Description of the pony of the Welsh breed

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Horses have lived side by side with humans for thousands of years. Their strength was used in the field, in the transport of goods, and even in wars. But not all animals were considered fit for severe testing. One of these is the Welsh Pony.

Welsh pony

Welsh pony

For a long time, the appearance of small horses did not give people a reason to use them in agricultural work. This breed was used for horse riding studies. But, as history shows, the life of the Welsh ponies also had a difficult period. Due to their compact size, they worked alongside people in coal mines.

Historical facts

The Welsh pony is an ancient breed of horse. There are no reliable facts about its exact origin. In some sources, the Welsh mountain pony is referred to as a descendant of the Celtic horses. In others, horses were considered their progenitors. They lived in the cold, humid conditions of the highlands of Britain, which made them adapted to the harsh winters.

According to historians, the first accurate mentions of miniature horses appeared in the 55th century BC. The supreme commanders of the troops of the Roman Empire, traveling through Europe, saw small but strong horses. They dragged large chariots with them. Even Julius Caesar was attracted by them. The majestic image of animals so "eaten" into the head of the emperor that he ordered his servants to bring several cobs and ponies to the Roman stable. It was this period that became central to the revival of the ancient Welsh breed.

The selection work of the Romans to mix different breeds gave its result. The appearance of the Welsh Mountain Pony has become similar to other popular breeds. Crossbreeding also influenced the physical abilities of animals: they became stronger and more resilient and could be used not only for horseback riding or transportation, but also for any other purpose. The history of the pets has made them the most majestic. But despite centuries of "blood mixing", the basic characteristics of the Welsh pony have not been lost.

This breed is of high quality and versatile, which is why these horses are used only as improving horses in breeding work.

Features of the classification of Welsh ponies

The Welsh pony received official recognition as a separate breed of horses only at the beginning of the 20th century. It was during this period that these miniature horses were entered into the studbook of the Wales Pony and Cob Society. Breeders of that time determined the involvement of each horse in cobs and ponies by its external data. When determining the type (A, B, C, D), growth was taken into account:

  • A - up to 122 cm;
  • B - up to 137 cm;
  • C - 122-137 cm (with a more massive look than horses that belong to type B);
  • D - 137 cm or more.

Welsh ponies that belonged to sectors A and B were given the title of ponies. C and D are mares. Of these, the Welsh ponies and mares of types B and C were used for riding lessons for young children.Today, not all horse breeders are taken to use such a division of the breed: due to the different characteristics of keeping and breeding, the usual Welsh riding pony requires a different, changed classification.

Experts are of the opinion about the need to use 3 types of horses of this breed. A smaller, ancient horse is a mountain type, domesticated individuals are considered original, and large ones belong to cobs. But British breeders still use their own herd book. According to them, types A and B are suitable for children's riding, type C for sporting events, as well as for sledding trips. Every child can learn to ride and ride this type of horse. Section D is versatile in use.

Description of the breed

For all types of Welsh (Welsh) mountain ponies, the following general characteristics are considered:

  • massive head;
  • bulging eyes;
  • swollen nostrils;
  • small ears;
  • strong back and developed limbs;
  • tail set high.

The coloring of the Welsh Mountain Pony can be different. The most common are gray, brown, bay and ginger animals. Experts say that the quality of the breed itself is determined by its uniformity. Two-tone Welsh ponies have little in common with wild Welsh horses.

Such horses are very beautiful, have a lush mane and fleshy croup. Their miniature external data allows them to be used for teaching children to ride. Many parents, giving their child to the sports section, prefer the Welsh pony in training. In addition, in addition to their endurance, these animals captivate by the fact that they are patient and calm.

Features of Welsh horses of certain types

There are no problems with Welsh ponies, which belong to section A, for both adults and children. These animals are very docile, but they have a peculiar temperament and mind. This horse is ideal for young children. Because of its quick wit and calmness, this breed is considered an ideal option for horseback riding. In addition to its small stature, a horse can be attributed to type A by the following external features:

  • the head is small;
  • pointed ears;
  • wide forehead;
  • the neck is elongated, fixed on the "obliquely" set on the shoulders;
  • legs are massive, set wide apart;
  • hooves are round.

The Section A Welsh pony breed is distinguished by a graceful straight movement when walking. The animal moves freely and quickly with its hooves. When moving to trot, the joints flex quickly and well. But such horses are rarely used for sports competitions when running and jumping. They are the best training horses.

The Welsh breed of ponies of section B are distinguished from small individuals by more elongated legs. These horses are used at various shows, as well as in sports competitions. They are more jumpy, agile and hardy. In addition, such representatives of the Welsh (Welsh) breed of ponies have been used for several centuries in the valleys of Britain for grazing livestock.

The Welsh mountain pony, which belongs to section C (mares), will not be difficult to find an application. These horses feel great in harness, in races and jumps. The more massive body inherent in this section makes these horses capable of fighting any difficulties and obstacles. In addition, they are often used to teach children.

Features of the Cob type D

Welsh pony breeds are distinguished by their beautiful appearance and endurance. The largest individuals are not inferior in their physical characteristics even to Arabian horses. The Welsh horse outwardly differs little from other types. The only difference is growth. The extended massive paws do not prevent the animal from moving quickly and overcoming obstacles. In addition, the movement of the paws of the Welsh (Welsh) breed of ponies in the D section is in many ways similar to that of the Arabian horses. Its forepaws in all gaits extend far forward from their shoulder joints.

According to experts, these ponies are the best athletes. Miniature Welsh horses are used in various driving competitions.

Already today, the meaning from the Welsh Pony Society studbook has undergone a great change. In addition to their versatility in any work and in horse riding, these horses have become good high-class athletes. The strength, speed and endurance of these animals are increasingly becoming an example of the ideal pony for breeders.

Welsh mountain ponies, which are over 137 cm in height, have a more wayward character. This is due to the capabilities of the horses. Energy and increased endurance do not go unnoticed. During a period of competition or hard work, the character of a Welsh pony may change. In the normal state, these animals are kind and agreeable, but it is worth "getting busy", and they immediately become stubborn. Despite this, such a horse does not lose its performance.

Some interesting facts

A lot is known about the Welsh ponies. They are known as strong, hardy horses with a docile character. In addition, breeders never tire of repeating that their blood is ideal for crossbreeding. Constant crossings lead to all new results, hundreds of breeds of half-blooded Welsh.

In Wales, there is even a special registry for such horses. And even those individuals that have only 25% blood of pure rock show excellent results in sports.


Half-bred ponies are most popular in the United States. At the end of the 19th century, the famous horse breeder D.E. Brown began breeding these horses. His labors were successful. Thanks to his efforts, as well as other people who were interested in Welsh Mountain Ponies, a community of Welsh horse enthusiasts opened in the early 20th century.

In addition, the sharp popularity of pure and half-blooded animals extended to countries on other continents. They adapted to any climatic conditions, so they can be found not only in Europe or America, but also in the states of North Africa.

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