When the bow went to the arrow

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When growing onions in a garden bed, gardeners are often faced with the fact that the onion went into the arrow. Shooting onions does not matter if it is decided to grow a vegetable on a feather, but when an onion crop needs to be planted in order to harvest a rich harvest in the fall, the appearance of onion arrows during the flowering of the plant becomes a problem for summer residents, and they often do not know what to do with the appeared flowers.

The bow went to the arrow

The bow went to the arrow

Why is the onion arrow bad

an onion arrow is nothing more than an inflorescence of a plant, and onion shooting is a flowering on which the garden culture needs to spend energy and obtained minerals. Some time after the vegetable has launched the onion flower, ripe seeds appear on it, because the arrow is the part of the plant that is responsible for its reproduction, however, if the peduncle develops in that type of onion culture that sits down to get a crop from it in the form of turnips, it is not useful. So, it is not at all necessary for the bow to start shooting for:

  • slime,
  • shallot,
  • onion type,
  • leek,
  • batun,
  • shnitta.

Arrows are not useful for garlic either.

The family shallot is one of the species that rarely releases arrows.

Of course, the formation of arrows does not lead to the fact that the vegetable crop becomes unsuitable for its consumption, however, the vegetable that has passed the shooting process becomes unsuitable for long-term storage and rots quickly, therefore they try to use such a plant even before the onset of winter. In addition, when growing the above varieties, experienced gardeners do not allow the appearance of onion arrows so that they do not affect the yield.

Among the reasons why the bow goes into the arrow, there are several:

  • not properly secured storage of seed,
  • the wrong size of the bulbs for planting,
  • violation of the timing of the disembarkation of the bow.

Storage of planting material

Failure to comply with the storage conditions for seed is one of the most common reasons why the onion set went into the arrow. The sevok for the upcoming planting should be kept at a temperature that is not understood to be higher than 0 ° C. It belongs to frost-resistant plants, therefore, for its storage, the environment at -3-4 ° C will be more favorable than warm air.

If in the next harvest season there is an intention to plant onions with seeds, then you do not need to worry about the temperature of their preservation: they can survive the winter at any temperature regime, but we must not forget that it will not be possible to grow bulbs by planting seeds in a year. The process of growing onions in the garden will be reduced to growing the original seedlings, which will be stored throughout the winter, and then will be planted in the garden.

An exception to the general rules for obtaining a crop from seedlings is bred hybrid varieties of onions, from the seeds of which, already in the first season, they get a good harvest in the form of strong turnips.

An important factor among the storage conditions of planting material, so that the onions do not go into the arrow, are the humidity indicators in the room where the seed is kept.To avoid the onion going into the arrow will allow maintaining dryness in the cellar, otherwise the planting seed will germinate ahead of time and the already sprouted onion will go to the beds, which most often goes into the arrow.

To increase the shelf life of the onion, some gardeners recommend treating it with lime so that there are no troubles in the spring.

Selection of planting material

Shooting onions is directly related to the incorrect selection of the size of the bulbs for planting, although many gardeners do not pay due attention to this issue, and it is completely in vain. It depends on how correctly the size of the bulbs was selected for planting in the garden, whether the onions will be shot. Unworthy seed is one of the reasons why the bow goes into the arrow. To prevent the onion from shooting, it must be grown from sorted seed. To obtain good shoots and harvest a rich harvest in the fall, the diameter of the seed for planting should be no more than 1 cm. Such material is classified as small. The middle fraction includes specimens with a diameter of 1 to 3 centimeters. Anything more than 3 cm in size belongs to the coarse fraction.

The probability that a large bow will go into the arrow is about 70%. If there is a desire to grow an onion crop without arrows, it is better to give preference to smaller fractions.

Specimens from the coarse fraction are more suitable for growing early onion greens. If the goal is strong onion turnips, it is better to plant the middle faction, since there are almost no shooters on the onion set of the middle faction.

Time to board

Another reason for the formation of arrows on the bow is the violation of the timing of planting planting material. The way to avoid shooting the bow will be the correct timing of planting crops in the beds. So that the sevok does not give an arrow, it must be planted in sufficiently warm soil, and this most often occurs at the end of April. An early planted set will bloom, while at the same time, with prolonged planting times in the spring, you should not wait for strong bulbs in the fall.

To prevent the bow from shooting, it can be planted before the onset of winter. This method is suitable for those areas where the winter is moderate, but it should not be used in regions with a harsh climate, where perennial winter seeding can freeze.

If the seed for planting is purchased in retail chains, then in order to avoid possible problems with its storage, so that it does not go into color, you need to warm it up in a warm place (for example, under a central heating battery or in direct sunlight) for up to 3 x weeks.

To plant a seed that would not go to the arrow, you need to purchase winter varieties that are characterized by increased frost resistance.

Taking action

What to do if the bow goes into the arrow despite the measures taken?

Initially, if the vegetable starts blooming, they try to save it by cutting off all the onion arrows that appear. You need to use such cleaning as early as possible. The faster you do this, ridding the plant of the peduncle, the larger the turnip will grow. The onion should be trimmed just below the neck, as close to the base as possible. When fresh peduncles appear, they are immediately cut off.

It is easy to recognize the green vegetable, which went into the arrow when growing, by the thickened neck. It is primarily used for culinary purposes.

Many gardeners, when asked if the onion went to the arrow what to do, advise using it on a feather, trying to choose a set in the next harvest season and prepare it correctly for planting. The resulting juicy tops will become an indispensable ingredient in summer salads.

When the plant starts to bloom, the arrows break out, they must be removed regularly, which makes it possible to get, although not so rich, but quite a decent harvest from small and medium-sized turnips.

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