How to make compound feed for broilers yourself

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What compound feed for broilers will help the young grow at an accelerated pace? A new brood requires special attention from the farmer, because the health of the chickens depends on the nutrition and quality of water. Broiler feed can be prepared with your own hands at home.

Diy compound feed for broilers

Diy compound feed for broilers

Economical, cheap and absolutely safe for birds mash designed for several stages of bird maturation "start growth finish". A simple compound feed for broilers will strengthen the protective mechanisms of the body of birds at any age.

Compound feed and dry feed for poultry

Broiler feed is prepared in advance. The composition of feed for broilers includes not only nutrients, but also useful substances. Compound feed for broiler chickens contains a lot of fiber and calcium, the necessary additives provide a rapid increase in muscle mass.

Making food with your own hands is not difficult, the main condition for high-quality animal food is compliance with proportions and high-quality ingredients. Compound feed is prepared from winter or autumn for the whole year in advance.

The broiler breed is prized for its tasty meat, which the feathered breed grows throughout its life. A special species is bred by experienced farmers and novices. An unpretentious broiler breed needs a balanced diet. Self-made food should saturate the bird's body with the necessary substances that contribute to rapid metabolism and strengthening of protective mechanisms. Compound feed for broilers is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

A variety of feed for broilers

The variety of compound feed for broilers in stores or markets allows you to choose exactly the food for animals that the farmer needs. Compound feed for broilers must comply with all standards and be certified. The person should make sure that all the food that gets into the bird feeder is absolutely safe. For compound feed for broilers, special tables are drawn up with an established diet for birds.

Compound feed for broiler chickens can be bought or prepared by hand.

Wherever the farm is located, the food supply should be regular and uninterrupted. For adult chickens and young animals, there are various feed additives. The choice of a dry food company depends on the needs and capabilities of the farmer. DIY food for adult chickens is prepared from vegetables, food waste and bran. You can combine such food with any edible products.

Different species and The age category of birds determines the dry mix with which the farmer feeds young animals or adults. A separate diet is organized for:

  • newborn chicks;
  • two week old chicks;
  • young animals up to a year;
  • an adult bird.

If you make the feed for the chickens incorrectly, the pet immediately weakens, becomes lethargic.It is also not worth feeding chickens with ordinary food without specialized additives, because vitamin deficiency in birds is one of the most common phenomena. In winter, birds are susceptible to hypothermia and respiratory diseases, so improving the health of the bird is the primary task of the farmer. What do-it-yourself food would be most beneficial for domestic birds?

Correct feeding should be done from the first days of broilers' life. The organization of the diet will be an additional condition for the rapid growth of the chickens. Different types of birds are seated in separate cages. Mixing different types of birds or giving them the same food is not recommended. If it was not possible to buy mixed feed for broilers, then the only way out is to prepare a dry or wet mixture with your own hands. The basis of do-it-yourself compound feed for broilers consists of root crops or potatoes. Such food will be satisfying and useful, taking into account different types of birds.

How to choose compound feed

There is no need to remember the brand name of each dry food manufacturer. The calculation of the proportion per bird and balanced nutrition for birds depends on the farmer, but the components of dry food for poultry are entirely dependent on the manufacturer. For chickens, you can make a special feeding scheme, which will guarantee high egg production of females and the growth of young animals.

There are separate requirements for forage crops, dry mixes and greens.

Fill feeder anything that is not only improper, but also dangerous. It is also not recommended to buy elite varieties of feed, especially for a farm with a large number of poultry. Providing feed such as Champion, Best, Grover or Kalinka meets all the birds' need for vitamins and nutrients. The rating of dry mixes will allow even a beginner to determine a brand and a reliable manufacturer.

How to choose poultry food? The choice of a mixture depends not only on the price, but also on the region in which the farm is kept. The official website of the manufacturer provides all the necessary information about the composition of the mixtures and the main characteristics of the feed. The forum is suitable for especially nosy farmers who are interested in expert advice. Real feedback from farmers will help you make an informed decision. Popular varieties of dry mixes for poultry:

  • Mix;
  • Rozovka;
  • Selevan;
  • Bogdanovich;
  • South crown.

You can buy feed in Minsk, Gomel, Kursk, Saratov or Vitebsk via the Internet, without fear for the quality of the goods. The universal feed is suitable for adult turkeys and monthly turkeys, as well as hens and chickens. In Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Pospelikha, Ufa and Slavyansk, inexpensive and nutritious feed is sold all year round. It is not necessary for a small-farm farmer to stock up on a large amount of the mixture in advance.

Remote regions of Belarus and all of Ukraine (Poltava region, Kharkov) and in the Crimea, feed supplies are also feasible. For a farm in the Russian Federation, regardless of location: Perm, Krasnodar Territory, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk or Tosno - the purchase and selection of high-quality feed will take place Without any particular difficulties. The best complementary foods and clean water will allow the bird to gain weight and increase egg production. They produce mixtures based on bran, dried herbs and root crops. Different types of food should be combined with herbs in summer and vitamins in winter.

Why do you need dry food

What should be the feed for broilers? Every farmer who is not afraid to heed the advice of experts can make food with his own hands to feed the entire flock. The right proportion of all ingredients allows you to combine inexpensive feed and not spend too much money on it. GOST is a standard that must be met by any food that enters the bird feeder.

Purchased feed for broilers Purina (purina) or complementary foods Rozovsky, will help the bird to avoid respiratory and other epidemiological diseases.

It is better to buy dry mix in bulk. Slaughter vitamin composition of the feed will help keep the entire farm healthy, even during a severe epidemic. The mature formulation of the fattening product will allow to grow strong offspring. What is the consumption rate of purchased dry feed?

Compound feeds for broilers are prepared according to a specific recipe with proportions, from which it is not recommended to deviate unnecessarily. The composition of the compound feed for broilers is selected in such a way that at any time of the year the birds receive all the substances necessary for their vital activity. Finish compound feed for broilers, which is most often bought by experienced farmers, can be replaced with a home-made analogue. For the preparation of compound feed for broilers with their own hands, only a proven recipe is used.

Feeding small chicks

The recipe for small chickens is the simplest. It is best not to experiment with brood food. Fattening of chickens up to 2 weeks of age is carried out using fat cottage cheese and boiled eggs. Starter feeds are added only after the young grows up. The recipe is gradually diluted with finely ground cereals and chicken egg shell flour. During this period, the chickens develop defense mechanisms, and they are susceptible to diseases. Improper nutrition leads to the weakness of the feathered. It is best to buy ready-made vitamin supplements. Chicks often fall to their feet without feeding them with vitamins and minerals.

In the role of starter feed, pk6 is used with a simple and safe composition for chickens. Buy such a mixture or prepare it yourself - the choice is up to the farmer. Homemade feed for chicks is suitable for daily feeding of chicks.

How many chicks should be fed and when? The daily feed rate of monthly and weekly chickens differs not only in composition, but also in external form. Large pellets that may be present in the feed are thoroughly ground and only then placed in the chicks' feeder.

A simple recipe suitable for home cooking. If there is no opportunity to buy a ready-made mixture, then fattening is carried out using home-made feed mash. A recipe for a weekly chick feeding schedule includes:

  • corn (half of the total feed);
  • wheat bran or grains (feeding small chicks);
  • cake, containing a lot of fiber (they need to feed the chicken without fail);
  • kefir or low-fat sour milk (poultry eats wet food more readily);
  • barley grains.

For feeding weekly chicks use only quality products. The health of the entire brood depends on how much corn or barley is in the feed. A week-old chicken should be fed up to 6 times a day. Eats young animals a little, but the feeding process occurs more often than in an adult bird. To make the mixture at home, it takes a little cereals and sour milk (small expense). In general, the feed mixture is cheap.

The table of compound feed rates (for daily feeding of young animals) allows you to optimize the work of even a small farm at home. It is expensive and unprofitable to feed a chicken up to 2 weeks of life with purchased mixtures. Making homemade food will take a little time and effort.

Diet of two week old chickens

As soon as the pre-start period is over, you should proceed to the next stage of feeding the young. Up to 2 weeks of life, chickens are gaining strength and are actively growing. At this time, it is important to provide them with all possible conditions for rapid development. The feeding scheme allows you to set the diet. When to feed and what kind of feed to use? Making a schedule is convenient for every farmer, even those who do not own a large farm.

Video tutorials and video instructions help the novice farmer arrange cages, set up feeders and stock up on balanced feed.Why is it necessary to feed monthly chicks with compound feed? Grain, which serves as the basis for all types of dry mix, is not cheap, but various additives will help the bird feel full and energized. Replace grain with bran and cake. Combined feed differs in that its amount reduces green complementary feed even in summer.

It is possible to make complete or granulated feed, no worse than the manufacturer's, in winter and summer. The cost of the mixture will be significantly lower than that of the purchased product. In contrast to the starter feed, in the dry mixture for one-month-old calves there is flour... Birds should be given food three times a day. The feed required for growth contains calcium or foods with a high calcium content. In the 1st month of life, the chicks switch to a new regime, solid food of coarse grinding appears in their feeder.

Proportion of feed to be fed to monthly chicks:

  • 47% corn;
  • 20% meal;
  • 10% wheat;
  • About 7% flour;
  • Residue Consists of yeast, fat and grass.

There is no need to provide such feed instead of purchased feed, but the cost of individual components (an ingredient that remains from the production of a farm) will be much less. The age of the bird is taken into account in determining the diet. A balanced diet from one month of age allows birds to grow quickly.

As soon as the start ends, the growth of the chicks becomes stable. The composition of feed products should be checked especially carefully, because any deviation from the proportion of the mixture will lead to diseases and weakness of the birds.

Compound feed for young animals

Start and finish are displayed in the animal ration. In a pork, chicken or turkey breed, growth directly depends on the nutrition and conditions of detention. the composition of adult poultry products is diluted with a variety of meat or vegetable additives. After the starting period, changes occur in layers and growth slowly stops, which is not necessary to be afraid, this is the norm. Roosters continue to grow. Commercially available feed (pk) is not always the best alternative to homemade mixes. Different price and quality influences the growth of birds.

The composition of PC or home-made feed during the start or finish period is clearly dosed. It is very difficult to study the composition of purchased products (2p or other types). But the proven composition of the mixture, which the farmer interferes with himself, is beyond doubt. For teaching beginners, photo instructions are suitable, which can be found on forums or useful Internet resources. It is necessary to separate the nutrition of adult chickens, roosters and young animals even in small farms. Diagrams and tables drawn up before the brood emerges will help maintain order and regulate a balanced diet.

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