Features of the Leningrad breed of chickens

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Chicken is traditionally considered one of the most popular poultry around the world. Its domestication took place about 2000 years ago. e. Presumably, the first wild jungle individuals were tamed in Asian latitudes. Nowadays, the bird is actively bred for the sake of obtaining meat and eggs, chicken feather and down are also appreciated. Breeders have bred many productive species, one of which will be discussed in the article. So, get acquainted: the Leningrad breed of chickens and its varieties.

Leningrad breeds of chickens

Leningrad breeds of chickens

The origin of the breed

In the 70s and 80s of the last century, breeders from the Leningrad All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Poultry were diligently engaged in breeding a breed that would make a significant contribution to the agricultural industry, thanks to its egg production and quality meat, and would also please the eye with its appearance.

The result of the work carried out was 3 varieties, each of which had its own characteristics. So, the first were obtained from Italian Leghorns golden gray Leningrad chickens. Continuing the experiment, scientists crossed one of the best Leghorn species with prolific Australian representatives. So the white Leningradskaya was bred - an individual with excellent productivity and all the data for cost-effective keeping on a poultry farm. The youngest of the 3 varieties (registered in 1985) is the chintz one, during the work on which the emphasis was on appearance. This bird was bred not only for the economy, but also as a decorative one. Her ancestors were representatives of Australian chickens, Poltava clayey and New Hampshire Are the most profitable meat suppliers.

Consider the species qualities of each subgroup of Leningrad chickens in order to conclude which one is suitable for a particular farm. It can be noted that all representatives of the Leningrad breed have a high survival rate: 95% and 80% in young animals and in adults, respectively.

Golden gray

This special Leningrad breed of farm chickens, hybridization of which lasted quite a long time, has an impressive tall physique, a muscular chest and a large head. The main body is ash gray, and the head and neck area is painted in golden tones. The scallop of the bird is light pink, like the earrings on the ears. In adult females, 2 black longitudinal lines are clearly marked along the back. The maximum weight for males is 3.2 kg, for females - about 2.5 kg. What are the golden-gray Leningrads famous for?

  1. High egg productivity: a chicken lays up to 200 pieces in one year. An egg with a solid white shell weighs at least 60 g. It is the golden-gray hen that owns the record-breaking specimen weighing 96 g.
  2. Fast weight gain.
  3. Attractive appearance.
  4. Relative unpretentiousness in everyday life and a friendly disposition.

Everything about this bird is beautiful. The harmony of external data and productive qualities makes birds a very common species in poultry farms.

White Leningrad

The monochromatic color gave the name to the next subspecies.Only the comb and catkins of these individuals are red, and the whole chicken is snow white. Such winged ones have an impressive appearance and powerful muscles, long wings. Their neck is covered with thick plumage. Depending on gender, the weight of representatives reaches 3-4 kg. The bird gives about 170 large brown eggs per year, the chickens show up to 80% survival. The description and the winning properties about which the reviews tell come down to what this breed gives:

  • a large amount of quality meat due to good weight gain - chickens at the age of 2 months weigh about 1.8-2 kg;
  • fast growth;
  • early maturation: already at the age of 6 months can be carried;
  • chickens give a high survival rate.

If the purpose of breeding is to raise chickens for meat, Leningrad white chickens are more suitable than others. The breed is not as numerous as the previous one; its representatives can rather be found in private farms. White chickens are not whimsical, but at the same time they are most profitable.

Calico Leningradskaya

A real beauty, the Leningrad calico breed of chickens pleases the eye of its owners with its unusual plumage. The body, graceful and slender, is covered with a variegated feather combining brown, black and white. The flexible neck merges into a rounded chest. The head is light, more often white, the border in the beak is pink. The comb and earrings are colored light scarlet. The skin is yellowish, golden cream shade. This bird has the appearance of an aristocrat, sophisticated and elegant. The flat back gives the gait of the chintz chicken a dignified look.

Calico individuals are small in size: the limit of their mass is about 2.5 kg. Interestingly, chickens of this species grow faster than cockerels. Females produce 180 light brown eggs per year. Farmers love this variety for many reasons, including:

  • attractive appearance;
  • saturation of eggs with useful substances;
  • exquisite taste of eggs, large yolk;
  • tender meat, albeit in small quantities;
  • incubation value;
  • adaptability, endurance;
  • flexible character.

Calico birds can become a decoration of any poultry yard. Often for this quality alone, the owners give birth to these birds.

Keeping Leningrad chickens

The breed is considered quite unpretentious, as evidenced by the reviews of poultry farmers, so the owners will not have any special problems with providing the necessary living conditions. However, the minimum requirements should still be met to ensure a comfortable existence for the bird.

First of all, the room allocated for chicken coop, must have a temperature of at least 10 ° C. Frost-resistant, endowed with strong immunity, Leningrad birds will use the chicken coop as housing only in winter. At the same time, it is important to regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room, you also need to beware of drafts. The litter should be made of a material that will absorb moisture. The best option would be peat. It is necessary to equip a walking area in the yard: there chickens and chickens will spend most of their time.

In nutrition, the representatives of the breed are also not picky. Suitable for them compound feed, grain. In the warm season, winged birds love to nibble grass and plants. An important point: you need to make sure that the chickens get enough calcium, possibly in the form of supplements. Since the Leningrad broiler is raised for meat production, there should be no calcium deficiency in its diet, otherwise the weight gain declared in the description may differ greatly from the real one.

When choosing pets of the Leningrad breed for your poultry yard, you must take into account the individual characteristics of each of the 3 subspecies. They are all remarkable in their own way. Eggs or juveniles can be purchased from large poultry farms or from a private producer. If there are no problems with the acquisition of golden-gray, then representatives of 2 other breeds will have to look. Happy choice!

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