Characteristics of the Suffolk horse

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Horses are some of the noblest creatures in the world. They cause tenderness and affection, they want to be cared for and cherished. In different countries, certain breeds are popular, depending on the need for their use: someone needs frisky horses, and someone needs hardy hard workers. The Suffolk horse deserves special attention - a breed, albeit too light, but no less beautiful from this.

Suffolk horse

Suffolk horse

Where do you come from

Surprisingly, but information about the exact date of the origin of these graceful horses has come down to our days. The first records date back to 1506, and in 1768 the stallion Crisp was born, which later became the progenitor of the entire breed.

The chestnut color is considered the main evidence of a purebred Suffolk. The name of the English county, where the representatives of the breed were bred, served as the name of this type of horse, and Herman Bidellou became known among breeders and adherents of the breed, thanks to the fact that he devoted half his life to breeding.

The Suffolk horse weighs only 900 kg, but is not inferior in its zeal to other heavyweights. If this species is crossed with any other heavy breed, then the offspring of the harness will turn out, which is also called the Suffol punch. Where "punch" in translation from English means "strength", thereby characterizing artiodactyls without further ado. Animals delight the eye with a variety of red shades inherent in them.

What is special

Let's find out why the Suffolk breed was suitable for the military and whether it is so comfortable. If you look at the photo, you can see well-developed, but short legs, which does not prevent pets from being excellent draft horses. From the perspectives I would like to highlight the following:

  • unpretentiousness in maintenance and the fact that the horse needs very little feed;
  • a mare is ready to work faster than other heavyweights: for example, an ordinary one can be harnessed to a harness in three years, and a Suffol harness in the second year;
  • easy and docile disposition, good nature and devotion will not leave anyone indifferent: pets are ready to become a friend for everyone, from children to adults;
  • one cannot fail to mention the longevity of the breed, most of whose representatives live up to 30 years and at the same time feel great;
  • the duration of the reproductive period in females reaches 20 years.

Even the appearance of special agricultural equipment did not affect the prevalence of the species within the country, and there is still an opportunity to observe how handsome chestnut men work in the fields of Great Britain. They have become another symbol of conservatism and adherence to the traditions of the people of England.

What makes it different from others

There are so many horse breeds on the planet that it is unrealistic for an inexperienced person to distinguish between them, although each has its own features. What are the characteristics of the Suffolk harness? Main characteristics:

  • the height of the animal is 1.65 m at the withers;
  • 25 cm - the girth of the horse's pastern;
  • impressive size head and neck;
  • a fairly high forehead and extremely mobile ears;
  • the chestnut torso is evenly colored and should not show any markings of a different color;
  • asymmetrically positioned legs: the back legs are placed closer to each other than the front ones - this allows you to withstand heavy loads without harm when working on the field;
  • shiny eyes;
  • barrel-shaped racehorse;
  • massive body on short legs;
  • endurance and high performance, allowing the breed to be used for hard work;
  • complaisance and kindness, captivating everyone.

Not too bright in appearance, but there are features that make it easy to recognize Suffolk when you meet.

Ease of care and maintenance

The ability of the breed to survive even in harsh conditions on scarce and scarce forage against the background of other heavyweights makes the variety even more in demand. At the beginning of the century, a farmer who breeds various purebred and outbred horses came to such conclusions. According to him, 20 ordinary horses consume as much food as 25 representatives of the Suffolk breed. Savings on the face.

And he also had to give outbreds not only hay and fodder beets, but also almost 35 kg of corn per week to each individual. Suffolk cost 23 kg per week. We are talking about adult and work horses. Such a comparative analysis of the diet in numbers emphasized the superiority of the breed, which is already popular in its homeland.

She has no special conditions of detention and requirements for conditions. Even novice horse breeders will appreciate this cute and very hardy animal. Withstanding unrealistic loads, they eat less than others. The fairer sex is conquered by the developed large muscles on the torso and legs, and children are happy to play with them and find a faithful friend in their face.

It is enough to see the magnificent Suffolk harness just once to remember it forever, and, having got acquainted with a unique horse, it is easy to be conquered by it. A meek disposition and at the same time an energetic temperament with constant readiness to work does its job, and more and more farmers are making a choice in its favor. And they do not lose, because no shortcomings have been found in the entire history of its existence, but countless advantages are obvious. Summing up, I would like to confidently say that the Suffolk breed is one of the best on earth. Do not even doubt: leaning in her favor, you will definitely not lose.

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