The benefits of truffle juice

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Truffle is a delicious mushroom that is valued not only for its high taste. It is used in cosmetology and medicine. Truffle juice is considered an effective remedy in the fight against eye diseases. The drug is especially popular in eastern countries. To improve your vision, it is worth following certain rules.

Benefits of Truffle Juice

Benefits of Truffle Juice

Beneficial features

The use of juice benefits the body. It contains valuable substances:

  • vitamins - A, B1, B2, PP, ascorbic acid;
  • minerals - potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, copper, sodium, selenium;
  • essential oils.

The mushroom has antioxidant properties. The juice has a regenerating property, therefore it is excellent for correcting vision. The chemical composition per 100 g of fresh product is as follows:

  • proteins - 3 g;
  • fats - 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2 g (represented by mono- and disaccharides);
  • water - 90 g;
  • dietary fiber - 1 g

Help with diseases

The beneficial properties of the mushroom make it possible to use it in traditional medicine. The use of truffle juice for eye treatment is carried out according to certain indications. It is used for the following diseases:

  • leukoma (thorn): causes a violation of the shell in the complex;
  • myopia (myopia): a person cannot clearly see distant objects;
  • farsightedness (hyperopia): characterized by an anomaly of refraction, in which a person cannot see clearly close objects;
  • glaucoma: appears due to increased pressure in the eye capillaries;
  • astigmatism: is the most common cause of low vision due to disturbances in the shape of the lens, cornea or eye;
  • trachoma: infectious chronic inflammation of the lining of the eye;
  • constant surface dryness eyeball, or dry eye syndrome:caused by the opposite reasons - a reduced production of the lacrimal substance, or vice versa, its increased evaporation;
  • retinitis pigmentosa: causes blindness;
  • acute or chronic conjunctivitis.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

Very often people confuse the following eye diseases - glaucoma and cataracts. They have common consequences - complete loss of vision - blindness, but everything starts differently:

Cataract: clouding of a special component of the eye - the lens, which transmits rays of light through itself into the eyeball. Its turbidity can be partial or complete.

Glaucoma: manifested by an increase in intraocular pressure in which there is an irreversible destruction of the retina (all its cells) and atrophy of the optic nerve, which transmits visual signals to the brain.

If with cataract it is still possible to save vision by performing an operation to implant a new (artificial) lens, then glaucoma is irreversible consequences for a person and his body - complete blindness.

This product is also used for eye infections, regardless of the type of etiology: bacterial, viral, fungal. The juice acts as a disinfectant. Acts as an antibiotic. Helps restore the optic nerve as it ages.Fights allergic reactions caused by dust and sand.

A contraindication is the individual intolerance of the substance. However, it rarely appears. The juice is also used for skin diseases. No side effects have been identified.


The cost of mushrooms depends on the variety

The cost of mushrooms depends on the variety

The drug is more often bought, but you can prepare it yourself. For this, mushrooms are harvested at the end of August - at the beginning of September. If there is a need to transport them, it is better to use special sealed containers for this. For reliable transportation, the truffle is immersed in olive oil or covered with rice or sand.

The product keeps freshness for 3-4 days. Before use, it is thoroughly cleaned of the earth. For longer storage, the mushrooms are frozen. In this form, their qualities do not change throughout the month.

You cannot buy truffles in an ordinary supermarket, but there are special departments where this product is sold. They are also purchased from trusted suppliers, as well as in online stores. Attention! You should not buy mushrooms of this class from unknown people. The buyer should be alerted by the low price. 1 kg of a product usually costs around 400 euros. The cost directly depends on the type.

Mushroom juice is dried in special laboratories. In this form, it is stored for a long time. After that, it is diluted with water.

Recommendations for use

The use of truffle juice to restore vision requires the implementation of certain rules. The substance is used until the time when complete recovery occurs. Improvement of vision with hyperopia or myopia occurs in 2-6 months.

Attention! Before using, be sure to consult a doctor!

After applying the drops, you should lie down for 10 minutes with your eyes closed. They are not strained for 3 hours. At this time, it is prohibited:

  • watch TV;
  • use a computer, telephone (especially smartphones);
  • read books.

Going out into the street, you should wear sunglasses - during this period, the eyes are very sensitive to any strong irritants. After opening the bottle, the drops are stored tightly closed in the refrigerator. The drug should be used within 3 months.

They also wipe the eyes with this tool: it helps to improve vision and strengthen eyelashes. The product is suitable for prophylaxis.


The remedy made from the juice of this mushroom is very expensive. But the price pays off, the use of the medicine leads to healing.

Recommendations must be strictly followed throughout the entire course of treatment. The healing properties have not yet been confirmed by official medicine, but there are many cases of cure.

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