The best grape varieties for the Moscow region

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Grapes are considered a southern culture, they love light and warmth. But with the development of breeding, scientists are developing new resistant species for different regions of the world. Residents of areas with a temperate climate need to choose good grape varieties for the Moscow region. This will allow you to get a rich and high-quality harvest.

The best grape varieties for the Moscow region

The best grape varieties for the Moscow region

How to choose the right type of culture

The best grape varieties for the Moscow region are chosen taking into account the unfavorable weather conditions of the Moscow region. Grape varieties for cultivation in the Moscow region must be:

  • early or very early ripeness;
  • capable of self-pollination (self-pollinated varieties will be able to produce fruits without the help of bees);
  • suitable for planting directly into open ground;
  • able to survive an unfavorable winter and cold spring;
  • resistant to diseases associated with high levels of humidity and lack of sun.

Choosing non-sheltering grape varieties for the Moscow region, take into account that in the winter without a snow cover, even winter-hardy species of culture can die. If the winter is without snow or the weather is unstable (thaw - frost - thaw again), the roots will freeze, and in spring the plant will lose its ability to bloom. The maximum snowless temperature that the bush can withstand is -12 ° C.

In the presence of a protective layer in the form of snow, the culture can withstand up to -50 ° C, therefore, in this case, even non-covering resistant ones should be protected with a film or other suitable materials.

Cultivars for planting in the Moscow region

What grape varieties are best planted in the Moscow region:

  • Don Agate;
  • Ivanhoe;
  • Augustine;
  • Welliant;
  • Kishmish;
  • The beauty of the north.

Depending on the species, seedlings can be expensive and require special preparation for planting. To increase the survival rate of the culture for the soil, seedlings are germinated at home in pots. Long green shoots should be planted in the ground.

All grape varieties for the Moscow region are sweet, suitable to be eaten raw. Other types are used in winemaking. Some of them are resistant to diseases and pests.

Donskoy agate

Among grape varieties for the Moscow region, Agat Donskoy is considered the most fruitful and frost-resistant. Ripeness - 116 days.

Description of the variety:

  • has immunity against mildew, gray rot;
  • prone to overload, so the crop needs to be adjusted;
  • has sweet large fruits.

During the season, 2 preventive spraying is carried out. The species is classified as a vigorous canteen


The variety is not afraid of lower temperatures

The variety is not afraid of lower temperatures

This species matures until the end of August. It is classified as high-yielding (up to 25 kg per bush). The variety is suitable even for the north, because:

  • has increased frost resistance (up to -26 ° C);
  • has resistance to fungal diseases, insects;
  • requires only 1-2 treatments per season.

At the same time, Ivanhoe is prone to infection with mildew and powdery mildew, withstands the spraying period against diseases. Thanks to this, the likelihood of saving the bush increases.


This variety of table grapes for the Moscow region is less suitable than the previous ones. Its characteristic:

  • does not apply to winter-hardy, therefore, during cold weather it is better to cover it;
  • ripens until mid-August;
  • requires a lot of sunlight and moist soil.

Bunches can be stored on a bush for 2-3 weeks without spoiling. This makes harvesting easier.


Aleshenkin is distinguished by its very early maturation. This happens in 100-110 days. The culture is distinguished by:

  • increased frost resistance;
  • large clusters (from 500 g to 2 kg);
  • the ability to bear fruit in unfavorable conditions.

The disadvantage of this species is its increased susceptibility to fungi and diseases.

On average, the bush gives 8-10 kg of fruit.


Features of culture:

  • average ripening period (140 days);
  • increased frost resistance;
  • immunity against fungal diseases.

Alpha cuttings are grafted to improve the frost resistance of other bushes. The disadvantage is the high acidity of the berries.


The plant will delight with an early harvest

The plant will delight with an early harvest

This species was bred in America, in South Dakota.

Its characteristic:

  • abundant fruiting;
  • the ability to withstand temperatures up to -45 ° C.

This is an early crop, it ripens at the end of August, it takes about 115 days.

Among the disadvantages, it is noted that in a humid climate, Valliant is not resistant to fungi. It needs frequent processing.

Due to its resistance to winter temperature, this is the best grape variety for the Moscow region.


Kishmish is one of the most popular grape varieties for the Moscow region. Its characteristics:

  • seedless berries;
  • average ripening period;
  • small clusters weighing up to 200 g, not overloading the bush.

The species does not tolerate wintering well. Its frost resistance is up to -30 ° С.

The beauty of the north

The Beauty of the North is considered a successful grape variety for the Moscow region. It belongs to the early maturing.

Description of the variety:

  • the average weight of the bunches is up to 250 g;
  • frost resistance - up to -26 ° С;
  • immunity against gray rot.

Among the shortcomings of culture, its susceptibility to mildew and powdery mildew is noted. This is the reason why the bush requires regular chemical treatment against diseases and pests. It was bred specifically for cultivation in the temperate climate of Russia, the line of the species is regularly updated.


Grapes for the Moscow region must be selected taking into account the climate of the region. The best species are those that are resistant to frost. Their seedlings are suitable for outdoor use. It is recommended to plant Agat Donskoy, Aivengo, Valliant, Kishmish, and the Beauty of the North.

These types of culture are uncovered, early, and relatively rarely suffer from diseases. Some of them are vigorous, all produce sweet fruits that are suitable for human consumption.

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