Characteristics of Tetra chickens

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Chickens Tetra are a breed that can be very often found on large and small farms. Most poultry farmers love this species, as it combines two characteristics perfectly: high quality meat and excellent egg production. For example, young animals tend to gain weight quickly. Also early maturation is characteristic of birds. That is why breeding chickens of such breeds is perfect for both small farms and for industry.

Chickens of the Tetra breed

Chickens of the Tetra breed

History of appearance

Tetra chickens do not have a long history of existence, they were bred quite recently, about 40 years ago, while most of the breeds are more than 100 years old. For the first time the breed was bred in Hungary with the aim of obtaining a variety suitable for obtaining quality meat and a large number of eggs.

The result is a unique breed of Tetra. Such birds always have tasty meat and good egg production. Laying hens quickly became popular, and now they can be found in more than 29 countries around the world. It is thanks to this feature that these birds are perfect for small farms.

Description of the external characteristics of birds:

  • the male can gain weight up to 3 kg, and the laying hen weighs no more than 2.5 kg;
  • the structure of the skeleton is practically no different from that inherent in other birds, but the body is a little oblong;
  • birds have a medium-sized head, and a strong beak, a yellow comb always stands, well-developed and with sharp ends, resembles a hand saw;
  • chickens have a small semicircular belly, males do not notice this;
  • the wings fit snugly to the body, medium in size;
  • most often in the photo on the Internet you can see individuals of a red-red color, but the color of the male's plumage is richer than that of the female, the laying hen is paler against its background;
  • paws are strong and persistent, not small in size, often not bright yellow, but, on the contrary, of a pale shade.

Of course, it is better to supplement the verbal description with viewing a photo, which will help to better present all the features of such chickens.


By their nature, chickens are very calm and non-aggressive. Their gait is a little awkward, but at the same time the birds are very active. Sitting still is not about Tetra chickens. Males do not fight and have a calm disposition. However, if another male claims territory, the fight will not be avoided. They prefer to put roosters with a disposition or immediately send them to soup.

The Tetra variety is curious. Birds love to walk, especially in unfamiliar territory. But they will not run away or climb over the fences, in this regard, they prefer safety. Another 1 of the advantages of this species is that the birds are very friendly, sociable and easily make contact with people, they can get along with other breeds non-aggressive chickens.

Sexual maturity of chickens

This species is one of the few that start to rush early. The first clutches can be seen when the birds reach the age of 4 months, although according to physical parameters, the birds mature much later.At the very beginning, each layer carries eggs that are small in size and weight (46 g), and then the product becomes larger and larger, and its weight eventually reaches 61 g.

Delayed development (maturity) of the Tetra species is a very rare occurrence, although there are cases when the first time a hen is carried at the age of 6 months. This can happen if the chicken has a bad balanced diet and she is not getting enough calcium and vitamins. Also, Tetra chickens can be obese, which can negatively affect their development, meat taste and, of course, productivity.

The percentage of productivity is very high among other species. One chicken can lay more than 300 eggs per year, and that's the minimum! Eggs are usually brown, rarely light brown.

Many experts and farmers believe that this species has the most delicious meat. Firstly, during slaughter, practically no weight is lost, and secondly, if the chicken was not obese, the meat will turn out to be soft and juicy.


Tetra chickens have practically no maternal instinct, which is not surprising, given that the breed was artificially bred.

The Hungarian is not a caring mother, so she will not sit and warm the eggs, as well as take care of the chicks. That is why, for breeding this species, it is best to purchase incubator or do it yourself.

If breeding is not planned on an industrial scale, a turkey can be used for incubation, which, even after hatching, will take care of the chicks as if they were their own.

The easiest option is to buy Tetra chicks. Moreover, this is not an expensive type.

Chickens, some grooming tips

It is necessary to observe the diet and hygiene standards, because this is the guarantee of the health of the pets. Small chicks need to be fed every 2 hours. The photo on the Internet shows that they are born very small.

It is required to monitor the temperature and humidity of the room, as well as cleanliness. It is better to keep the smallest representatives in a cardboard container with any heater or an ordinary table lamp, while it is extremely important to monitor the temperature. You also need to carefully look at their demeanor in order to understand exactly when they need warmth. If the kids are happy with everything, they are active, run back and forth and travel a lot. If they are cold, they huddle together in a corner. If they are very hot, they are lethargic, practically do not move and eat little.

Experts recommend adding dairy products and tremors to the nutrition of babies: this will help strengthen the immune system and give the body the necessary vitamins and calcium. Also, fresh herbs are an important element of their diet.

The Tetra breed has its pros and cons, only for the farmer to choose whether it suits him. If you need a "mommy", this breed will not work, if you just need an excellent laying hen, a large egg and tasty meat, Hungarian individuals are exactly what you need. Egg production is the main positive feature of this breed.

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