Characteristics of the Hercules onion

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Every person wants his garden to bring a big harvest. The crossbow is used in almost every dish, giving it a special flavor and aroma. And how do you like the idea of ​​collecting 8-10 kg of this vegetable from one square meter? Hercules onions are an excellent choice for gardeners. This variety has established itself as unpretentious, easy to store, and, most importantly, fertile.

Bow Hercules

Bow Hercules

Variety outline

Hercules onions are in great demand among gardeners, as they can lie quietly until next year, without losing their qualities. It is believed that the crossbow of this variety was invented by Dutch specialists, their goal was to obtain resistant species of the variety, and, as a result, they received Hercules onions. Consider the Hercules onion variety description. Among its advantages are:

  • long storage;
  • unpretentiousness.

A common problem when growing this vegetable is a weak shooting system, but the Hercules onion does not have such a problem, since it was created with a powerful root system, thanks to which, in a severe drought, the roots of the self-arrow will find soil and moisture.

Also, the description of the variety often says that the product has a pleasant, tart taste.

The pros of this breed:

  • Hercules onion sets have a high yield percentage;
  • from 1 sq. m you can collect more than 8-9 kg;
  • high view storage frames;
  • the breed is resistant to disease;
  • dryness is not a problem;
  • taste has its own characteristics and qualities.

Correct boarding time

Type of onion sets Hercules should be planted at the right time. Hercules onions are best planted in early spring. Although this species is resistant to temperatures, it still loves warm earth, and if you plant it in cold soil, this can lead to partial rotting of the fruit, as well as to a deterioration in its taste. It is optimal to plant the seedlings in more or less heated ground so that the air temperature does not fall below 10-13 ° C. Reviews about Hercules onions are mostly positive.

A lot of light is required for excellent growth of the breed. If you plant a crossbow in a dark and closed area, then most likely it can disappear. Also, a plus is that at the beginning of autumn, you can plant a seed in a pot at home, and closer to warm times - transplant it into a vegetable garden. Growing at home takes place according to the standard:

  • take 1 pot;
  • pour the earth;
  • planting sevok Hercules;
  • in the spring they are transplanted to the open air.

Landing rules

Hercules onions - when can they be planted? Let the Hercules onion breed itself is unpretentious, but still there are several rules for a high-quality and large harvest. Let's consider these rules in more detail:

  • it is necessary to plant only a small set, 2-3 cm in diameter;
  • every year - a new house (changing planting sites is a necessary process, since neglect of such manipulation can lead to a bad harvest);
  • the soil should be fertilized at the beginning of autumn so that by the time of planting the fertilizer is completely absorbed into the ground;
  • planting onions is best in May, it is then that the land is already suitable for this everywhere;
  • when planting onions, it is important to maintain a distance between the beds of 20-30 cm, and also plant only in 3-5 beds;
  • ammonium nitrate - a faithful assistant for good growth;
  • to remove the bitterness in taste, you can loosen the earth around the crossbow;
  • also the vegetable grows poorly in clay soil;
  • Sevok and large bulbs are best harvested in late August or early September. If dryness of the leaves becomes noticeable, then it's time to harvest.

Features of the

By itself, Hercules onion is golden and oblong in shape. It is easy to see hercules onions in a photo on the Internet to make sure that the onions retain their color and shape before and after planting, and this is a good sign of the quality of not only the vegetable, but also the earth. The description of the hercules onion variety indicates that a person will not regret that he gave preference to this particular variety, because caring for him is elementary, and he himself is unpretentious.

First, you should choose the onion for planting so that it is not dry, rotten, and try to select the onions as identical and small in size as possible. Before disembarking, it is best to warm them up. This can be done like this: put the vegetable on the window for a couple of days, but make sure that the temperature does not rise above 20-25 ° C. Another option is to place the seed in warm water for a couple of minutes.

Onions of the Hercules variety have different reviews: someone planted in early spring, but the cross shot rose well.

According to gardeners, it is best to plant the crossbow on a flat area with a temperature of 10 ° C, with an average humidity. It is also best to loosen the soil and remove all weeds before planting. The description of the variety characterizes Hercules as the best of all types of onions. Reviews of the batuda and descriptions are completely the same.

People praise this variety and claim that the harvest makes them happy. It is also advised to observe the intervals between crossbows of 10 cm. The main characteristic of what can already be dug up is the folded leaves down. In August, you can safely harvest a large harvest and do not worry about the quality of the product.

Excellent soil

How to plant Hercules onions and in what soil is the main question. You can not plant seeds in the dark, in low plantings and at low temperatures. Onions Hercules F1 can be planted in the garden in the fall during the winter period, but 2.5 weeks before winter or the first frost.

It is better to plant a small onion, its growth rate for the winter slows down a little, but it is no worse than the autumn harvest. The bow will not shoot arrows in winter, and will also last longer. Sevok takes root quickly and thanks to this it takes root well.

Storage rules

After the crossbow has been dug, it is best to first let it dry, then pour it into any place under a canopy in one layer and do not forget about a dry place. So, the breed of this species has established itself as excellent and strong.

The bow withstands various tests of the earth and its main advantage is its long storage. Even a small number of planted crossbows will provide the farmer with healthy, high-quality and juicy vegetables for the next year. If you are interested in varieties of onion sets, then Hercules is the most optimal solution.

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