What breeds of chickens lay the most eggs

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Among all the most popular animal products, chicken eggs occupy one of the most prominent places. And there is nothing to be surprised at, because they have excellent nutritional value, confirmed by many studies. That is why the maintenance of laying hens does not lose its relevance: thanks to these birds, it is possible not only to provide eggs for the whole family, but also to sell this product if you know which breed of hens carries the most eggs, which are even blue.

Which breed of chickens has the most eggs

Which breed of chickens lays the most eggs

Thus, it is only natural for farmers to be interested in which breed of hen lays the most eggs. This is the question, the answer to which is the material presented to the reader's attention.

What are remarkable chickens of the egg direction

Before proceeding with the listing of the most egg-laying chicken breeds, it is worth considering the main features that are inherent in each of them. If we compile a list of the most significant features characteristic of such birds, then it will look like this:

  • small body weight, in the overwhelming majority of cases, does not go beyond the 2.5 kg mark;
  • light skeleton, which is due to the paragraph above;
  • rapid maturation, due to which the laying hen becomes developed by about 140 days of life;
  • the ability to give eggs after only 120-130 days from the moment of birth;
  • large sizes of wings and tail, as well as well-developed plumage, as evidenced by many relevant photos and videos;
  • not very high meat quality.

The latter property is explained by the fact that in the process of breeding the best laying hen breeds breeders relied on getting excellent eggs, and paid attention to everything else on a leftover basis. And we must admit that this has borne fruit, allowing you to get birds that lay eggs with enviable regularity.

Which chickens have the highest egg production?

Answering this question, first of all, attention should be paid to those breeds that are able to boast of maximum performance. Here they are:

  • High Line. The main feature of such chickens is their impressive productivity: about 350 eggs when the hens reach the age of one and a half years. It is also noteworthy that the birds in question are distinguished by a calm disposition and impressive unpretentiousness. As for their eggs, they are large and have a strong shell.
  • Isa Brown. This breed, as well as the one described above, is ideal for the domestic climate. Particularly pleasing is the percentage of chicken survival, which in such hens reaches 96%. Having reached the 21st week of life, the representatives of this breed begin to rush, smoothly bringing the indicator of their own efficiency to the level of 95%. At their peak productivity, such chickens lay about 320 eggs per year, which makes them one of the most productive representatives of their biological species.
  • Shaverovsky cross.The breed under consideration is primarily interesting in that the chickens belonging to it begin to lay already at the 17th week from the moment of birth. Despite the fact that the average weight of an adult in the case of the Shaverovsky cross is about 1.5 kg, its annual productivity reaches 310-320 eggs. This is more than the vast majority of other layers, including those that have similar weight and size characteristics.
  • Tetra... If the conditions for keeping these chickens are comfortable, then they carry about 280-310 eggs per year, and quite large ones, the mass of which can reach 65 g.
  • Russian whites... Representatives of this breed, excellently suited for keeping in temperate climates, are also characterized by excellent performance. In 365 days, one such hen lays more than 250 times, and even more under optimal conditions, bringing its own productivity to 300 eggs per year.

In addition, it should be added that Russian white chickens can boast of one more positive quality: unlike many other breeds of layers, they gain weight well, which makes their breeding an even more justified step.

Other egg breeds worth seeing

Talking about which chickens are most suitable for obtaining eggs, it is reasonable to note that the above list can and should be continued. This includes chicken. araucan, not only an excellent laying hen, but also the owner of turquoise eggs, which are also blue. This is due to the fact that many other breeds of laying hens are known that are capable of producing about 300 eggs per year, not only large, but also distinguished by excellent taste. These include, for example:

  • Loman Brown. These chickens, with a reddish plumage color, lay eggs with dark shells. It is also noteworthy that the representatives of this breed grow up quite quickly: at 135-150 days of life.
  • Belarus-9. Like Loman Brown, the birds in question begin to lay eggs early, after some 4.5 months from the date of birth. In addition, they are very hardy, which is appreciated by most domestic farmers.
  • Hisex... In addition to the fact that chickens of this breed run very well, they are distinguished by excellent immunity, which helps them to easily avoid many dangerous diseases. At the same time, they do not impose special requirements on the conditions of detention, which is one of their most important advantages.
  • Leghorn... Early maturing and hardy, these birds can produce over 250 eggs per year. Separately, it should be noted that the layers of this breed are very miniature: on average, their weight is 1.5-2 kg.
  • White-36. Such birds, which also have rather modest weight and size characteristics, are very unpretentious, and therefore it is quite logical that an increasing number of farmers prefer to keep them.

If the poultry farmer strives to ensure that his pets have a high egg production and at the same time are an excellent source of high-quality meat, then it is better for him to bet on breeding Kuchinskaya Jubilee chickens. Reaching a three-kilogram weight, such birds are capable of producing up to 220 eggs per year, and therefore it is quite natural that articles about these chickens, as well as their photos, are consistently high in popularity.

As for chicken breeds, which are primarily distinguished by their beautiful appearance, among them the Minorcas (both black and white-blue), Orlov and Andalusian blue are best rushing. Practice shows that the average annual productivity of such birds is 160-180 eggs, and therefore not every farmer considers their breeding justified.

Features of the content

After the poultry farmer has decided which breed of chickens suits him best, he can begin to familiarize himself with the conditions of their keeping. First you need to equip a chicken coop roost and nests, the dimensions of which must correspond to the size of the birds. Regarding the area of ​​such a room, it is worth noting that for 1 sq.m of floor should be no more than 5 layers. The farmer also needs to take care of the underlying surface by creating a 5-6 cm layer of straw, hay or sawdust.

Special attention should be paid to feeders. It is important to remember that they must:

  • be of sufficient length (approximately 11 cm per individual);
  • settle down so that all birds can eat at the same time;
  • be made of wood or galvanized iron.

You also need to remember about lighting, since the performance of layers depends on it directly. Well, it is recommended to feed the feathered wards 2 times a day, focusing on complete nutrition with the obligatory addition of crushed grain and giving green plants.

Finally, it is worth considering such a question of interest to many poultry breeders as the need to keep a rooster together with layers. Some believe that the presence in the poultry house of a handsome man, whose colored feathers are full of green, pink, black and a host of other shades, including blue and gold, has a positive effect on chicken egg production. It should be noted that this is not true, since the presence of a male and his color is absolutely not required to maintain the productivity of females. The rooster is needed only in those cases when the eggs need to be fertilized (so that chickens later hatch from them), and in other situations, its presence in the chicken coop is rather undesirable.

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