrofibre. This trick helps warm up the soil to an acceptable level. In regions with regular frosts, warm beds are built for cucumbers or harrowing of crops is used. Technologies allow to raise the temperature in the open field by 1-4 ° С. In the heat, such plantings will save you from the dangerous midday heat.

To get the most out of your vegetables, you must comply with all the requirements of the culture. Knowing what kind of night and day temperature is necessary for cucumbers, it will be possible to grow healthy plants.

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