Carrot fly control

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Carrots are a root vegetable that is grown from seeds. The advantage of the culture lies in the low calorie content of the fruits and the presence of many useful substances in the composition. Carrots are resistant to most diseases, but attract pests such as carrot flies. It is a parasite that infects fruits.

Carrot fly control

Carrot fly control

Description of carrot fly

The carrot fly looks like a common flying insect. Its body length does not exceed 5 mm, which makes it difficult to detect it on bushes.

The insect has the following features:

  • black color of the abdomen and thoracic region;
  • long transparent oblong wings;
  • yellow legs;
  • shiny fluff on the body;
  • small head brown.

The main damage to plantings is caused by a carrot fly in the larval stage. In this form, the insect lacks limbs and a head. The posterior end of the larva's body is rounded, with spiracles on it. The pest infects plants that grow in moist soil in a shaded area. The population increases in rainy weather.

Signs and consequences

The larvae that appear in the ground move to the root crops. They feed on their pulp and juices. The activity of insects is to make moves in the fruit.

The larvae gain weight for 20-25 days by feeding on carrots. Then they grow in size and turn into pupae.

Carrot fly symptoms:

  • Change in the color of the tops. The leaves turn pale purple, then gradually begin to turn yellow, which indicates their drying out.
  • Discoloration of the top of the carrot. It takes on a lilac hue, and later turns black.
  • The presence of moves on the root crop. They can be seen if you examine the fruit with a magnifying glass or make a cut.
  • The appearance of rot. It is caused by mechanical damage from larvae, which give bacteria access to the fruit.
  • The appearance of unnatural formations on carrots. The root crop is covered with tubercles.

The action of insects leads to the fact that the roots are damaged. The affected fruit becomes unusable. It takes on a bad smell, its flesh becomes hard and bitter.

Top dressing with chemicals

Carrot fly control methods depend on the size of the garden. In large areas, it is more efficient to treat with chemicals and biological products. They quickly cope with the disease and prevent its recurrence.

The following means are used to fight:

  • "Arrivo";
  • "Karate";
  • "Alatar";
  • "Stefesin";
  • "Decis";
  • Voltaton;
  • Intra-Vir;
  • "Prestige";
  • "Bazudin";
  • "Flycatcher";
  • Corado;
  • "Provotox";
  • Sochva.
Good carrots when planted correctly

Good carrots when planted correctly

To save plants, agents such as Prestige are used before planting seeds in open ground. The insecticide makes the plant more resistant to diseases, and the soil less suitable for their development.

To scare off adults, you should fight with carrot fly in the garden with such preparations for carrot fly as "Karate" and "Arrivo". Insecticides prevent flies from laying new eggs around bushes. The drugs have a long duration of action and toxicity. They help keep flies away for a month. Not suitable for use during the harvest season.

"Protox" is a diazinon-based carrot fly repellent that is used to fight insects in the larval phase. "Bazudin", "Mukhoed" belong to the same group of drugs. They are made in the form of granules, which are laid in the soil. The preferred time of use is autumn. On contact with the granules, the larvae die.

Folk remedies

The fight against carrot fly with folk remedies is carried out with preparations in the form of infusions and decoctions. One of these is the wormwood infusion.

Preparation of funds:

  • 1 kg of fresh wormwood is crushed, placed in a zinc bucket and 10 liters of boiling water are poured;
  • the container is placed in a dark room and insisted for 24 hours, stirring occasionally;
  • the infusion is filtered through cheesecloth and divided into 3 parts;
  • each part is diluted with 4 liters of warm clean water.

The finished infusion is poured over castes and aisles. Also, the wormwood branches remaining from steaming are left between the plants.

It is better to use the tool before the appearance of the pest. For this method of processing, the beginning of May is like. Re-processing is carried out at the beginning of summer.

An effective remedy is a decoction of tomato tops. For cooking, take 4 kg of raw materials, place them in a galvanized container and pour 8 liters of boiling water.

The agent is insisted for 10 hours to cool, and filtered through the fabric. Then add 60 ml of liquid soap to the water and dilute with 12 liters of water.

Garlic and onion infusion

The use of folk remedies for carrot fly based on onions and garlic has a good effect. Fresh or dried product is suitable for pest control.

It will take several large heads. They are passed through a blender along with the husk and poured with boiling water. The agent is infused for a day, and then filtered.

Treatment with folk remedies is carried out using a spray or spray bottle. Spray once a week for 4 weeks from the start of cultivation. The second course of treatment is carried out for prophylaxis in the summer, during the rainy period.

Onions help get rid of carrot flies. To prepare the product, take onion peels and several large onions, pass through a blender and pour boiling water. The drug is insisted for 48 hours. A spray bottle is used for processing. The disadvantage of the product is that rain quickly washes it off the bushes.

Additional folk remedies

Traps made of plastic bottles, in which sticky bait is hidden, help to fight flies. Tobacco dust helps a lot. It is scattered around the bushes. Mustard powder is used in a similar way: the carrot fly does not tolerate its aroma.

The surface of the soil on the site is crushed with ash, which scares away harmful insects with a smell. The substance has useful properties like fertilizer, which enhances the effect of the application.

To get rid of flies, the area around the planting is treated with ground pepper. For a medium-sized garden bed, 100 g of product is enough. Also, the furrow can be treated with a small amount of kerosene before planting. The sheets are wiped with ammonia.


To prevent the appearance of a carrot fly, the following preventive measures are taken:

  • Observe the crop rotation. It is forbidden to plant a crop on the site for several years in a row, so that there are no substances familiar to pests in the soil.
  • Row spacings are processed. Weeds are regularly destroyed because they are carriers of diseases. For oxygen access, loosening is carried out.
  • Landing early. This keeps carrots free from carrot flies and pests such as wireworms.
  • Carrot varieties that are resistant to carrot fly are planted.They get sick less often and give a stable harvest. Preferred varieties: Nantic, Calgary; Amsterdam. They are characterized by a low content of chlorogenic acids.
  • Carrots are planted in suitable soil. The culture prefers loose, light soil, in which waterlogging does not form.

Prevention methods in the garden against the appearance of pests are effective during the emergence of insects after wintering.


If you process the carrots from the carrot fly in time, the yield will not suffer, and the fruits will be sweet and juicy. To successfully grow a plant, mineral fertilizers and organic fertilizers are applied.

To prevent pests from appearing in the garden, preventive measures are taken in all areas. If the plantings are not protected, the disease will spread quickly.

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