Ways to weave garlic braids

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It is important to save garlic for the winter. To find out how to braid a garlic braid, you can look at the information on the Internet, study several master classes. A properly braided braid will always be close at hand and will keep every head.

Ways to weave garlic braids

Ways to weave garlic braids

Description of storage methods

There are several ways to store this product:

  • in paraffin;
  • in salt;
  • in nylon stockings;
  • in boxes made of cardboard or wood;
  • in birch bark baskets;
  • in glass jars.

For storage in paraffin, each head is dipped in molten warm paraffin, allowed to cool and placed in a cool place.

Nylon stockings or old tights are tightly stuffed with heads and hung on a nail or hook so that such a bag does not touch the floor.

In cardboard or wooden boxes, the product is well stored if the room is cool, there is no dampness and the lighting is dim.

Banking has a significant drawback. The product should be periodically inspected and rotten specimens removed.

Often housewives divide the heads into cloves and dry them for use in seasonings. But the most popular and practical way is a garlic braid. You can knit oblique garlic for both home and industrial storage.

Preparation for winter storage

Before knitting garlic, after digging it out, several preparatory measures must be taken.

It is important to dig it carefully so that all the heads remain intact, there are no cuts from the shovel.

The dug tubers are laid out in one row outdoors or in a well-ventilated, dry and sunny room to dry. The process will last from 5 to 8 days.

After drying and sorting the crop, it will be easy to weave, while tubers that are not damaged during digging are selected.

Weaving methods

Garlic braid will brighten your kitchen

Garlic braid will brighten your kitchen

All housewives love everything in their household to be beautiful and tidy. Therefore, over the years, many ways have been invented on how to weave braids from garlic and onions with your own hands. Any woman can choose the method by which it will turn out to weave the product. Some people prefer to weave according to the old proven patterns used by their mothers and grandmothers.

If you hang such a simple decoration in the kitchen, it will give it a peculiar flavor, a useful product will always be at hand.

It doesn't take long to knit a garlic braid. For work, do not cut dry stems. Their length should be about 30-35 cm.

To make the garlic braid strong, it is strengthened. To do this, use:

  • twine;
  • fishing line;
  • rope;
  • wire;
  • tape, etc.

Weaving with twine

To make the braid strong, it is necessary to dry the vegetables well together with the stems. Since the garlic must be tied tightly, it is easier to leave the stems slightly under-dried so that they remain elastic and bend well.

In the next step, the stems are trimmed to 30 cm. The 1.5 m twine is folded in half.It is worth starting weaving, which is done according to the usual pattern of weaving braids, with the largest specimen.

In order to properly braid the garlic in a braid, you need to tie the stem at the base with twine. You get 3 ends (2 of them from the twine and 1 from the plant).

Then they take the second head, apply it to the twine and start weaving. You need to braid, gradually adding the fruit to the fruit. If there are a lot of tops, then the excess can be removed.

When the desired length of the braid is reached, both ends are tied with twine. The tops that dangle are cut off. A knitted garlic wreath is hung from a hook or nail.

Double braiding with rope

You can weave fragrant herbs into a braid

You can weave fragrant herbs into a braid

In this version, the pigtail garlic is woven like this: they take 2 vegetables and tie them. A 1.5 m rope is folded in half. The first fruit is tied with a rope at the very base so that the ends are equal on both sides. Then the bulbs are placed on the first head to make 4 cut heads. This is done 4-5 times (you get 4-5 layers).

On layer 5, you need to tie and braid a knot in the center.

In weaving, it is worth making a loop so that it is convenient to hang. Unnecessary tops are cut off.

If fragrant herbs or beautiful flowers are woven into a pigtail, then the decoration will turn out even better, and the room will be filled with a pleasant aroma. To do this, use lavender, field chamomile, feather grass, wormwood, etc.

Weaving with a rope or twine

For this method, only fruits of the same size are selected, in which the stems are 15 cm long. It is important that the stems are elastic. Sometimes it is easier to use slightly under-dried fruits.

A knot is tied in the middle of the cord (twine). It will fix the weaving.

A stalk is woven into two ropes in a zigzag. Then they take another fruit and insert it, tying a knot that holds it. They continue to do this until the braid reaches a certain length or the heads run out.

In this variant of weaving, it is important to tighten the tops well and make sure that it does not break, and the braid remains intact.

The benefits of garlic

This product should be saved and eaten regularly.

The bioactive substances that are in it will help in the treatment of viral and bacterial diseases. Allicin helps to get rid of colds as quickly as possible and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Phytoncides prevent the growth of bacteria, diphtheria bacilli, staphylococci and yeasts. Regular consumption of the product will help reduce and gradually normalize blood pressure. The formation of blood clots is prevented by the substance ajoene.


Weaving garlic in the form of a pigtail is a simple and exciting business if you approach it as a creative process. Such work will not only preserve the harvested crop, but also bring aesthetic pleasure. Beautiful wreaths will be a bright decoration and will be useful in the preparation of delicious dishes.

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