Ways to increase egg production in domestic chickens

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An experienced farmer or a novice eventually wonders how to increase the egg production of chickens or other domestic animals? If the productivity of animals on the farm increases, then the profitability of the enterprise will increase. For example, Loman white chickens are quite miniature, but they bring eggs every day all year round, even in summer.

How to increase egg production in chickens

How to increase egg production in chickens

It is not difficult to increase the egg production of domestic chickens if you change the conditions of detention and establish a full feeding birds in cages. If it is not possible to increase the egg production of domestic chickens, the reason should be sought in the diet of chickens and other domestic birds.

Egg production of poultry

The egg production of laying hens is an indicator that characterizes the productivity of a domesticated chicken flock.

The bird flies before embarking on eggs and throughout the year. Bird productivity depends on many factors. If the farmer maintains the bird according to all the rules and is worried about its health, the reason for the reduced egg production can be diseases or pathology of laying hens. The average egg production of domestic chickens depends on the breed of birds and environmental conditions. How to increase the egg production of chickens or ducks?

The puberty of the laying hen begins in the first year of her life, but the pullet begins to lay in the fifth month. The correct development of the internal organs of the laying hen allows you to get several eggs per week from one bird, that is, 1 egg per day. For chickens, increased egg production occurs in the warm season, occurs in the summer, when all conditions have been created for planting birds on the nests. The profitability of the enterprise depends on egg production, and therefore the number of livestock of domestic birds.

Keeping a large flock of chickens is unprofitable if the birds are rare.

There is not much meat from birds, but food, especially balanced, costs a lot. Egg production rates are the first and main reason a farmer breeds chickens. The productivity of each layer can be determined in the simplest way by placing healthy females in different cages. If the pullets do not rush well, the situation can be corrected, but problems with the egg production of an adult are not always eliminated. There is no point in keeping many chickens without increased egg production.

In a poultry farm, keeping track of the young is more difficult. In conditions of a large number of birds and a small space, it will not be possible to observe each individual. The low productivity of chickens in winter is explained by unfavorable environmental conditions (even in equipped and heated chicken coops, the chickens are reluctant to rush) and the minimum amount of greens in the daily diet. For pullets and adult laying hens, all kinds of favorable conditions for a comfortable life should be created. How to check the productivity of birds at home, how do laying hens increase egg production?

What affects the egg production of chickens

The increase in egg production of domestic laying hens depends on the costs of the farmer. Time spent cleaning and disinfection of the chicken coop, the cost of funds for the purchase of high-quality and balanced feed.egg production of chickens directly depends on how much the farmer has invested in his own farm. An increase and decrease in the productivity of poultry (ducks, chickens and geese) is an alarming sign for a person who breeds birds. How to provide all the necessary conditions so that the egg production of chickens does not decrease in winter?

Before starting a large number of birds, the farmer should consider the factors that determine the period when chickens are often laid. Most of the year, the bird productivity graph is broken. High rates do not last long, and the recession period can last several weeks. Breeding a bird at home is not always easy and simple, sometimes a farmer, especially a beginner, should show endurance and patience.

Care for layers is important all year round, but during the period when she nests, a minimum of intervention is required from the farmer. What is needed for high bird productivity? Factors affecting a pet that grows at home:

  1. Laying hen breed. The most egg-bearing species were bred by crossing different breeds. Breeders have tried to improve the performance of adapted species. It is impossible to feed such breeds with anything. Breeding domesticated birds require a lot of care and diet. Broilers are not designed for frequent nesting. This breed is bred exclusively for the sake of poultry meat. Egg chickens tend to mature faster than young broilers or meat breeds. When choosing a bird, the farmer should take into account that the best performance for birds ranges from 15 to 20 dozen eggs per year. Demanding more from birds at home is not worth it.
  2. Diet. It is unwise to feed the hens only dry mixes or herbs. For good performance, all feed and water consumed by birds should be reviewed. The best food for a chicken flock would be compound feed, which contains a large amount of nutrients and vitamins. A separate ration is created for laying hens before laying on eggs. Without a regimen, laying hens will not be able to increase the average performance. Chicken that does not get the necessary vitamins is weak and sluggish. In winter, an improper diet can lead to the death of livestock.
  3. Conditions of detention. Cells and aviaries, equipped for a bird, determine its well-being and productivity. In winter, the house is insulated and regularly warmed up with a lamp or special heater. Increasing the free space in the aviary will help improve the well-being of the birds. In comfortable cages, chickens rush well even in winter.
  4. Health. Bird pathologies with proper nutrition (additives and vitamin complexes are constantly present in the body) and content lead to reduced bird performance. Empty eggs are laid by chickens, which develop diseases of internal organs or develop inflammatory processes inside the body. By improving productivity, the health of poultry should not be compromised. Twice a year, the farmer conducts a preventive examination of all animals on the farm. For these purposes, veterinarians are called.

Advice from experienced farmers will help you avoid problems with beginners. Additives, vitamins and proportions of homemade dry food - it is better not to avoid valuable recommendations, but to take them into service. Absolutely everything affects the productivity of birds. Following these basic guidelines will help speed up the increase in the number of laid testicles. The rooster will help fertilize the eggs and protect the hen, but this is where his role ends. The bird is affected only by human care and caring for birds.

The period for which young animals begin to lay eggs (for a start, the bird lays several eggs per week) may depend on the neighbors of the birds. For duck and chicken flocks, it is better to make separate aviariesso that the birds do not intersect at all. The nature of the ducks does not allow them to peacefully coexist in the same yard with others.The duration of the incubation process determines the period when the female stops laying. From the beginning to the end of incubation, domestic birds (ducks, geese and hens) show aggression.

If, in the warm season, when the feeders are full of food and grain, and the drinkers are filled with clean water, the chicken falls to its feet, the farmer should conduct an urgent inspection of the birds. Inspection of ducks, chickens and geese will not improve average performance, but will save the bird from dying. How to gradually raise egg production in chickens?

How to increase egg production?

The temperature level in the hen house (the required temperature regime in winter), food and poultry walking predetermine the average productivity of chicken groups in the owner's yard. Only an experienced farmer knows how to quickly increase the egg production of chickens in a frosty winter without adding costs. Video instructions are also capable of providing information.

How to breed chickens and roosters for meat or eggs? For egg breeds that are laid several times a day, it is necessary to accelerate the process of fertilization and egg formation in the body. People say, "You need to look for a problem with animals in their feeder." The first step for the farmer is to review the diet of the poultry. If you give young and mature birds one herb or bran, chickens will soon get sick.

A proper and effective diet that rapidly increases the number of eggs laid per day consists of:

  • yeast supplements;
  • cereals;
  • bran;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • hay.

All feed required for a normal chicken egg must be minced. Germinated grain and barley are added in the warm season. The feed enriched with useful components will replace greens for the bird when it gets cold. It is not recommended to take a break in dry feed, but it is also unprofitable to give one grass: the meat of such a poultry will not taste good, and the productivity indicators will grow weakly.

If the farmer has nowhere to put the waste from production, they can be given to the birds as a mash. 5-6 ingredients, including cereals and vegetables, will help support the immune system of chickens and geese. How to quickly increase the egg production of domestic chickens at home, but without changing the diet?

Laying hen care

It is necessary to stimulate the bird, but for this it is not necessary to radically change the system of caring for chickens. A decrease in productivity may indicate that the age of the young is not suitable for planting them on the nests, or the reasons lie in the health problems of the entire flock. Throwing away all the options at once is not worth it. What should you get rid of? Whatever the age of the birds, the diet is kept in mind.

The mode table and video will help you avoid annoying mistakes in bird care. The age of the chickens determines their way of life. What is the difference between a young and mature laying hen? The most productive are chickens aged 2 years and older. It is good to make hens from such layers, which can consistently hatch new offspring twice a year.

It is not difficult to breed your own farm, and even a novice farmer can afford chickens. Unpretentious to care for and easy to breed, different breeds of birds will provide the farmer with food, the quality of which will not arise in doubt. The increase in egg production of chickens depends solely on the conscientiousness of the owner.

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