Rules for processing onions with ammonia

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It is not difficult to grow onions, but not everyone knows how to pour onions with ammonia. This root crop is also affected by harmful insects and microorganisms, and it can also get sick with specific diseases.

Watering onions with ammonia

Watering onions with ammonia

If the diagnosis and processing of young onions is not carried out in time, then ultimately it will grow small in size, and it is not possible to preserve it for a long period. Only proper care will give this culture the strength to grow and give a good harvest.

A little about onion culture itself

Every gardener who wants to get the maximum yield invests in his crops. To do this, he carefully processes the soil, preparing it, then buys seeds or ready-made seedlings and in addition uses fertilizer. One of the most popular crops cultivated in vegetable gardens will be onions. It is used almost every day, because it is added to the first and second courses, salads, etc.

The agronomic norm of onions is 19, that is, it takes out little fertilizer from the soil. Most gardeners and agronomists ignore feeding, treat pests with indifference, and ultimately begin to resent that their harvest is so poor, although this is an ecologically natural product.

The thoughtless use of chemicals to grow onions is the wrong approach, but watering onions with ammonia in normal amounts does not lead to the accumulation of nitrates, because it acts as a protector from pests.

Features of using ammonia

Professionals highlight a special technique on how to water homemade onions with ammonia and how often it can be done, so they immediately answer all accompanying questions: why sprinkle, is it possible to process onions with ammonia, when to water, etc.

Ammonia or ammonia is a colorless transparent solution with a strong, characteristic - pungent odor. It is ammonium hydroxide dissolved in water. This is a nitrogen fertilizer that is quickly and easily absorbed by plants, but not all crops can be processed with ammonia, because it does not work in the same way. For example, it has no effect on strawberries.

The processing of young onions with ammonia is an important procedure, since this culture perfectly absorbs ammonia. Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to water the onion with ammonia, the answer is obvious, the main thing is to use the correct dosage so as not to harm the root crop.

Why ammonia

Ammonia concentrate (10%) is a specialized liquid that does not have a characteristic color, but gives off a characteristic specific aroma. The processing of onions with ammonia is carried out depending on a specific purpose. The following options are possible:

  1. Plant feeding in order to increase the yield level.
  2. Nitrogen is used as a good remedy against parasites, which are extremely dangerous for garden crops.

Ammonium as fertilizer

It is believed that watering with ammonia does not have a negative side, that is, it is simply impossible to overfeed the plant with ammonia, because even the wrong dosage of the drug does not lead to negative consequences, that is, the accumulation of nitrates. But this is not so, because if you use the mixture often, the plant will quickly absorb nitrates and will accumulate them.

Onions are a plant that belongs to the category of those that absorb ammonia nitrogen well. Ammonium is a complex caustic compound, at a high concentration in water, it easily burns the feathers of a plant or even a turnip. Incorrect proportions of the solution lead to the development of the upper part (green mass), but at a loss to the root crop, promotes the reproduction and development of harmful putrefactive microorganisms, therefore it is important to clearly know the correct dosages, so that as a result, feeding onions with ammonia will be beneficial.

Fight against harmful organisms

The time when you can water the onion with ammonia is called favorable, because during this period not only the plant is fed with useful substances, but also the fight against the main harmful organisms. The same insects simply cannot stand the smell of ammonia, therefore, when onions are treated with ammonia, even a minimal concentration leads to the destruction of pests.

Who can be destroyed in this way:

  1. flies (onions);
  2. bugs;
  3. lurkers.

In order to destroy the lurking proboscis, which is classified as a dangerous pest, you need to water the plant with ammonia. This procedure is repeated 2 times, 10 liters of ordinary water is taken for it, 20-25 g of ammonia must be diluted in it. The first spraying should be done at the beginning of the shooting (approximately in spring), the second after 2 weeks.

For flies and bugs, it is necessary that the garden bed be watered with ammonia solution. More precisely, it is necessary to spray between the rows with a specialized solution, which can be made from 10 liters of water and 1 spoon of ammonia.

Reasons for using ammonia

Fertilizing homemade onions with ammonia belongs to the category of "fast", therefore, if you need to urgently fertilize the plants, ammonia is used. The main symptom of nitrogen starvation, which is primarily diagnosed by gardeners, is the whitened tips of the leaves. This can be observed not only in onions or garlic, but also in carrots. There are a lot of reasons for this state, so you need to be able to distinguish and classify them:

  1. Feathers have a very light greenish or even yellowish tint. This suggests that the plant needs emergency help with ammonia. Nothing can cope with this condition faster and better than ammonia treatment.
  2. The feathers have not only a white tint, but also begin to curl at the ends. This indicates that the plant lacks such a chemical fertilizer as potassium. For such a situation, treatment with potash fertilizer is suitable, it does not matter what it will be, you can even use one that contains chlorine and salt: onions, like garlic, are quite normal for this.
  3. Freeze effect. The stem of the onion becomes extremely white. This is the time when watering young onions with ammonia is simply necessary, since the plant needs additional help.
  4. The tips of the leaves have turned white, but the feathers themselves are not curled and have a normal color for the root crop. There is no need for nitrogen fertilization, it simply will not help. To normalize the condition, it is necessary to use a copper-containing preparation that is spilled between the rows.
  5. Another point: the white tops of the feathers indicate that the soil is too acidic.It is impossible to make a fatal mistake and additionally deoxidize the soil before starting planting root crops. For normalization, it is worth adding dolomite flour or saltpeter, or, at the extreme, lime. Onions need a slightly alkaline soil, so you need to cope not only with the excessive level of soil acidity, but also water the bed with ash additionally. Treat the bed with a solution at the rate of 2 glasses of ash for 1 bucket of liquid.

Methods for preparing working ammonia essence

Watering the onion with ammonia is not difficult, but in order not to burn either the root crop or the deciduous part, it is important to correctly formulate the solution. This recipe assumes that the gardener will use a standard drug from the pharmacy.

  1. Watering onions with ammonia has boundary concentration norms, a maximum of 1 tbsp is allowed. l. for 1 liter.
  2. Processing of onions at the root (top dressing): dilute 3 tbsp for every 10 liters of water. l. ammonia.
  3. For spraying or to water the onion with ammonia, it is worth diluting 5 tbsp for 10 liters of water. l. chemical.

Basically, the point of such procedures is that the main active ingredient remains on the feathers of the plant for a longer time. For this reason, the essence is supplemented with a specialized component (adhesive), which can be purchased at any place where fertilizers are sold. But if this is not possible, everything that is really needed to prepare the solution is always freely available.

Tips for gardeners

  1. If onions are grown exclusively for feathers, then they are processed, additional processing is a solution of water with the addition of a small amount of dry mustard.
  2. As one of the adhesive options, you can take the most budgetary dog ​​or cat flea shampoo to treat onions with ammonia from pests. But there is one drawback: it will be impossible to eat feathers. After careful processing, they will simply become unsuitable for consumption.
  3. If an unnaturally dark shade of foliage is visible, this is a signal that there is an oversaturation with ammonia. It follows from this that the plants do not need feeding, so you should immediately stop watering the onion root crop.

Processing and fertilization rules

Ammonia for homemade onions is an ideal fertilizer. But if feeding or processing is carried out exclusively by spraying, then the leaves will not be able to receive a sufficient amount of the working substance. You need to try to water the onion root crop as often as possible; for this, use a watering can with good holes (water sprinkles the surface of the feathers as correctly and thoroughly as possible).

Having figured out the benefits of this kind of treatment, you need to find out the time for watering. When to water young onions with ammonia, or rather, what time is it best to do it?

  1. Processing outside the root is done early in the morning in cloudy or dry calm weather, it is still possible at sunset.
  2. Initially, a solution is prepared, which consists of the main components: purified water, supplemented with ammonia, after which salt and other minor components are added.
  3. The ammonia for the onion is poured so as not to raise the watering can at a high distance. Thus, you can thoroughly water and nourish the onion fruit, plus you can also spray garlic with this solution.
  4. If the plantings are very large in area, then it is worth watering the onion plot using a specialized spraying system.

Growing onions for a turnip has its own peculiarity: first you need to process young onions with ammonia (here we are talking about the root of a plant), then you need to do at least 3 treatments of feathers, and then feed the root one more time. As soon as the leaves begin to dry out, you need to stop pouring ammonia on the onion altogether. That is, the use of the solution as a treatment agent should be stopped.

Safety engineering

Ammonia and garden onions are interconnected components of the struggle for the harvest.

No matter how many different processing methods are: nitrogen, iodine or minerals - they all provide for precautions. Ammonia is a volatile, caustic chemical, so getting on exposed skin or inhaling the fragrance can be difficult.

Basic Precautions:

  1. Wear goggles and a specialized apron for protection.
  2. There must be a headdress, hair is hidden under it.
  3. Be sure to use a respirator or gas mask.
  4. All people around are removed at a distance that is permissible for their health.


Fertilization and onion processing promote growth and good crop development. Among the various home feeding methods, treatment with ammonia solution is the most beneficial and simplest method, which allows you to simultaneously nourish the onion for growth and protect it from pests.

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