Application of Rhodotium for pigeons

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Breeding pigeons, on the one hand, a person gets a lot of positive emotions and pleasure, but on the other hand, he takes responsibility for these beautiful birds. They are the same living beings as we are, which means that they are also susceptible to various diseases. And no matter how caring the owner is, the risk of developing infections still remains. Then the antibiotic Rodotium comes to the rescue, the most effective for birds.

Rhodotium for pigeons

Rhodotium for pigeons

Brief information about pigeons

Not only pigeon breeders, but also ordinary people with delight and affection watch the flight of pigeons in the sky. The sophistication of movements and acrobatic stunts make the spectacle simply unforgettable. Tamed by people many centuries ago, they remained free and proud. That is why every pigeon house must have a place for the free flight of birds to freedom. Yes, they return home, where they are cared for, where they are fed, but only after floating in the air, light and relaxed.

Most breeds are easy to care for. They need cleanliness, regular food, water and heavenly space. But this is the case only as long as the birds are healthy. Sick pigeons will need a lot of your time and attention, as well as timely and qualified assistance. It is clear that a doctor should select the treatment, but those who have been breeding for a long time know how to treat many diseases of birds with Rhodotium, especially infectious ones.

What is the drug

Rhodotium has the main active ingredient in its composition - tiamulin at a dose of 45 g per 100 g, as well as excipients. Outwardly, it is a light granules that have a peculiar smell and dissolve well in water. The antibiotic Rhodotium is absorbed by the intestines of birds, and already in the first 24 hours begins to suppress the multiplication of the virus in the body. Sufficient concentration for pigeons is achieved already 4 hours after they drink the solution.

The preparation in bulk form has 3 types of packaging: 100 g each, 1 kg each and 10 kg each. And there is also a 10% solution of tiamulin for injection. This antibiotic is most often used for the prevention and treatment of pigeons, it is given along with water. Rhodotium 45 is also suitable for the treatment of chickens, chickens and many other domestic animals.

When and how much to use

Instructions for use indicate the following among the indications: gram-positive and gram-negative viruses, spirochetes, microplasmas. Treatment can be carried out both for one bird and for the prevention of the entire flock. In the latter case, it is dissolved in drink and given to the birds daily. The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the individual: per kilogram, the maximum allowed 0.11 g of the drug, which corresponds to 50 mg of the active substance. The veterinarian will help you calculate the dosage more precisely for each specific case. At a concentration of 0.025%, the instructions for use advise giving the medicine no longer than 5 days in a row. In this case, you need to dilute 1 g of Rodotium in 2 liters of water. Definitely, less dose is needed than for chickens.But again, in order not to miscalculate, you need to consult a specialist.

There are medications and contraindications. These include:

  • individual sensitivity to components;
  • failure of the liver;
  • combination with other drugs, for example, cannot be used together with ionophore coccidostatics and aminoglycosides;
  • joint reception with salonomycin and narasin - it is more reasonable to separate the drugs and use it alternately: one week after the other.

No adverse reactions of Rodotimum were recorded by specialists. But it is best not to risk it, and before starting the appointment, consult with a veterinarian who will select the optimal dosage of the antibiotic. You need to prepare the solution fresh every day.

How to store

In a tightly closed package, it is allowed to store Rodotium for 2 years, but not longer, so you should not buy a lot in reserve. When the expiration date has passed, you will have to throw it away, and this is an extra cost. Better to buy as much as you need. But if it still remains, place the product in a dark and dry place with an air temperature in the range from 0 to 25 ° C. It is strictly forbidden to store food and even animal feed next to it. When choosing a place, one must be extremely careful: it must be inaccessible to children, because the drug is very strong and dangerous for a young organism.

When preparing a solution for birds, you need to take care of your own safety: put on rubber gloves and goggles on your eyes, get a respirator, since it is very dangerous to inhale the drug, and do not remove it until the granules dissolve and are closed in an airtight jar. During the procedure, you must not smoke, and after that you need to wash your hands well with soap, preferably several times, and rinse your mouth.

Rhodotium 45 has such a wide and versatile spectrum of action that it is also used to treat colds in pigeons, pneumonia in pigs and small chickens from 16 weeks of age for prophylaxis. It is clear that good care, which includes regular cleaning of the dovecote, airing, balanced food enriched with vitamins and routine vaccinations, is an excellent prevention of many ailments of birds, but, alas, not insurance against disease.

It is extremely important to be attentive to your charges in order not to miss the first symptoms, which often manifest as lethargy, weakness and apathy. Of course, keeping Rodotium close at hand just in case does not hurt, because people are responsible for the birds they have tamed. And, of course, in order not to harm the pigeons, it is important to read the instructions for use of the drug before using it.

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