What is the calorie content of cabbage

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White cabbage is a useful food product that can be consumed raw, boiled, stewed, sauerkraut and pickled. Salads, cabbage rolls, vegetable cutlets and cabbage soup are prepared from the leaves of the plant. In medicine, it is prescribed for the treatment of many diseases of the body. The low calorie content of cabbage allows people to lose weight.

Calorie content of cabbage

Calorie content of cabbage

Cabbage belongs to agricultural crops that are grown in almost all countries of the world, excluding desert regions and the Far North. Archaeological excavations confirm that people began to cultivate the plant in the Stone Age. In Russia, the vegetable culture appeared in the XI century.


To get a complete picture of the benefits of a vegetable, it is worth studying the chemical structure table.

Let's take a closer look at what elements and in what quantity are contained per 100 grams:

  • proteins - 1.8 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3 g;
  • dietary fiber - 2 g;
  • water - 89 g.


  • B1 - 0.02 g;
  • B2 - 0.02 g;
  • C - 30 g;
  • E - 0.1 g;
  • PP -0.6 g.


  • magnesium - 16 mg;
  • potassium - 300 mg;
  • sodium - 930 mg;
  • calcium - 48 mg;
  • phosphorus - 31 mg.

Trace elements: iron - 0.6 mg.

Calorie content

In the edible part (the head of cabbage is not eaten), the calories in cabbage are 26.7 units per 100 grams. The average weight of one head is about 1.5 kg. This weight contains a total of 401.73 kcal.

Due to the small amount of kilocalories, doctors for some diseases recommend eating a head of vegetable per day.

Calorie content: boiled per 100 g - 18 kcal, sauerkraut - 19.4, pickled - 18.7, stewed with tomato juice - 4, cooked in cabbage soup - 33.6.

Beneficial features

Cabbage is very beneficial for the body.

Cabbage is very beneficial for the body.

Considering the chemical composition of a vegetable, it can be noted that it contains many vital elements necessary for the normal functioning of all internal human organs. By eating regularly, it will be possible to prevent the development of a deficiency of many vitamins.

The benefits of cabbage and its effects:

1. Ascorbic acid. At the time of cooking the product, the amount of ascorbic acid only increases. Therefore, the boiled product becomes even more useful.

2. Folic acid improves blood circulation and stimulates metabolism.

3. Phytoncides. They have a depressing effect on the pathogenic flora, destroy Staphylococcus aureus.

4. The plant removes excess fluid from the body. This factor is provided by the predominance of potassium salts in comparison with sodium salts.

5. In the process of heat treatment, tartronic acid is destroyed in the plant, which contributes to the accumulation of cholesterol and fat in the body.

6. The presence of choline contributes to the normalization of fat processes.

7. High fiber content contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract, acts as an antioxidant, removes toxins and toxins from the body.

8. Low energy value allows you to lose weight. The human body gets more benefits from a raw product, but boiled dishes in which the described vegetable is present have their own advantages.So, a boiled plant stabilizes the work of the stomach, exhibits a mild laxative effect, and has a good effect on the body with manifestations of gout and arthritis. Nutritionists recommend that overweight people include this vegetable in their diet, as it is a low-calorie diet.


The negative impact of a vegetable crop can manifest itself with its abuse.

So, a large amount of eaten product can lead to bloating, colitis, constipation and flatulence and, as a result, pancreatitis can worsen, stomach and intestinal ulcers appear, as well as gastritis in people suffering from high acidity.

Also, doctors do not recommend eating vegetables in the presence of an infectious disease and myocardial infarction.

When eating a vegetable, it should be remembered that you can not use the stalk. It always accumulates toxic compounds. In rare cases, people have an allergic reaction to this product.

Healing properties

Cabbage promotes ulcer healing

Cabbage promotes ulcer healing

White cabbage is widely used in folk medicine. Let's take a closer look at how it is used.

1. Despite the fact that eating vegetables is contraindicated for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, it is still recommended to take it. The high content of vitamins and other useful elements contributes to the healing of ulcers and healing from other ailments.

How was this problem solved? Researchers have found a way out: if you can't eat a vegetable, you can drink its juice. And when the period of remission comes, the vegetable crop can be eaten boiled or stewed. In this case, it is better to forget about pickled, pickled and fried dishes.

2. The action of the plant in atherosclerosis is manifested in blocking the formation of cholesterol plaques.

3. With vitamin deficiency, the body is replenished with vitamin C.

4. With a reduced level of acidity in the stomach, the plant normalizes the balance. Exchange processes are launched.

6. Leaves of a fresh plant, applied to the site of injury, relieve inflammation and swelling.

7. Regular correct intake of the product will not allow the formation of kidney stones.

Attention! Considering the useful qualities of culture, you should not treat it as a method of treating a disease. Its benefits can only be in addition to the main treatment. But it is better to consult a doctor who will recommend how and in what quantity you can use it for a certain disease.

Weight loss methods

Many effective methods for losing weight using this product have long been developed. The low calorie content in cabbage and its unique chemical composition attracts people who want to lose weight.

How does a plant cope with such a task?

First, the high tartronic acid content prevents carbohydrates from being stored as fat.

Secondly, plant fibers absorb and push out toxic substances and toxins. The enzymes, in turn, break down the acquired fat deposits. A properly selected diet will allow you to remove unnecessary pounds from the waist and hips in a week.

Thirdly, the low calorie content (100 g of the product contains 27 kcal) allows you to consume the vegetable in large quantities. At the same time, one should not forget that overkill can cause constipation and lead to profuse gas formation.

Fourth, the presence of a large number of useful components in ordinary cabbage allows you to support the body during a period of low calorie intake. In addition, the effect of the vegetable tightens the skin, becomes more elastic, improves the structure of the nails, and gives the hair a vibrant shine.

For your information! In the female circle, there is an opinion that the vegetable is able to enlarge the breasts. Doctors are skeptical about such a statement and emphasize that it is possible to tighten the skin, but it will not work to enlarge the mammary glands.At the same time, they point to a different ability of the product to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, due to the fact that harmful substances are promptly removed from the body, which can contribute to the development of cancer.

The calorie content of Peking cabbage is 16 kcal per 100 g. It is also somewhat inferior to white cabbage in terms of the number of useful elements. Therefore, it is better to use the classic variety for weight loss.

Traditional medicine recipes

Consider the most effective methods of treating various diseases:

  • You can eliminate bleeding gums and stomatitis with frequent rinsing of the mouth with fresh cabbage juice.
  • In case of bruises and pain in the joints, a compress is applied to the sore spot for 2 hours from fresh crumpled leaves.
  • With purulent sore throat, gargle more than 4 times a day with pure vegetable juice until complete healing.
  • Hematoma can be cured with compresses. Cabbage leaves cut into small pieces are boiled in milk for 3 minutes, after which they are applied to the sore spot for 40 minutes.
  • In ancient times, the bites of poisonous insects and snakes were neutralized by drinking cabbage juice together with red grape wine (in a 1: 1 ratio).

Now you know how many calories are in fresh white cabbage and in a vegetable prepared according to different recipes. Now you know about the benefits of cabbage and how many diseases can be cured with the help of traditional medicine.

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