Garlic planting rules in 2019

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Garlic, a spicy vegetable loved by everyone, is an undemanding culture, but correct and timely planting will be the key to good growth. It is important to determine how many to plant garlic in 2019, taking into account the region and the calendar of the lunar phases, in order to achieve a good harvest.

Garlic planting rules in 2019

Garlic planting rules in 2019

Features of landing on the lunar calendar

When starting gardening work, gardeners rely not only on their skills, but also on the dates according to the lunar calendar. It has been established that aboveground plants are preferable to plant in the waxing moon phase, but underground plants, on the contrary, will gain full strength on the waning moon.

Do not forget about the main rule: you cannot plant garlic during the full moon and new moon phases.

The time of planting work directly depends on the climate in different regions and the type of vegetable. There are 2 types of garlic:

  • winter (winter);
  • spring (spring).

They differ not only in appearance and the number of cloves, but also in terms of planting: winter should be planted in early autumn, and spring - in spring. If you do not observe them, you risk being left without a crop. In the case of winter bulbs, with late planting, the plant may not have time to form a root system and die.

Planting prematurely will result in seedlings emerging before temperatures drop. It is important to compare the varieties of garlic and the information provided by the sowing calendar.

Winter garlic

Autumn is the time of sowing winter crops, incl. and a vegetable from the bulbous family. The weather in recent years has often changed, in this regard, gardeners are advised to focus on heating the soil (no higher than 12 ° C).

Favorable days for sowing a winter type of garlic in 2019 according to the lunar calendar:

  • in September - 2, 10-13, 19;
  • in October - 6, 8, 9, 11, 12;
  • in November (if the beginning of the month is warm) - 5-7;
  • in December (if climatic conditions permit) - 11-14, 17.

It is not advised to sow garlic before winter during such periods of 2019:

  • in September - 1, 6, 16, 20;
  • in October - 5, 6, 16;
  • in November - 4, 8, 9, 10, 18;
  • in December - 1-3, 18, 29.

Spring garlic

The spring species is planted as early as possible: the bulb must have time to grow to the desired size. If the soil warmed up to 5-6 ° С, the most favorable days for planting came. The deadline for planting is the last month of spring. The lunar calendar recommends the following numbers for planting spring garlic in the spring of 2019:

  • March: 6, 9-11, 20, 23, 24, 26;
  • April: 2, 3, 5-11, 20-24;
  • May: 8-11, 19-25.
The landing date depends on the climatic conditions of the region

The landing date depends on the climatic conditions of the region

Unfavorable days for planting garlic in 2019:

  • March: 1-3, 16-18, 30, 31;
  • April: 15-17, 29, 30;
  • May: 14-16, 28, 30.

Landing in different regions

Garlic grows without problems in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries, but the length of the territory of the Russian Federation leaves its mark: the climate is unstable, and the dates of planting for each region are shifting (in the Volgograd region it will be the end of August, and in the neighboring Rostov region - this time will move to the end of September).

Summary table of planting dates for bulbous vegetables in different regions.

RegionPlanting winter garlicLanding of the springClimatic features of the regions
In outskirts of MoscowThe last days of September.In April.It has been getting colder since October, and at the end of autumn a full-fledged long winter comes.
In the UralsSouthern Urals: at the end of the first decade of October.

Middle Urals: in September (last decade), in early October.

Northern Urals: from September 15, but if it gets colder earlier, you need to finish work with garlic before frost.

May and June.Because of the frequent change of weather, the Urals, surprisingly, even follow popular beliefs. You can start planting garlic if:

  • the birds flew away to warm lands;
  • on the street fingers are cold;
  • coldly standing on the ground with bare feet.
In the Leningrad regionThe landing dates "float" from mid-September to mid-October.Immediately after the onset of spring - in March or April (in the first days).Due to the large area of ​​the region and the uneven climate, there is a variation in planting dates.
In SiberiaFrom the second decade of September to mid-October.First days of April.In Siberia, the summer is very short, so the dates may shift.
In BashkiriaEnd of September - mid-October. The weather in the southern regions allows landing in November.From April, when the soil temperature reaches 5-7 ° C.The weather conditions in the region are more or less stable. In the Republic of Bashkortostan, winters are cold and long, and summers are warm with average humidity.

Timing of digging out garlic

When the vegetable has already been planted in the ground, it is necessary to determine when to harvest so as not to miss the deadline and not worsen the keeping quality and beneficial properties of garlic. Full ripening of the culture will occur 100-110 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

Winter garlic is usually harvested in July (last days of the month), August, and autumn is suitable for spring garlic. According to the lunar calendar of 2019, it is recommended to remove the winter species from 18 to 31 July and from 16 to 29 August. It is better to dig up spring garlic from 16 to 29 August and from 15 to 27 September.

In regions with a fickle or harsh climate, it is necessary to visually assess the maturity of the fruit. The lunar phase calendar will serve as a hint, but not a guide to action. The danger for the entire crop is both premature and late harvest. It is necessary to wait for the moment when the warm, favorable days for this come.

The following signs indicate the end of the growing season and the complete ripening of the plant:

  • yellowed leaves (it is important not to be confused with possible plant diseases) will let you know that the bulb is ripe and no longer needs nutrients - such a vegetable is ready for harvest;
  • if shoots with seeds are preserved on the culture, it will become clear from the shedding of the cloves that the formation cycle is over;
  • reaching its maximum size, the head of garlic will begin to open in the ground, cracking the soil around it.

Based on the above information, you can make plans for planting and harvesting in 2019, eliminating possible failures.

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