Characteristics of the breed of chickens Loman Brown

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Loman Brown chickens meet all high standards of biological productivity, therefore they are very popular. This is a cross-layer production line. In the world, these chickens are known for their high egg production, although they are considered both meat and egg breeds.

Chickens Lohman Brown

Chickens Lohman Brown


Lohmann Brown chickens got their name from the German supplier Lohmann Tierzucht GmbH. Until now, uterine individuals are brought from Germany, so it is not possible to get offspring with identical productivity at home.

The history of the genus is quite complex. Four hybrids were involved in its creation. From crossing there were chickens, which are very easy to distinguish by sex visually. Based on the management of the company, there are several varieties of the breed:

  • loman Brown - nickname;
  • broken Brown - high;
  • broken Brown - line;
  • Loman Brown - leghorn.

Their differences are in the size of the eggs and economic indicators. Variations have been bred to obtain extra-large eggs, small and standard, there are also representatives that lay large eggs from the beginning of laying. Laying hens meat is tender, practically without fat.


The Loman Brown breed of chickens is designed in such a way that it is already possible to determine the sex of day-old chickens. The first thing that catches your eye even in the photo is a rather large physique. In addition to high meat and egg indicators, chickens have a high survival rate of 98%. The bird looks quite impressive with a weight of only 2-3 kg. In the specific description of the breed, there are 2 lines: maternal and paternal, differing in color. Maternal individuals are white with a silvery sheen, paternal ones have a darker golden brown color with the addition of dark feathers.

Even among chickens, females and cockerels can be distinguished. Having carefully looked at the photo of Loman Brown chickens, you can see that the males are dark, and the females have a white cannon. Often an adult pedigree individual falls into the hands of a novice farmer. In this case, information on the productivity and age of the bird is required. To find out exactly the age of the feathered creature, you can use the information in the video clip.

How to care for an individual

Loman Brown chickens are in great demand among breeders, due to their unpretentious care and high survival rate. Keeping such birds is an art. The breed is easily adaptable to any climate, so growing is not expensive. They can be kept in aviaries, on the floor, or in tiers of cages. However, if, when breeding chickens, you want to get more than just individuals with average production indicators, you should pay maximum attention to the features of the content.

So that the birds can safely survive the winter, an insulated poultry house will be the best option for them. The temperature regime should be 16-18 ° С. Layers are able to survive in frosts down to -25 ° C, but in the future this is fraught with pain and decrease in egg production.

The size of the house is determined by the heads. Normally, there are from 6 to 8 individuals on the floor. If the ratio is not observed, cannibalism may appear, and the destruction of egg-laying will begin.

The standard forces 4 brooders per nest. When grown in cages, 540 square meters should be allocated per individual. cm.

The light regime is important in bird breeding. The duration of daylight hours in the egg-laying stage should be at least 16 hours. If the birds live in private estates and are outdoors in daylight, artificial supplementary lighting in the house and maintaining an acceptable positive temperature regime in winter is recommended.

What should be the food

Choosing the right diet is not an easy task. At home, the difficulty lies in tracking the quality of the feed received. Exactly compound feed should be the basis of the laying hen's diet. Unfortunately, our feed is not of high quality, and many farmers leave negative reviews, so if you are not sure about this product, it is best to make it yourself. For one chicken, on average, 100-120 g of feed per day is required. The composition of the feed should include:

  • protein 15-20%;
  • calcium 5%;
  • vitamin supplements.

In order for the Loman Brown breed of chickens to develop normally and be able to please with high egg production rates, birds should not be fed whole wheat, because the grain is absorbed by the body for a very long time. Often, chickens are fed with sprouted or crushed grain. In the conditions of an autonomous economy, the diet of layers must be diversified with root crops, cabbage, tavern, corn, barley. A good walk also has a positive effect on the meat and egg qualities of the breed.


Layers of the Loman Brown breed are considered the most highly productive. The optimal period for keeping at home is from 2 to 3 years. Average egg production for 1 year is 320 eggs. After that, their productivity decreases, so their breeding in the future becomes unprofitable at the poultry farm.

The best growing cycle for keeping in autonomous farms is two years. From the start of laying until 90 weeks, the egg weight increases. On average, the egg reaches 62.5 g, the maximum weight is 72 g. Loman Brown begins to lay at the age of 5 months. The entire growth period is 161 days. The highest egg production is observed at the age of 160-180 days. The weight of the chickens is small: an adult cockerel weighs 3 kg, a chicken - less than 2.

Young growth care

Hatching eggs or day old chicks can only be purchased from German suppliers. Even with all its high survival rate and unpretentiousness, only proper care will be the key to obtaining positive quality indicators, otherwise the farmer will have an average chicken with average indicators on his hands.

Loman Brown chickens and their characteristics of the peculiarities of growing chickens deserve special attention.

  1. On the first day, you need to keep chickens at a temperature of 35 ° C, which is lowered by 2 ° daily. The final temperature on the 42nd day is 18-20 ° C.
  2. In the first two days after hatching illuminations should be around the clock. Then they switch to a six-hour cycle. On the tenth day, the young are transferred to the cycle of insolation of adult chickens.
  3. The main factors for full development are timely vaccination and optimal oxygen supply.

How to equip a poultry house

Correctly equipped poultry house - the key to the full development of birds. For Loman Brown, sawdust or hay should be placed on the floor as insulation in the chicken coop. The shed should be equipped with perches, nests and drinkers. Roosts are 50 mm long poles on which chickens rest. When building nests, the size of chickens must be taken into account, since Loman Brown has a rather large structure.

The nest must be made free so that the chicken can turn around in it. Feeders are preferably rectangular. On top of the feeders, nets with meshes are put on, wide enough so that the chicken can freely stick its head and get food. At the poultry farm, for free access to water, specialized drinkers are installed; in autonomous farms, they can be replaced with medium-sized tanks dug into the ground.


The description of the breed speaks of high endurance, but even so, the bird can be subject to a number of different diseases. One of the most common ailments is coccidosis... Carriers of the disease are wild birds and rodents. The therapy is carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. For treatment, antibiotics are used in combination with coccivitis, avatek and sakox.

Ascoridosis is a disease that affects birds of any breed. This is nematode infestation. Most often, young animals and chickens are sick. The birds are treated with piperazine. One of the most dangerous diseases is tuberculosis. The source of infection is the droppings of infected birds. It is very difficult to identify it in the early stages. Nodules appear on the necks of birds, the winged ones often shake their wings, become lethargic. If such an ailment is detected, the birds are slaughtered and the corpses are burned.

What breeders say about the species

Most breeders have positive feedback. The breed has its pros and cons. Among the pluses are noted:

  • early maturity;
  • high biological productivity: chickens begin to lay as early as 5 months, despite the banal content;
  • adaptability to any conditions.

The disadvantages include a short period of egg production and the impossibility of hatching at home. The price of a Loman Brown chicken is quite high. Today in Moscow you can buy wholesale or retail pullets and roosters Loman Brown from trusted breeders. According to some reports, the Loman White breed has a longer period of bioproductivity.

They can also be bred within the species, although the indicators of the bred chickens will still be lower than that of the parent individuals. Most breeders form a replacement herd, which consists of half chickens of the first genus, 30% of chickens of the second genus, and 20% of individuals of the third genus. By the end of the second year, individuals of the first genus are assigned to slaughter. A big plus is that you can now buy hatching eggs and chickens in the Moscow region. How much the price will be depends on the variety of the breed and where the chicken was bred.

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