How to grow leeks

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Leeks have not yet supplanted onions from the hearts (and stomachs) of summer residents and gourmets, but they are on the way to this. The plant has ceased to be an unusual guest in the gardens, although until now many, even experienced, summer residents do not grow it, fearing a crushing failure. In reality, everything is not as scary as it seems: leeks are one of the most capricious vegetables cultivated by people in the entire history of mankind.



You can, of course, buy a vegetable in the store, but the products grown in the garden on your own are much tastier and healthier than the purchased ones stuffed with chemicals, and who doesn't like to be healthy? If you freeze your crops, you will be able to enjoy the beneficial properties of leeks even in winter.

Botanical description

The description says that the leek belongs to the onion subfamily, it was grown mainly in the Mediterranean. This continues to this day, but now the healthy vegetable has spread to other countries of the world. In Russia, leeks are grown no less successfully than their fellow summer residents "in the south".

As with other plants, growing and caring for leeks shouldn't be done slipshod. There are important agrotechnical requirements, without which a good harvest cannot be achieved, no matter how hard you try. For example, being a guest from the warm south, a vegetable dies from frost, however, with hilling and careful warming, it can even survive the harsh Siberian winters. He does not like to grow on acidic soil, preferring a neutral environment and, like any other plant, wants to grow exclusively on rich and fertile soils.

The appearance of leeks is specific: this one cannot be confused with anything. See how it looks in the photo, if you haven't seen a vegetable in stores before. He does not have a large onion - it is usually either tiny or not at all. The main feature of the plant is the white part of the stem. It is she who is most often used in cooking. Since this part of the plant grows underground, it must be thoroughly cleaned - washed. Its taste is more delicate than that of onions. The green part of the leek should also be used in culinary experiments, for example, added to broths. Sometimes they can be substituted for green onions, using in fillings for pies and pies.

In the first year after planting the leek, the formation of the root system begins. Together with the roots, it releases long leaves, continuing to do this until the onset of frost in the fall. With the onset of the second year, the leek begins to form a flowering arrow, and in the summer colorful flowers bloom on it. The sweet scent of flowers attracts winged workers - bees and bumblebees. Seeds ripen by the beginning of autumn.

How to make the right choice

Choosing a variety in the Russian climate is not an easy task. The vegetable is unpretentious, but does not like the cold, which our winters are so famous for. The frosty season, if it survives, it is only in shelters, but not all varieties are capable of this.

Early maturing varieties

Early ripening vegetables ripen in a very short time: they need no more than 3-4 months. The "quality" of the early ripening is inferior to the mid-ripening, but the yield is many times higher. The stem of the varieties is thin, and the white part grows up to 30-50 cm in height. What to do from the crop, the summer resident himself will decide: early ripe leeks are universal, they can be used fresh or canned.

  1. Goliath has leaves of green or grayish color, the stem is medium in height. The variety gives very good yields, which are harvested in summer. The disadvantage is low disease resistance.
  2. Columbus leeks are considered one of the best choices for summer residents, as its bleached part develops without hilling.
  3. Vesta is grown mainly on the lands of the Moscow region, appreciated for its sweet taste. You can get the harvest 120 days after planting the leek.
  4. Kilima is distinguished by its late ripening compared to other early maturing varieties.

Mid-season varieties

Mid-season varieties are not as productive as early ones. They ripen in 150-180 days. On the other hand, their "leg" is thicker, the leaves are larger, rich green. They are hardy and can be eaten fresh. The best mid-season varieties:

  1. The winner is similar to some other varieties, for example, Karatansky. It can be grown both as an annual onion and perennial. It is frost-resistant so that it can be planted in the northern regions of the country;
  2. Elephant was created by Czech breeders. The properties are the same as those of the Winner. The stems are harvested on 130 days of vegetation.

Late-ripening varieties

Late-ripening varieties have the longest growing season, which can last up to 200 days. Such plants are not suitable for growing in the northern regions, as they do not have time to mature before the onset of frost. However, there are cold-resistant varieties that can be planted even in Siberia or on the land of the Urals.

  1. Shogun is a new variety that is unpretentious and successfully resists frost. Its height is average, the leaf is blue-green with a waxy bloom. The bleached part grows up to 25 cm.
  2. Winter giant. The name corresponds to reality: his “leg” reaches 30 and even 40 cm. Besides its large size, it has excellent keeping quality.

Growing a leek is quick and easy

Growing leeks through seedlings and from seeds directly into the open field is quite possible. The latter method is suitable for the warm south of the country. In the northern regions, it is better to pre-cultivate seedlings for seedlings at home. How are leeks planted for seedlings?

Landing is preceded by preparation in the spring, in mid-March. They come with leek seeds in the same way as with cabbage: disinfect in hot (45 ° C) and cold water, moisten a cloth and wrap the seeds, then leave them in a warm place. After 3-7 days, the seeds are dried. Now they can be planted in a box on the windowsill. Leek seeds can be stored dried for 3 years: they will not lose their properties, they will be viable.

In warm southern regions, leeks can be planted immediately in open ground, hiding under a film or in a greenhouse for reliability. When to plant leeks for seedlings and planting agricultural techniques depend on how the sowing of seeds is planned.

  1. Sowing leeks in the form of seeds at home is arranged in late February - early March.
  2. It is better to sow onions in a greenhouse in mid-April.
  3. When April comes to an end, you can plant leeks in the open ground under a film.

Growing onions in pots

One of the most common methods is growing leek seedlings from seeds. Planting directly into the garden is not possible for every region, while planting plants first in pots, boxes or in a "snail" is suitable for the coldest northern regions. How to plant plants in pots correctly?

  1. Fill the containers with moistened soil and try to plant the seeds at least 5 cm apart.
  2. Sprinkle with earth and place polyethylene on top of the boxes, then leave your pots in a warm place to average 24 ° C. Lighting is very important for growth.
  3. When the sprout sprouts, the mode is slightly changed: during the day the temperature should be within 16 ° C, and at night it may be lower - 11 ° C.
  4. After a week, change the mode again, but at this stage the temperature is set higher: 20 ° C during the day, 14 ° C at night. The temperature is now constant, it is no longer changed. The vegetable will grow poorly if the regimen is not followed.
  5. If you plant plants too close to each other, after a year they will need to be dived. Picking, however, is not experienced very well by leeks, so it is better to plant leeks at once rarely or use peat tablets for planting.
  6. It is recommended to feed the seedlings. Top dressing consists of compost tea and should be done every two weeks. It is also worth pruning the leaves from time to time so that the young plant spends more energy on the development of the roots and stem.

Planting of grown leek seedlings occurs after 8 weeks. By that time, the diameter of the stalk had grown by almost a centimeter and 3-4 long leaves were formed. Planting in the garden is usually preceded by shortening the roots and leaves. Pruning is needed to make it easier for the vegetable to settle down in a new place and it develops more correctly.

Moving to a new home

Finally, it's time to plant the leeks in the soil. This is an important event that must be preceded by the preparation of the earth for planting.

  1. First, you should choose a suitable site. Leek can grow on almost any type of soil, but it is better to transplant seedlings to loam.
  2. Land cultivation should begin in the fall: during this period, you need to dig up the soil and add compost. It is advisable to transplant the onion to a garden bed where cucumbers or potatoes were grown before it. Leek also gets along well with cabbage as a precursor. Sowing onions in the garden can be combined with planting other crops in the same place, for example, carrots and celery - they will feel great next to leeks.
  3. When spring comes, you can add some humus. On the site, you need to dig ditches 15 cm deep. The soil at the bottom of the grooves is mixed with ash, after which it can be watered.
  4. Transplanting seedlings begins in May. The root is coated with a mixture of clay and manure and lowered into a prepared place. The second watering should be moderate, since the ground is already wet.
  5. If we sow in a cool time, we will have to protect our plantings with plastic wrap or other material.

Care is the key to a successful harvest

  1. Correct seeding is not yet a reason to rest. How many delicious onions can be grown depends entirely on how well the care was taken. It consists of several elements: watering, loosening, top dressing, weed control. It is very important to huddle the plants.
  2. Watering. When we grow leeks, we must not forget how sensitive it reacts to a lack of water. Seedlings need to be watered abundantly and regularly, but on the other hand, excess moisture is also harmful.
  3. Loosening contributes to the rapid development of the plant. They loosen the garden bed once a week.
  4. Hilling begins when the seedlings have grown well. An event is held every 2 weeks. Later, hilling can be changed by mulching.
  5. Top dressing. You can do without it, but nevertheless, if you want your products to look as attractive as in stores: juicy and sweet, you should do some top dressing. Top dressing should be both organic and mineral - supplements can be alternated. They are made no more than 3 times a season.
  6. Uprooting weeds. To get a tasty and healthy harvest, you must not forget to tear out the weeds that interfere with the growth of vegetables.

Harvesting starts at different times, depending on when the onions were planted. This often happens in July, and in some southern regions, plants are just starting to be planted this month.They collect food by digging it out of the ground, trying to get it between the leaves. It is advisable not to cut the leaves, otherwise the shelf life of the onion will also be cut.

Epilogue, or what can be made from leek

Gourmets are happy to eat leeks. Its taste, unlike its onion counterpart, is more delicate and tender. Yet taste is not the only reason for the popularity of this plant. The beneficial qualities of leeks have made it one of the most favorite medicinal vegetables: it is eaten both for treatment of various ailments and for preventive health promotion. The useful properties of the plant were appreciated by the ancient Egyptians and Romans.

The Greeks and Romans not only actively added the plant to their dishes, but also used it for medicinal purposes. The usefulness of leek is due to its high content of useful minerals. The famous physician of the past, Hippocrates, whose name his modern colleagues swear to serve people, prescribed the vegetable for those suffering from indigestion and as an expectorant. Later doctors prescribed onions to treat other diseases. Onion essential oil can be used as a sedative.

This is not to say that there is only one benefit from the plant, it also brings harm.

It is contraindicated to use it in large quantities, especially if you are going to accustom children to the vegetable.

Leeks should be introduced into the diet for babies gradually, in a teaspoon. For the treatment of stomach ailments, onions can be eaten only in processed form: stewed or boiled, but not fresh.

If leeks were exclusively a medicinal plant, it would not have such popularity as it is now. Don't hesitate to use a vegetable for breakfast, lunch or dinner. They can safely replace other types of onions in a variety of dishes, but they are also good as the main ingredient. You can try making a pie stuffed with leeks, for example.

After pulling out from the garden, the vegetable can lie for 2-3 days in the refrigerator without harm to itself. The main condition for long-term storage is not to wash the harvested crop. For people who love to occasionally feast on soups or adore stewed goodies, the decision to freeze leeks will be relevant. To do this, the vegetable needs to be cut into pieces and frozen, and if you pre-fry it for a couple of minutes or blanch it, the onion will be easy to store all year round.

Now you know how to carry out the correct care 1 time so as not to make the plant bad.

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