How to grow Richelieu grapes

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The Richelieu grape was bred from the Kordyanka variety. He inherited the size of the berries and the firmness of the pulp. Designed for making wine. Richelieu grapes are loved for their unusual aftertaste.

Growing Richelieu grapes

Growing Richelieu grapes

Characteristics of grapes

The Richelieu grape variety is a hybrid variety. It has a medium-early ripening period. Due to the dense pulp, the berry perfectly tolerates transportation and is stored for a long time.

The main feature is a high level of survival of cuttings, active growth and development of shoots, high productivity.

The plant has a high resistance to frost, withstands temperatures down to -23 ° C. Germinates faster in a warm place.

Description of the bush

The Richelieu grape is medium-sized. It has a large bunch weighing up to 1 kg. It has a conical, medium-friable shape, not prone to pea.

Large, rounded leaves are deep green in color. The stalk is red, overdried. The vine has a light brown color, reaches 3 m in height and up to 5 cm thick

Description of fruits

According to the description, the fruits are large, round in shape. The weight of one berry is 10 g. The skin of the ripe fruit has a dark blue color. The pulp is juicy, fleshy. The grapes have a sweet taste with a sweet and sour aftertaste.

Growing grapes

Growing Richelieu grapes involves following a number of rules.

The plant should be planted only in warm soil in a well-lit place, free from drafts. The cuttings should be placed in the southwest direction.

Landing in the ground

Description of planting:

  • A hole is prepared with a depth of about 20 cm and a width of up to 15 cm.
  • On the handle, remove all available leaves and cut from 2 sides to the buds.
  • Take about 300 g of sand and pour it into the hole. Sawdust is placed on top with a thickness of about 1 cm (sawdust is needed to maintain moisture in the soil).
  • They plant a cutting, covering it well with earth. After - watered with water.
  • Cut off the bottom of the bottle, cover the process with it and open the lid so that air can flow to the plant.

Planting scheme - 9 shoots per 1 sq. m.

Grape care

The plant needs to be pruned regularly

The plant needs to be pruned regularly.

Richelieu grapes are medium-sized, so be sure to cut the vines and form shoots. The crop is regularly harvested so that the branches do not break under the weight of the bunches and give new berries.

The formation of the bush is carried out regularly. This promotes thickening of the vine, and also increases the activity of growth and ripening of fruits. They become larger and more juicy.

During pruning, no more than 40 eyes are left per 1 bush. Cut off 8-10.

There can be only one bunch on one shoot. This allows the bush to eat well.

Diseases and pests

According to the description, Richelieu is susceptible to gray rot. To increase resistance to the disease, it is important not to forget about watering and feeding the plant. Watering is carried out regularly and abundantly. Phosphorus and potassium additives are used as fertilizers. An excellent option is to treat the soil with an aqueous solution.

In the fight against gray mold, fungicides are used. The following are considered especially effective:

  • Ronilan;
  • Benomil;
  • Keptan.

In addition to gray rot, the plant is affected by oidium, mildew, anthracnose, bacteriosis.

Richelieu is often attacked by pests, wasps and birds: jays, magpies, sparrows. Against the winged, it is effective to use a dense network. A rope should not be used so that the birds do not get entangled.

The only effective way to get rid of wasps is to destroy the nests on your own. It is permissible to use baits, but there are times when they are completely ineffective. To prevent wasps from making a nest, you should check and seal the holes on the site

There are special bags in which bunches of grapes are placed. They keep parasites out of the berries.


Growing Richelieu is not an easy task, but the time and effort spent will pay off doubly. The main thing is to follow the rules of cultivation and protect the plant from diseases and pests, taking preventive measures in time.

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