Description of mini horses

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The mini horse has taken a special niche in the family of pets. This cute creature has long won the favor of breeders, despite the fact that the dwarf horse is barely taller than an eight-year-old. Previously, mini-horses were used as carriers for heavy loads. For all their diminutiveness, they are very hardy and have a well-developed muscular system.

Mini horses

Mini horses

General information and description of the exterior

For the first time, miniature horses appeared on the territory of the European islands. An ancient wild horse is considered their ancestor. The stocky physique and external data are due to the harsh climatic conditions of the northern regions. The miniature horse is notable for its short stature, shaggy body and strong, lean physique. Dwarf horses, due to their height, could perfectly get their food on the frozen soils of the north. The thick coat allowed foals to adapt to cold weather conditions, providing excellent protection from freezing winds.

Miniature horses have a maximum height of 140 cm, the smallest representative has a height of 80 cm. However, their weight ranges from 100 to 200 kg. The smallest horses weigh 14 kg. Today, such representatives are kept even in apartments as pets, like cats and dogs.

Miniature horses in different countries belong to different size categories. So, for example, in the UK, all representatives whose height does not exceed 150 cm are referred to the pony breed, and in Germany - 120 cm.On the territory of Russia, they use a scale from 80 to 140 cm.

The main feature that won the hearts of breeders is the long, beautiful mane. Beautiful pigtails are woven from it. Miniature horses are especially popular with children. They are used to teach horse riding for babies, as well as in hippotherapy.

Varieties of ponies

Today, everyone is used to thinking that dwarf horses are a children's breed. However, their original purpose was hard work in the mines. Their constitution allows you to lift a weight that exceeds your own several times: about 400 kg.

There are about 20 varieties of dwarf horses. Let's consider the most popular ones.

Mini Shetland horses are one of the oldest species found in the Shetland Islands. The physique of dwarf horses is lean, strong. Today they are used as children's riding horses. Pets are distinguished by a kind disposition. Their height leaves only 145 cm, piebald color.

Scottish miniature horse, the second name is Highland. Habitat - Scotland. Their height is 122-147 cm. Inside the breed, there are 2 types: small horse and mailand. Welsh dwarf horses are divided into three types:

  • mountain;
  • middle;
  • cob.

Cob is used in polo games. Their height varies from 122 to 159 cm.

Exmoor miniature horses are classified as small-harness animals. They are very easy to distinguish by their lighter skin around the nostrils and eyeballs, as well as by their chestnut and brown color.

Icelandic miniature horses are very short. The maximum growth of the Icelanders is only 137 cm, and sometimes there are individuals below 100 cm. Such horses can go amble, for which they are very appreciated among horse breeders.

Falabella is one of the most famous dwarf breeds. The average height is 86 cm. Body weight is up to 25 kg.

Miniature Americans

The American Miniature Horse was bred through selection. The parents are Falabella and Shetlender. Height - 86 cm, has a beautiful proportional physique.

The American miniature horse is distinguished by its expressive features of the muzzle. Huge eyes are simply mesmerizing. These horses have well-developed muscles. The limbs are proportional.


The Appaloosa are American Indian ponies. The purpose of the breeding was to reduce the growth of ordinary representatives. The North American Indians bred them by crossing the Appaloosians with the European ponies.

The selection result exceeded all expectations: the breed became a miniature copy of the Appalusian. American ponies are very popular with breeders around the world. The height at the withers is 1 m. The main difference of the breed is the speckled coloring.

American ponies are mostly kept as pets, their nature does not allow them to be used as mounts.

Fashion trends in the world of animal husbandry

Mini horse and pony breeds are two different kinds of animals. Mini horses are shorter than ponies. Most often, their height does not exceed 86 cm. Ponies are distinguished by a larger physique. Ponies for the most part shy away from human society, they are more lazy and imposing, while mini-horses, on the contrary, are very sociable animals that willingly make contact with humans.

Not every representative of the mini-horse species is distinguished by a beautiful, proportional physique. Dwarfism is a pathological disorder in the development of an animal. Dwarfism can be a consequence of:

  • curvature of the spine;
  • pathologies of limb development.

Almost all such pathologies are the cause of disruption in the work of internal organs. However, health problems do not at all deter people from buying these animals. According to average statistics, such a pet costs tens of thousands of dollars, and for some they even ask for half a million.

Why animals don't really grow

Miniature horse breeds are popular all over the world, but few people know about the true reasons for their dwarfism. According to some reports, for the first time a small horse was bred in the 50s of the twentieth century. The Comprachicos decided to create a new kind of horse in order to entertain the public and not waste a lot of space and money on the maintenance of expensive animals.

American miniature horses were not even specially bred. At an early age, the foal was weaned from the mare. For such foals, the amount of food was limited, and most importantly, mother's milk was completely removed from the diet, which became the main reason for the underdevelopment of the animal. With such a diet, the body does not receive a lot of nutrients, among which calcium is also present.

As a result of malnutrition, babies develop rickets and their immunity is significantly reduced. Despite the fact that many representatives of the American miniature horse breed live for quite a long time, this does not change the torment of animals. Underdevelopment of bone tissue and reduced immunity have a very strong effect on overall health.

Since the appearance of the first dwarf horses, breeding them has become very popular, but this fact is not controlled by the authorities.Breeding such horses is not a tricky business, and anyone can do it, despite the pathological disease state of the animals throughout their lives. There is another version of the origin of this species. According to some facts, one herd was cut off from the outside world as a result of a landslide. In the closed area, there was no food other than cacti. For a long time, horses lived and bred in a closed area. Each time the offspring were born smaller and smaller.

Features of tiny representatives

Even with very small dimensions, miniature horses are able to carry loads exceeding their weight 20 times. Another feature is the economy of the breed in terms of feed. A small horse absorbs food several times less than a pony. The miniature animals won the love of breeders thanks to their unpretentiousness and sociable disposition.

Due to the fact that dwarfism is still the result of underdevelopment of organ systems and the musculoskeletal system, they should be used very carefully in transportation. Children under 3 years old with a weight of no more than 20 kg can ride them.

Where are the abilities of crumbs used

The dwarf horse breeds are successfully used as guides for the blind. In this matter, they even bypassed guide dogs. Today, rules have been developed for the use and training of horses specifically for this business. The main advantage of a horse in such a difficult task is its lifespan. For all its soreness, a baby horse lives on average for 30 years, and with good maintenance - all 50. The horse is easy to train, and it can be trained throughout its life, respectively, and improve its abilities.

Another very big advantage is the viewing angle. In dwarf horses, the range of vision is 360 °. They are perfectly oriented in space at night. Among other things, they have a balanced character, so it is impossible to distract them from the main activity.

Due to the fact that horses are herd animals, they have a special subordination, therefore, in a relationship, a person must position himself as a leader, and only then as a friend and partner. Only then is it possible to obtain a devoted and obedient animal. Such an unusual guide will have to wear special shoes in the apartment so that the hooves do not slip on the parquet or linoleum.


Today, about 20 breeds of dwarf horses are known. The main difference between mini-horses and ponies is their height. Mini horses are much smaller than their counterparts. They are distinguished by a calm, benevolent disposition. Their main advantage is attractive external data. However, this is not at all an achievement of modern science.

Dwarfism is a pathology in the development of the musculoskeletal system as a result of a lack of minerals and vitamins, as well as due to a decrease in the general resistance of the body. Serious pathologies in the development of bone tissue provoke disruptions in the functioning of organ systems throughout the body. Such serious deviations do not stop people from breeding at all and the breed is becoming more and more popular around the world.

How many people, so many opinions exist about the origin of the breed. Some sources say that the foals were specially underfed, taking them away from their mother at an early age, wandering circus performers in order to entertain the audience with outlandish animals. Other sources say that once a herd as a result of a landslide ended up in a closed area, where there was nothing else to eat besides cacti. As a result of adaptation to the harsh conditions, the offspring became smaller every year, resulting in a mutation at the gene level.

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